Garni Interski

3.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Garni Interski

Address :

Via Trafoi, 42, 39029 Stelvio BZ, Italy

Phone : 📞 +977
Postal code : 39029
Categories :
City : Stelvio
Description : Relaxed rooms with balconies at a chalet-style hotel featuring a cafe/bar & a sauna.

Via Trafoi, 42, 39029 Stelvio BZ, Italy
Prof. Dr. Eisenzeit on Google

Eine Nacht hier verbracht .Zimmer sind in die Jahre gekommen aber sauber. Frühstück war super, sogar einige selbst hergestellte Produkte. Für eine Nacht durchaus okay.
One night spent here. Rooms are getting old but clean. Breakfast was great, even some homemade products. OK for one night.
Jissan Yoshi on Google

日本語が通じます。 元々日本に在住されていた方がオーナーで、しっかり日本語で対応してもらえます。日本人が来ると喜んでもらえるようです。ただハエが多いです(地域独特なのかもしれませんが)
Japanese is understood. Those who originally lived in Japan are the owners, who will be able to respond in Japanese. It seems that you will be delighted when Japanese come. There are many flies (though it may be unique to the area)
Horn on Google

Nett gelegenes Hotel und für eine Zwischenübernachtung bei einer Durchreise optimal geeignet. Das Hotel liegt quasi an der ersten Kehre des Stilfser Joch. Das Personal war freundlich und das Hotel insgesamt sauber. Besucht im Sommer 2012.
Nicely located hotel and for an overnight stay in a transit ideally suited. The hotel is located at the first turn of the Stelvio Pass. The staff was friendly and the hotel overall clean. Visited in summer 2012.
Daniele Costa on Google

Sconsiglio vivamente è una truffa. Quando effettuate la ricerca vi attirano offrendo il prezzo più competitivo e vengono indicati in prossimità di Bormio (30km se si passasse dal passo dello stelvio) però il passo dello stelvio è chiuso da ottobre a giugno e quindi nel periodo di chiusura si deve fare un percorso alternativo passando per la svizzera che è di 170km, quindi la distanza che viene indicata da bormio non è di 30km ma di 170km peccato che in fase di prenotazione nessuno lo indica e quando vi sarete accorti è troppo tardi, perchè una volta contattata la struttura vi risponderà una signora che vi dirà che ha tre figli da mantenere e che non intende cancellare le prenotazioni effettuate con questo inganno/raggiro. Dalle risposte della signora purtroppo si evince che molte persone sono state raggirate in questo modo perchè quando l'ho contatta per chiedergli di cancellare la mia prenotazione con debita restituzione dell'importo (richiesta fatta 10 minuti dopo aver effettuato la prenotazione e non chissà quanto tempo dopo) la suddetta signora mi ha risposto cosi: '' Guardi io ricevo molte telefonate con le quali mi viene richiesto di cancellare la prenotazione per il suo stesso motivo, se dovessi rimborsare tutte queste prenotazioni significa che posso chiudere la struttura. Peccato che la signora dimentichi che trattiene dei soldi senza dare nessun servizio. Ho provveduto a fare una denuncia presso federconsumatori. L'onestà, la lealtà non stanno in questa struttura. Che dire di più, fate attenzione e se non volete buttare dei soldi state alla larga da questa struttura
I strongly advise against a scam. When you carry out the search, they attract you by offering the most competitive price and are indicated in the vicinity of Bormio (30km if you pass by the stelvio pass) but the stelvio pass is closed from October to June and therefore in the closing period you must take a route alternative passing through the Swiss which is 170km, so the distance that is indicated by bormio is not 30km but 170km pity that when booking no one indicates it and when you have noticed it is too late, because once contacted the structure you a lady will answer that she will tell you that she has three children to support and that she does not intend to cancel the reservations made with this deception / deception. From the lady's replies, unfortunately, it is clear that many people have been duped in this way because when I contact her to ask him to cancel my reservation with due repayment of the amount (request made 10 minutes after making the reservation and not who knows how long later) the aforementioned lady answered me this way: '' Look, I receive many phone calls with which I am asked to cancel the reservation for her own reason, if I had to reimburse all these reservations it means that I can close the structure. Too bad that the lady forget that keeps the money without giving any service. I proceeded to make a complaint to consumer organizations. Honesty and loyalty are not at this establishment. What to say more, be careful and if you don't want to throw money away stay away from this establishment
breakdown football on Google

Einfach aber sauber. Trotz Skisaison war es günstig. Skigebiet Trafoi: Keine Wartezeit, hoch hinunter, hoch und hinunter... Nicht so umfangreich, aber alles drin. Für die Familie genial! Die Pension ist leider nur mit Frühstück zu buchen.
Simple but clean. Despite the ski season, it was cheap. Trafoi ski area: No waiting time, up, down, up and down ... Not that extensive, but everything is included. Awesome for the family! Unfortunately, the pension can only be booked with breakfast.
Marian H. on Google

Consiglio a tutti questo hotel,sotto tutti gli aspetti... personale molto cortese,camere molto confortevoli e pulite... come base per escursioni e visite dei dintorni è ottimo! Abbiamo soggiornato nella struttura solo una notte, ma avrebbe meritato un soggiorno di almeno tre o quattro notti. Colazione ottima e abbondante.
I recommend this hotel to everyone, in all respects ... very friendly staff, very comfortable and clean rooms ... as a base for excursions and visits to the surroundings it is excellent! We stayed in the structure only one night, but it deserved a stay of at least three or four nights. Excellent and abundant breakfast.
Nimbus Audi on Google

Great hotel with a wonderful owner! Very friendly and willing to share her joy of life. I’ll be back for years to come!
Morten Andersen on Google

Nice little hotel with marvelous view of the mountains. Fantastic view of the mountains, nice staff, great breakfast. The room was basic but clean and good bed. Nice balcony with mountain view. As we were there out of season, we could not get dinner at the hotel. However we were recommended to go to one of the neighbour hotels where we had great experience.

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