Archaeological Museum, and Sacred Art Palace Corboli

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Archaeological Museum, and Sacred Art Palace Corboli

Address :

Corso Giacomo Matteotti, 122, 53041 Asciano SI, Italy

Phone : 📞 +9777
Postal code : 56017
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City : Asciano

Corso Giacomo Matteotti, 122, 53041 Asciano SI, Italy
Massi Roma on Google

Un museo davvero inaspettato, posto nel piccolo centro medievale di Asciano, un paese abbastanza carino, ma il Museo è una vera perla! Ricchissimo di capolavori dal XIV al XVIII secolo, soprattutto di Scuola senese. Molto bella anche la struttura che lo ospita, tre piani di un palazzo gentilizio antico,completamente ristrutturato. Sale ampie, alcune affrescate con pregevole maestria, ben illuminate e arricchite con le belle opere del circondario di Asciano. Polittici, pale d'altare, quadri seicenteschi, statue lignee, e a sorpresa il terzo piano dedicato ai reperti archeologici dell'area circostante, che era una preesistenza etrusca comprensiva di alcune necropoli, poi passata sotto la dominazione romana. Assolutamente una tappa imprescindibile per i turisti e gli amanti dell'arte e dell'archeologia che capitano in zona! Ottima l'offerta cumulativa a 7 euro comprensiva del Museo dell'Ottocento
A truly unexpected museum, located in the small medieval center of Asciano, a pretty nice town, but the Museum is a real gem! Rich in masterpieces from the fourteenth to the eighteenth century, especially from the Sienese school. Very beautiful also the structure that houses it, three floors of an ancient noble palace, completely renovated. Large rooms, some frescoed with fine craftsmanship, well lit and enriched with the beautiful works of the Asciano district. Polyptychs, altarpieces, seventeenth-century paintings, wooden statues, and surprisingly the third floor dedicated to the archaeological finds of the surrounding area, which was an Etruscan pre-existence including some necropolis, then passed under Roman domination. Absolutely an unavoidable stop for tourists and lovers of art and archeology that happen in the area! Excellent cumulative offer at € 7 including the Museum of the nineteenth century
Carlo P. on Google

Piccolo, ma neanche tanto, ma grande sorpresa, merita assolutamente una visita. Piccoli comuni che fanno grande l'Italia
Small, but not so much, but big surprise, absolutely worth a visit. Small municipalities that make Italy great
Paola Alberighi on Google

È un bel palazzo con affreschi della fine del 1300. Al suo interno c'è il museo di arte antica e un piccolo, ma ben rappresentato ,museo archeologico con un carro da guerra etrusco. Da visitare!
It is a beautiful palace with frescoes from the late 1300s. Inside there is the museum of ancient art and a small, but well represented, archaeological museum with an Etruscan war chariot. To visit!
Deny Menghini on Google

Allestimenti impeccabili. Descrizioni semplici ed esemplificative. Un museo veramente ben organizzato
Impeccable set-ups. Simple and illustrative descriptions. A really well organized museum
Elena Tsvetkova on Google

Маленькая жемчужина в Asciano, регион Crete Senesi. Музей находится в самом центре в средневековом здании. На осмотр планируйте около часа-полтора. Вход для взрослых стоит всего 5 евро. Интересные богатые фрески, также музей знаменит предметами быта этрусков, которые были найдены при раскопке могил. Самая впечатляющая картина "Поклонение волхвов" Pietro di Giovanni d'Ambrogio первой половины 15 века. Интересна скульптура Благовещение - Мария и Архангел Гавриил. Меня больше всего поразила картина "Рождение Пресвятой Богородицы" 1438-1439 гг. Master of the Osservanza. Фотографию этой картины я увидела в Гугле и приехала в музей специально, чтобы ее увидеть. С потрясающей точностью изображены детали средневекового быта начала 15 века - обстановка, мебель, предметы декора и интерьер, одежда, украшения, прически, интересно расставлены акценты - например, роженице несут укрепляющий куриный бульон. Советую посетить данный музей, тем более, если вы будете проезжать Asciano по пути к знаменитой Кипарисовой аллее у виллы Baccolene.
A little gem in Asciano, Crete Senesi region. The museum is located in the very center in a medieval building. Plan to visit for about an hour and a half. Admission for adults costs only 5 euros. Interesting rich frescoes, the museum is also famous for Etruscan household items that were found during the excavation of graves. The most impressive painting is the "Adoration of the Magi" by Pietro di Giovanni d'Ambrogio from the first half of the 15th century. An interesting sculpture is the Annunciation - Mary and the Archangel Gabriel. I was most struck by the painting "The Birth of the Blessed Virgin" 1438-1439. Master of the Osservanza. I saw a photo of this painting on Google and came to the museum specifically to see it. The details of the medieval life of the early 15th century are depicted with amazing accuracy - furnishings, furniture, decor and interior items, clothing, jewelry, hairstyles, accents are placed in interesting ways - for example, a woman in labor is given a strengthening chicken broth. I advise you to visit this museum, especially if you pass Asciano on the way to the famous Cypress Alley near Villa Baccolene.
sole vivo on Google

l'Italia è piena di piccoli musei di provincia ricchi di opere straordinarie. Il Museo di Asciano è sicuramente uno di questi. Confesso che non conoscevo questa raccolta fino a poco tempo fa e, data la piacevole scoperta, invito tutti gli amanti dell'arte a visitarla perché ne vale assolutamente la pena. Sono presenti importanti e pregevoli opere dei maestri senesi dal '400 e '600, come la pala della Natività della Vergine del Maestro dell'Osservanza (Sano di Pietro), tavole del Sassetta, Lippo Memmi, Taddeo di Bartolo e altri. Molto bello anche il palazzo che ospita la raccolta, con due stanze affrescate in stile gotico con temi profani. Anche la raccolta archeologica è molto ricca di vasi dipinti e reperti.
Dirk Baute on Google

Small but very nice museum. Worth to visit !!
Linda Mesh on Google

Excellent archeological museum that is a hidden jewel you shouldn't miss, tucked into the scenic Tuscan hills surrounding Asciano. I spent 2 hours here in the 3 excellently designed floors of this lovely exhibition of Etruscan treasures excavated from local sites. Also included are well preserved works by Siennese and Tuscan artists as well as the fresco of the "Wheel of Balaam", based on a narrative of Buddhist origins, which is considered to be connected to the period and significance of Lorenzetti's fresco on "Good and Bad Government" found in Siena's Palazzo Publio. The high quality presentation of the works in this collection can easily be considered of equal interest and value as those found in major metropolitan museums and so this jewel "off the beaten track" should certainly be included on your list of museums to see.

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