Church of the Carmel

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Church of the Carmel

Address :

Piazzetta del Carmine, 96100 Siracusa SR, Italy

Phone : 📞 +99
Website :
Categories :
City : Siracusa

Piazzetta del Carmine, 96100 Siracusa SR, Italy
Rosanna Messina on Google

Una bella chiesa.
A beautiful church.
Fabio Raudino on Google

Un parroco accogliente
A welcoming pastor
Giorgio Garofalo on Google

Davvero bella.
Really nice.
Roberto Zappulla on Google

Chiesa ricca di opere d’arte. Si puo ammirare il simulacro della Madonna del Carmine (in cartapesta) con l’annesso altare dell’architetto Pompeo Picherali; varie sculture in marmo di S. Lucia e di S.Caterina, monumenti funebri e diversi stemmi nobiliari.
Church rich in works of art. You can admire the statue of the Madonna del Carmine (in papier mache) with the adjoining altar of the architect Pompeo Picherali; various marble sculptures of S. Lucia and S. Caterina, funerary monuments and various noble crests.
angelo caia on Google

Capolavoro architettonico, culto, tradizione, acustica impareggiabile nel quartiere storico di Ortigia : la " Graziella "
Unparalleled architectural masterpiece, cult, tradition, acoustics in the historic district of Ortigia: the "Graziella"
Carmela Barrotta on Google

È meravigliosa, ricca di opere d'arte come le statue del Gaggini e due dipinti di Minniti. Bellissima quando la luce del sole innonda le navate. E si resta estasiato davanti alla statua della Madonna del Carmine con un volto così dolce che sembra dire "stai tranquillo figlio io velo su di te". Da vedere, lo merita ampiamente
It is wonderful, full of works of art such as the statues by Gaggini and two paintings by Minniti. Beautiful when the sunlight floods the aisles. And one remains entranced in front of the statue of the Madonna del Carmine with a face so sweet that it seems to say "do not worry son I veil over you". To see, it deserves it widely
angelo bianca on Google

Mi fermo a 4stelle non solo perché la Chiesa andrebbe ristrutturata ma soprattutto per l'inspiegabile chiusura di una parte e coperta in fondo a destra da un mega quadro!
I stop at 4stars not only because the Church should be restructured but above all for the inexplicable closure of a part and covered at the bottom on the right by a mega framework!
Carlos Dominguez on Google

Bella iglesia escondida en una callejuela del corazón histórico de la bella Ortigia. Sobreviviente a sismos, terremotos, distintos regímenes y gobiernos y también el paso del tiempo, se encuentra hermosa y sencilla, muy austera aún de pie. No es de las más renombradas de la ciudad pero merece ser visitada porque tiene mucha historia encerrada entre sus muros.
Beautiful church hidden in an alley in the historic heart of beautiful Ortigia. Surviving earthquakes, earthquakes, different regimes and governments and also the passage of time, she is beautiful and simple, very austere still standing. It is not one of the most renowned in the city but it deserves to be visited because it has a lot of history enclosed within its walls.

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