I Fojaroi

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Contact I Fojaroi

Address :

SP148, 32030 Arsiè VI, Italy

Postal code : 32030
Categories :
City : Arsie'

SP148, 32030 Arsiè VI, Italy
Mauro Brotto on Google

Bella passeggiata con sorpresa finale! Bellissime queste case
Nice walk with a final surprise! These houses are beautiful
Pavel D. Martian on Google

Testimonianze di una cultura pastorizia oggi in parte scomparsa, i Fojaroi e le Spelonce sono disseminati nella valle di Seren del Grappa, caratterizzata da ripidi pendii e da zone di pascolo a quote relativamente elevate. I Fojaroi sono strutture abitative costruite in altura per offrire un alloggio stagionale e un riparo per animali ed attrezzi. Generalmente sono a due piani, di cui la parte inferiore costruita con muri a secco, e la parte superiore in legno. Prendono il nome dai fasci di fogliame che costituivano il rivestimento finale: per ogni “casone” ne servivano circa 120 quintali che venivano raccolti in agosto, con la luna calante, affinché mantenessero le foglie attaccate.
Evidence of a pastoral culture which has now partially disappeared, the Fojaroi and Spelonce are scattered throughout the Seren del Grappa valley, characterized by steep slopes and grazing areas at relatively high altitudes. The Fojaroi are housing structures built on high ground to offer seasonal accommodation and shelter for animals and tools. Generally they are on two floors, the lower part of which is built with dry stone walls, and the upper part in wood. They take their name from the bundles of foliage that constituted the final covering: for each "casone" about 120 quintals were needed, which were collected in August, with the waning moon, to keep the leaves attached.
Klaus Treff on Google

Selten gewordene Alphütten mit einem Dach aus Buchenzweigen. Sehr gepflegt und gut erhalten. Der Weg direkt links von Plan della Chiesa ist nicht zu empfehlen. Umgestürzte Bäume. Teilweise verläuft der Weg im Bachbett. Besser via Col del Bof hinauf gehen und wieder den gleichen Weg zurück. Lohnenswert!
Rare alpine huts with a roof made of beech branches. Well cared for and still in good condition. The path directly to the left of Plan della Chiesa is not recommended. Fallen trees. Partly the path runs in the streambed. Better to go up via Col del Bof and back the same way. Worth it!

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