Fisio Isola

5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Fisio Isola

Address :

Via Cola Montano, 3, 20159 Milano MI, Italy

Phone : 📞 +97798
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Categories :
City : Milano

Via Cola Montano, 3, 20159 Milano MI, Italy
Francesco Ferrara on Google

Dopo un intervento al malleolo peroneale continuavo ad avere fastidi alla caviglia. Da poco a Milano, mi sono rivolto a Fisio Isola e sono stato seguito da Tommaso, persona professionale, competente e simpatica. Grazie al suo aiuto e al piano esercizi, ho riscontrato notevoli miglioramenti sia nella mobilità/forza che per quanto riguarda il gonfiore. Contento del risultato ottenuto fino ad ora e in breve tempo. Consigliato!
After surgery on the fibular malleolus, I continued to have ankle discomfort. Recently in Milan, I turned to Fisio Isola and I was followed by Tommaso, a professional, competent and nice person. Thanks to his help and the exercise plan, I have found significant improvements in both mobility / strength and swelling. Happy with the result so far and in a short time. Recommended!
Laura Recalcati on Google

Dopo una distorsione di mio figlio mi sono affidata a Fisio Isola, e grazie a Barbara Mattia sta recuperando alla grande. Assolutamente da consigliare.
After a sprain of my son, I entrusted myself to Fisio Isola, and thanks to Barbara Mattia he is recovering in a great way. Absolutely to be recommended.
Matteo Carboni on Google

A Fisio Isola ho svolto un percorso riabilitativo per un infortunio che mi trascinavo da anni, occorso durante l'attività sportiva. Visti tanti professionisti ma nessuno in grado di propormi un percorso chiaro con obiettivi definiti e concreti. Risultato centrato! Continuate così ragazzi!
At Fisio Isola I underwent a rehabilitation course for an injury that I had been carrying on for years, which occurred during sporting activity. Given so many professionals but no one able to offer me a clear path with defined and concrete objectives. Centered result! Keep it up guys!
Ludovico De Castro on Google

Dopo il lockdown ho ricominciato a giocare a pallacanestro. La ripresa dell'attività sportiva è stata molto difficile per un'infiammazione severa alla fascia plantare che mi ha reso impossibile allenarmi. Grazie ai ragazzi di Fisio Isola e ai loro trattamenti ho ripreso gradualmente ad allenarmi con ottimi risultati. Simpatici, precisi e competenti!
After the lockdown I started playing basketball again. The resumption of sporting activity was very difficult due to severe inflammation of the plantar fascia which made it impossible for me to train. Thanks to the guys from Fisio Isola and their treatments, I gradually resumed training with excellent results. Friendly, precise and competent!
Vincenzo Stieri on Google

Ho effettuato un ciclo di sedute per alcuni mesi a seguito di un infortunio a una spalla, sfruttando le mie pause pranzo lavorative. Professionali, competenti, simpatici e sempre disponibili, ampio range di esercizi e la possibilità di integrare in autonomia con il supporto di una app dedicata.
I did a series of sessions for a few months following a shoulder injury, taking advantage of my working lunch breaks. Professional, competent, friendly and always available, a wide range of exercises and the possibility of integrating independently with the support of a dedicated app.
Choosy Me on Google

The best therapist i had. .I have a L5-S1 herniated disc that my doctor asked me to go surgery. .Luckily i have a friend that highly recommend me doctor Tomasso in Fisio Isola. And after 4 session here i am now i almost healed, can walk and can do some tasks at home. .its like a magic that i cant imagine how fast recovery i am experiencing right now. .The service was really good. They know how to manage your pain .. They even give an exercises to follow at home that really helps a lot for fast healing. Thank you so much doc Tomasso. You're the best.
Kala Chapman on Google

I went to Fisio Isola after finding them via a quick Google search, and was SO happy I did. I wanted to find someone who spoke English as my Italian is limitesd, and Alessandro was just the person for that! I saw him for only about a month and he helped me solve an SI joint issue that had been ongoing for about 8 months. I really appreciated his holistic approach to my physio plan and the comprehensive way he structured the reintroduction of activities and movement - thank you thank you for everything, and I couldn't recommend Fisio Isola highly enough!
Mehmet Yildirim on Google

I have been to Fisio Isola in my 2nd week after I moved to Milan. I had this shoulder pain that i wasn't able to move my right arm. They have helped me so much so after 2 sessions, I could have moved my arms as it was before. Moreover both therapist can speak English so you don't have to worry about the language barrier.

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