Lago Superiore di Fiè

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Lago Superiore di Fiè

Address :

39050 Fié allo Sciliar BZ, Italy

Postal code : 39050
Categories :
City : Fie' Allo Sciliar

39050 Fié allo Sciliar BZ, Italy
Hidalgo Buscato on Google

Laghetto sulla strada per salire per i sentieri vicino allo Sciliar. Piacevole e rilassante. A differenza del lago più a valle, in questo non è consentita la balneazione, ma è riservato alla pesca. Da qui partono diversi sentieri per diverse destinazioni
Small lake on the way to go up the paths near the Sciliar. Pleasant and relaxing. Unlike the lake further downstream, bathing is not allowed here, but is reserved for fishing. From here there are several trails to different destinations
Gianmarco Poggiana on Google

Se vi trovate nelle vicinanze, non potete non andarci ?
If you are nearby, you cannot miss it ?
Egon Hörger on Google

Es gibt hier 2 Seen, einer davon ist ein sehr schön angelegter Badesee. Im Bild der andere - hier Baden verboten. Zum Wandern, Mtb oder E-Mtb, alles hier perfekt. Wir waren eine Woche in Völs, würden hier wieder Ferien machen. Das Wetter war aber auch ein Traum. Sehr liebenswürdige Einwohner, schöne Unterkünfte. Eine weitere tolle Erfahrung im schönen Südtirol ?
There are 2 lakes here, one of which is a beautifully landscaped bathing lake. In the picture the other - here bathing prohibited. For hiking, Mtb or E-Mtb, everything here perfect. We were in Völs for a week, would go back here again. The weather was also a dream. Very friendly inhabitants, nice accommodations. Another great experience in the beautiful South Tyrol ?
Gatto NineNineNine (Gatto999) on Google

Spettacolare la vista dello Sciliar da qui. Si puòanche pescare. La lucenza giornaliera si può acquistare al parcheggio. 20 euro con possibilità di catturare fino ad un massimo di 4 esemplari. Si pescano trote iridate carpe e barbi.
Spectacular view of the Sciliar from here. You can also fish. Daily lighting can be purchased at the car park. 20 euros with the possibility of capturing up to a maximum of 4 specimens. Rainbow trouts are fished for carp and barbs.
Jana Franke on Google

Schöne Wanderroute es gibt mehrere Weiher nebeneinander die sich bei der Wanderung gut verbinden lassen.
Beautiful hiking route there are several ponds next to each other that can be easily connected during the hike.
Elmar Perkmann on Google

Der hier als Lago Superiore bezeichnete Weiher heißt bei und Völsern - und bei den unzähligen Die Fischern - HUBER-Weiher. Das Umrunden gehört bei mir und meiner Frau als Kurzwanderprogramm sozusagen zum Standard. Herrlich, idyllisch, ruhig... Wunderschön.
The pond referred to here as Lago Superiore is called HUBER pond by and Völsern - and by the countless Die Fischern. For me and my wife, going around is part of the standard as a short hike program, so to speak. Wonderful, idyllic, quiet ... wonderful.
Ingo Buchmann on Google

...kleiner stiller See, gleich hinter dem Völzer Weiher, sehr schön. Eine Runde rundherum entspannt und macht glücklich ?
... small quiet lake, just behind the Völzer Weiher, very beautiful. A round of relaxation and happiness all around ?
Zahi Rabinovitz on Google


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