Cherry Pit Pasticceria

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Cherry Pit Pasticceria

Address :

Piazzale Carlo Archinto, 1, 20159 Milano MI, Italy

Phone : 📞 +998
Website :
Categories :
City : Milano

Piazzale Carlo Archinto, 1, 20159 Milano MI, Italy
Sara Zalindi on Google

Un piacevole sorriso, un buon caffè e una brioche o meglio una pasta gigante molto originale con pere e cioccolato ottima. Che bella sorpresa! E anche il prezzo, come quelli pre pandemia.
A pleasant smile, a good coffee and a brioche or rather a very original giant pasta with pears and excellent chocolate. What a nice surprise! And also the price, like the pre-pandemic ones.
Dr.Pietro G on Google

Ci sono stato solo a colazione, 3 giorni di seguito ? Brioche ? eccezionali, croccante e friabile all’estero, soffice all’interno. Provata anche la variante salata ?, ugualmente buona. Al più presto assaporerò il resto delle loro prelibatezze ? Personale gentile e simpatico, una vera chicca per iniziare bene la giornata.
I was only there for breakfast, 3 days in a row ? Brioche is exceptional, crunchy and crumbly abroad, soft inside. Also tried the salty variant ?, equally good. I will soon savor the rest of their delicacies ? Friendly and nice staff, a real treat to start the day well.
Chiara Santini on Google

Cherry pit è la pasticceria di quartiere ideale per una coccola mattutina o una merenda pomeridiana, ma in realtà anche a tutte le ore del giorno! Il personale è super cordiale e simpatico, le brioches e i pasticcini buonissimi. Cosa importante: non se la tira, a a differenza di molti altri. Consigliatissimo :) Seguimi su Instagram ? @azonzoconchiara
Cherry pit is the ideal neighborhood pastry shop for a morning cuddle or an afternoon snack, but actually also at all hours of the day! The staff is super friendly and nice, the brioches and pastries very good. Important thing: he does not pull it off, unlike many others. Highly recommended :) Follow me on Instagram ? @azonzoconchiara
MJ 95 on Google

Elena K on Google

I like mignons. A lot of interesting tastes.
Arvin Mark Ian Alcantara on Google

Although the pastry is a bit small, the environment gives you a beautiful feeling of tranquility and serenity, not to mention the staff, they are very courteous, calm and always have a happy expression, not only with the clients but even for what they are doing. The place and the staff are really making us client feel at ease. Only this features, it's enough for me to give a Great review about this place.
Sandro Ginnari on Google

The image is good, the taste...even better. If you sit by the window you have a view of old Milan. Good vibe.
john moeses bauan on Google

This is a very nice place where to enjoy an amazing breakfast; the pastries are delicious and the staff is friendly.

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