Madonna del Monte

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Madonna del Monte

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16143 Genova GE, Italy

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City : Genova

16143 Genova GE, Italy
Lilly Astore on Google

Il santuario della Madonna del Monte è luogo di culto cattolico situato nel quartiere di San Fruttuoso, in salita Nuova di Nostra Signora del Monte, nel comune di Genova nella città metropolitana di Genova[1][2]. La chiesa, con l'annesso convento, è situata al culmine di una collina (138 m s.l.m.) che domina la piana del Bisagno; l'altura, il "Monte" per eccellenza, fin da epoche remote è stato un importante punto di riferimento per i viandanti diretti da Genova verso la riviera di Levante lungo i crinali delle colline evitando l'infida piana Bisagno, soggetta a pericolose ed improvvise piene.[3]
The sanctuary of the Madonna del Monte is a place of Catholic worship located in the district of San Fruttuoso, in the Nuova slope of Nostra Signora del Monte, in the municipality of Genoa in the metropolitan city of Genoa [1] [2]. The church, with the adjoining convent, is located at the top of a hill (138 m a.s.l.) which dominates the Bisagno plain; the high ground, the "Monte" par excellence, has been an important point of reference since ancient times for travelers heading from Genoa towards the Riviera di Levante along the ridges of the hills, avoiding the treacherous Bisagno plain, subject to dangerous and sudden full. [3]
raffaella p on Google

luogo incantato. il santuario è un gioiello di affreschi stessa cosa la cappella dedicata alla Madonna. Alle spalle del Santuario un sentiero nel bosco ...mozzafiato.
enchanted place. the sanctuary is a jewel of frescoes as well as the chapel dedicated to the Madonna. Behind the Sanctuary a path in the woods ... breathtaking.
Ermanno Paleari on Google

Una Basilica di origini rinascimentale, precisamente, risalenti al secolo xv , con notevoli contributi barocchi , vanta committenza sia imperiali sia dogali e mostra molti passaggi storici della Repubblica genovese. Ha subito restauri nel corso del xx secolo. Le cappelle laterali costituiscono una pregevole pinacoteca di pittori ancora da valutare e studiare per capirne il ruolo stilistico nell' ambito ligure da Lazzaro Calvi, a fra Simone Dondo da Carnoli. Però per ben due volte, compare il nome di Domenico Fiassella da Sarzana, artista ben conosciuto nell' ambito del genovesato. Prof ErmannoPaleari, storia dell' arte, Milano .
A Basilica of Renaissance origins, precisely, dating back to the fifteenth century, with notable Baroque contributions, boasts both imperial and dogal clients and shows many historical passages of the Genoese Republic. It underwent restorations during the twentieth century. The side chapels constitute a valuable art gallery of painters still to be evaluated and studied in order to understand their stylistic role in the Ligurian context from Lazzaro Calvi to fra Simone Dondo da Carnoli. But twice, the name of Domenico Fiassella da Sarzana appears, an artist well known in the Genoese area. Prof ErmannoPaleari, history of art, Milan.
Luca Guccione on Google

Santuario che sorge sulla collina che domina i quartieri di San Fruttioso e Marassi. Immerso nel “bosco dei frati” è un’oasi di pace dalla quale di può godere di una splendida vista su tutto il versante sud ed ovest della città. Se la recensione ti è stata utile ti chiedo cortesemente di lasciare un "Mi piace" ;-)
Sanctuary that stands on the hill overlooking the districts of San Fruttioso and Marassi. Immersed in the "forest of the friars" it is an oasis of peace from which you can enjoy a splendid view over the entire south and west side of the city. If the review was useful to you, I kindly ask you to leave a "Like" ;-)
dom s on Google

Non c'ero mai stato, fortunatamente era una bella giornata quindi era tutto molto bello e tranquillo. Panoramica stupenda e il Santuario merita davvero una visita. Abbiamo trovato un ristorante aperto e abbiamo apprezzato ciò che abbiamo mangiato. Lo consiglio a chi ama i sentieri attraverso i boschi e a chi vuole dedicare una giornata lontano dallo stress di tutti i giorni.
I had never been there, luckily it was a beautiful day so it was all very nice and quiet. Stunning views and the Sanctuary is really worth a visit. We found an open restaurant and enjoyed what we ate. I recommend it to those who love paths through the woods and to those who want to dedicate a day away from the stress of everyday life.
Dima B on Google

Cool place with awesome view
Charles Fleeman on Google

Gorgeous church, glorious views.
Stephy Pappu on Google

A very beautiful and mesmerising church of 13 th century dedicated to Mother Mary. It's called 'Maddona Della Monte' and is situated at the top of the mountain with steeply slop roads directing to the top towards the church. This holy place is open in the morning till 12:30 then it closes, it has daily masses at 18:30. The interior of the church is worth watching with lots of rich and antique wall paintings. It's a calm place to pray. At the time before preparation for easter , the churches near by often goes up the route as the way of the cross on every Fridays. Apart from this , there is space for the public to be seated with shades of trees. The panoramic vision from the top is mind -blowing. There's the Ligurian sea on one side and to its opposite are the mountains and the whole city lies beneath. Really appreciable and worth watching at least once in your life. You can reach here by bus no 84 or 381 , if by 84 , descend at its last stop, and take the road which leads you to the top.(about 20 or 25 min). you should walk at least a half kilometer but it's very steepy and fatigueable. In the vicinity of the church there's also a forest (Bosco dei Frati) area where you can walk .

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