Citroën Bimotor

3.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Citroën Bimotor

Address :

Via Enzo Ferrari, 8, 39100 Bolzano BZ, Italy

Phone : 📞 +97
Postal code : 39100
Website :
Opening hours :
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–7PM
Tuesday 9AM–7PM
Wednesday 9AM–7PM
Thursday 9AM–7PM
Friday 9AM–7PM
Saturday 9AM–6PM
Categories :
City : Bolzano

Via Enzo Ferrari, 8, 39100 Bolzano BZ, Italy
Anja K (ak21photography) on Google

Auto nach Reperatur ohne Papiere zurück, wurden dort verloren. Man wollte sich am nächsten Montag melden. Kein Anruf! Auto war halb voll und wurde mit nur 10km Reichweite zurück gegeben, was bei einem Diesel sehr gefährlich ist, wenn man nicht schnell genug eine Tankstelle findet. Warum schreibt man groß Gratis Wäsche auf die Rechnung wenn davon nichts zu sehen ist. Sehr dubioser Laden. Wenn sie ihre Autopapiere wieder sehen wollen besser nicht abgeben!
Car after repair without papers back, were lost there. They wanted to report next Monday. No call! Car was half full and was given back with only 10km range, which is very dangerous on a diesel unless you find a gas station fast enough. Why do you write a lot of free laundry on the bill if nothing is visible. Very dubious shop. If you want to see your car papers again, do not give it up!
Benny on Google

Viel Auswahl, aber schreckliche Beratung. Man hat ständig das Gefühl, man wird über den Tisch gezogen. Das angeschaute Fahrzeug hatte rundum Spinnweben hängen, dabei wurde mir gesagt der Wagen ist gaaaanz neu und gefragt. Bei der Probefahrt sprang das Auto nicht an (Batterie leer und kein Benzin im Tank).
Plenty of choice, but terrible advice. You always have the feeling that you are being ripped off. The vehicle I was looking at had cobwebs all around, and I was told the car was sooooooo new and in demand. The car did not start during the test drive (battery empty and no petrol in the tank).
Bia.gio. Endel on Google

Personale non all'altezza di una struttura così grande, ho trovato venditori poco informati, per non parlare del reparto officina, per risolvere un problema alla mia auto sono dovuto andare diverse volte senza nulla di fatto, è stata un'impresa ricevete un veicolo sostitutivo. Esperienza al quanto negativa.
Staff not up to such a large structure, I found poorly informed salesmen, not to mention the workshop department, to solve a problem with my car I had to go several times without anything done, it was an enterprise you receive a replacement vehicle . Experience to the negative.
Federico Cazzolli on Google

Ho acquistato da Barchetti a Bolzano una vettura Citroen CZero nuova. Il 14 marzo 2019 firmiamo il contratto con consegna in 30/60 gg. Ora per varie vicissitudini la consegna è stata più volte posticipata dal venditore, finché a metà giugno mi suggerisce di saldare la cifra pattuita per accelerare i tempi. Tuttavia nonostante il saldo e la mia successiva insistenza non si arrivava mai all'agognata immatricolazione. Alla fine l'auto è stata consegnata in data 19 luglio, un mese dopo il saldo tramite bonifico! Una volta arrivati in concessionaria per ritirare il mezzo abbiamo trovato del personale impreparato (non c'era nulla di pronto, né i documenti, né le targhe sull'auto, nonostante fossimo d'accordo sul giorno e l'ora della consegna) e poco cordiale. Il ragazzo che ci ha consegnato la macchina passava tutto il tempo a messaggiare al cellulare e ci ha dedicato ben poca attenzione. Normalmente le auto vengono consegnate pulite e profumate negli interni e lucidate all'esterno, mentre la Czero c'è l'hanno consegnata macchiata all'esterno e impolverata all'interno. Ci viene comunicato che Citroen ci regalava un anno di polizza furto/incendio, peccato che nessuno si è preoccupato di comunicarcelo per tempo e visto che per ritirare l'auto questa dev'essere assicurata, avevo già provveduto a stipulare una polizza furto e incendio con la mia assicurazione. Di fatto l'omaggio della casa è andato sprecato visto che nessuna delle due polizze è rimborsabile. Questo solo per negligenza del personale della concessionaria. Dulcis in fundo quando siamo partiti neanche un grazie e buon viaggio... Arrivato a casa mi sono lamentato via WhatsApp con il venditore, il quale invece di scusarsi per gli innumerevoli disagi mi ha scritto testualmente: "La prossima sarà una Tesla Gli dai € 100.000 ma almeno te la consegnano spolverata ??". Mi spiace ma francamente grazie a questi signori Citroen ha già perso un nuovo cliente e riceverà di certo un feedback negativo verso nuovi potenziali clienti.
I bought a new Citroen CZero car from Barchetti in Bolzano. On March 14, 2019 we sign the contract with delivery in 30/60 days. Now for various vicissitudes the delivery has been postponed several times by the seller, until in mid-June he suggests me to pay the agreed amount to accelerate the time. However, despite the balance and my subsequent insistence, it was never possible to reach the coveted registration. At the end the car was delivered on 19 July, one month after the balance by bank transfer! Once we arrived at the dealership to pick up the vehicle we found some unprepared personnel (there was nothing ready, neither the documents, nor the plates on the car, although we agreed on the day and time of delivery) and little friendly. The guy who gave us the car spent all his time texting on his cell phone and gave us very little attention. Normally the cars are delivered clean and perfumed in the interior and polished on the outside, while the Czero is there they were delivered stained on the outside and dusty inside. We are told that Citroen was giving us a year of theft / fire policy, too bad that no one bothered to let us know in time and that in order to collect the car this must be insured, I had already arranged to take out a theft and fire policy with my insurance. In fact, the homage of the house has been wasted since neither of the two policies is refundable. This is only due to the negligence of the dealership staff. Dulcis in fundo when we left not even a thank you and good trip ... Arriving home I complained via WhatsApp with the seller, who instead of apologizing for the countless inconveniences wrote to me verbatim: "The next one will be a Tesla Gli from € 100,000 but at least they will deliver it to you ata". I'm sorry but frankly thanks to these gentlemen Citroen has already lost a new customer and will certainly receive negative feedback to new potential customers.
Heidi Mitterhofer on Google

Schlechter Kauf. Auto hatte 2mal Turbo kaputt, Turbo war beim Kauf schon defekt und musste es auch noch beweisen.Wurde gerichtet und war ein weiteres mal kaputt. Dann noch Motorschaden. Schlechter Umgang beim Büro vom Mechaniker.
Bad buy. The car had a broken turbo twice, the turbo was already broken when we bought it and had to prove it. It was repaired and broken again. Then there was engine damage. Poor handling at the mechanic's office.
Sandro Tebon on Google

Pessima esperienza personale con un'adetto alle vendite spero si risolva in bene !!! Al momento una stella è anche troppo !!!!
Bad personal experience with a sales person I hope it turns out well !!! At the moment one star is too much !!!!
Andreas on Google

Paul Van Bladel on Google

Real pro's. They fixed my car during stay in North Italy.

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