Matera Private Tours

5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Matera Private Tours

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Viale Padre Serafino da Salandra, 5, 75100 Matera MT, Italy

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City : Matera

Viale Padre Serafino da Salandra, 5, 75100 Matera MT, Italy
Alain Garrido Blanes on Google

Vito és un gran guia per conèixer Matera. Ens va ensenyar racons que no haguéssim trobat pel nostre compte o llegint les habituals guies en llibre o on-line. I explica moltes anècdotes interessants i maques de saber. Gran experiència.
Vito is a great guide to getting to know Matera. He showed us corners that we would not have found on our own or by reading the usual guides in book or online. And it tells a lot of interesting and interesting facts. Great experience.
Arianna Manicone on Google

Vito è una guida eccezionale, preparato, competente e riesce a trasmettere la grande passione che ha per la sua città. Abbiamo deciso di fare il tour XL da tre ore in modo da conoscere più a fondo Matera che è un luogo meraviglioso e che vale la pena visitare con un'ottima guida
Vito is an exceptional guide, prepared, competent and manages to convey the great passion he has for his city. We decided to do the three hour XL tour in order to get to know Matera which is a wonderful place and worth visiting with a great guide
mariapia belfiore on Google

Vito Rondinone è una guida turistica preparatissima. Materano doc, conosce la storia della sua città e sa comunicarla in modo chiaro e semplice. Contentissimi di esserci rivolti ad un professionista competente, perché è facile imbattersi in ciarlatani improvvisati. Svolge anche ricerche d'archivio sulla sua città segno di grande scrupolo e grande passione.
Vito Rondinone is a highly trained tourist guide. Materano doc, he knows the history of his city and knows how to communicate it in a clear and simple way. Delighted to have turned to a competent professional, because it is easy to come across improvised charlatans. He also carries out archival research on his city, a sign of great care and great passion.
Roberta Venezia on Google

Fare una visita guidata dei Sassi consente di comprendere la città e Vito Rondinone è la guida ideale perché conosce la sua città come le sue tasche. Questo è il vantaggio di essere accompagnati da una guida materana, nata e cresciuta in questi vicoli. Abbiamo fatto un tour personalizzato, soluzione ideale per chi visita Matera per conoscerne i segreti e ammirarne la bellezza.
Taking a guided tour of the Sassi allows you to understand the city and Vito Rondinone is the ideal guide because he knows his city like the back of his hand. This is the advantage of being accompanied by a Matera guide, born and raised in these alleys. We took a personalized tour, the ideal solution for those who visit Matera to learn its secrets and admire its beauty.
Roberto Rubino on Google

Vito ci ha guidati attraverso la scoperta dei rioni Sassi con un tour personalizzato in cui ha dimostrato grande competenza, professionalità e passione per la propria città. Passione che riesce a trasmettere attraverso i racconti e le storie di questo fantastico luogo. E' stato sempre disponibile a rispondere ad ogni nostra domanda costruendo un tour personalizzato mirato a soddisfare qualsiasi curiosità. Grazie Vito per averci guidato con passione e competenza alla scoperta della tua fantastica città che da oggi sentiremo anche un po' nostra. Consigliatissimo!!
Vito guided us through the discovery of the Sassi districts with a personalized tour in which he demonstrated great competence, professionalism and passion for his city. Passion that he manages to convey through the tales and stories of this fantastic place. He was always available to answer all our questions by building a personalized tour aimed at satisfying any curiosity. Thanks Vito for guiding us with passion and competence to discover your fantastic city that from today we will also feel a little ours. Highly recommended !!
I'm Gross on Google

Excelent truly local guide. Vito was very kind and very competent. He is a truly local guide, since he was born and raised in Matera. He knows the Sassi of Matera, the history and the traditions of Matera like the back of his hand. His family lived in the Sassi and today he talks about his hometown with great passion and knowledge. In a couple of hours he introduced us to hidden treasures of this wonderful city. Strongly reccomended.
Emanuella Giovannelli on Google

We visited Matera walking through the lovely Sassi’s streets. We explored few rupestri churches, the Casa Grotta and lots more. Vito was our guide, professional and knowledgeable, excellent english. Such a friendly personality!
Maria del Mar Gallardo on Google

Unique, personalised and absolutely wonderful experience around the Sassi of Matera and its ancient history. One of the best ways to experience the history and beautiful architecture of Matera. The B&B where we were staying recommended us to write to Vito for a tour around de Sassi and Civitas of Matera. We spent two wonderful hours with Vito as our private guide, who appart from walking us through all the main streets and lovely piazzas around the historical centre of Matera (and giving us some cool tips on how to continue our journey and telling us fun anecdotes on the movies filmed in Matera), showed us another face of the city and its particular and hard but amazing history. The way he talks about Matera and takes you to areas where no other tourist group usually ventures, shows how passionate he is about the city where he grew up. And that passion and local knowledge is what I value the most whenever I visit a foreign city. Moreover, since we’re from Barcelona and he’s in love with our city, we also had a wonderful conversation about it, and he talked a bit of Spanish and Catalan with us. All in all, If you want to understand how the city works and why has the city changed so much during the last few years at the same time it has kept its ancient wonders, don’t hesitate: just call Vito and take the tour with him. You won’t regret it!

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