Ferramenta Calcagno

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Ferramenta Calcagno

Address :

Via Madama Cristina, 11, 10125 Torino TO, Italy

Phone : 📞 +999
Website : http://www.ferramentacalcagno.it/
Categories :
City : Torino

Via Madama Cristina, 11, 10125 Torino TO, Italy
Mlada Mlada on Google

Совсем маленькое пространство магазина и вроде бы, ничего не видишь и ничего нужного нет. Но, вы спросите, что вам нужно и вам тут же ответят, да, есть! Потом уйдут куда-то внутрь, а там большущий склад - мечта любого, кто желает заняться ремонтом дома! И принесут то, что вы хотите. Немного необычно для нас, потому что, в строительных гипермаркетах мы привыкли все видеть сразу. Но это совсем иначе в этом магазине. Но, главное, это результат!
The store’s very small space and it seems that you don’t see anything and there is nothing needed. But, you ask what you need and they will immediately answer you, yes, there is! Then they will go somewhere inside, and there a huge warehouse is the dream of anyone who wants to do home repairs! And bring what you want. A little unusual for us, because, in construction hypermarkets, we are used to seeing everything at once. But this is completely different in this store. But, most importantly, this is the result!
Francesco Bosticardo on Google

Ferramenta molto rifornita, cercavo una carta per rivestire internamente la mobilia, c'era ma aveva un altro formato da quella a mie mani, peccato.
Very well-stocked hardware, I was looking for a paper to cover the furniture internally, there was but it had another format than the one in my hands, too bad.
Mario Ingannamorte on Google

Negozio super fornito, competenza e gentilezza del personale.
Super stocked shop, competence and kindness of the staff.
Massimo Casarella on Google

Passo da qui quasi tutti i giorni. Se hai un problema loro possono risolvertelo. Non solo con l'oggetto giusto ma con il consiglio giusto. Vi consiglio di armarvi di pazienza, per fare un dieci minuti di coda, sono sempre pieni.. ma un motivo c'è, sono bravi...
I pass from here almost every day. If you have a problem they can resolve it. Not only with the right object but with the right advice. I advise you to arm yourself with patience, to make a ten minute queue, they are always full .. but there is a reason, they are good ...
Fabrizio “Town&around” Vaccarino on Google

Stiamo parlando di un ferramenta non enorme ma completa di tutto, motivo per cui vi è sempre parecchia gente, tra cui anche "addetti ai lavori"; la qualità dei materiali proposti e la velocità di servizio è indiscussa, propongono degli sconti su determinati oggetti (es: scale, casse, attrezzi, etc.) e i prezzi degli articoli non è così elevata. In sostanza consigliatissima, considerando che poi è in centro.
We are talking about a huge but complete hardware store, which is why there is always a lot of people, including "experts"; the quality of the materials offered and the speed of service is undisputed, offering discounts on certain items (eg: stairs, crates, tools, etc.) and the prices of the items are not so high. Essentially consigliatissima, considering that then is downtown.
Emi Emanuel on Google

sono cortesi, ben forniti, prezzi giusti, professionali, veri amici, di grande modesta?
they are courteous, well-stocked, fair prices, professional, true friends, very modest?
mauro vay on Google

Grande assortimento, qualità, prezzi, cortesia
Quinto on Google

Gentili, disponibili e conoscitori del fai da te, vecchio negozio che spero rimanga tale ancora per molti anni, perché sono quelli che ti fanno tornare indietro nel tempo e che hanno fatto l’Italia delle piccole “botteghe”.
Kind, helpful and connoisseurs of do-it-yourself, an old shop that I hope will remain so for many years, because they are the ones who take you back in time and who have made Italy into small "shops".

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