Church of Saint Thomas Apostle - SP66

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Church of Saint Thomas Apostle

Address :

SP66, 65023 Fonte Natale PE, Italy

Phone : 📞 +989
Postal code : 65023
Website :
Categories :
City : Fonte Natale

SP66, 65023 Fonte Natale PE, Italy
Marco To on Google

Chiesa dal grande fascino architettonico con cripta e colonna "santa". Merita assolutamente una visita
Church of great architectural charm with crypt and "holy" column. Absolutely worth a visit
Roberta Marseglia on Google

A pochissimi minuti da Caramarico Terme merita una visita questa chiesa!
A few minutes from Caramarico Terme, this church is worth a visit!
Marianna Alleva on Google

La chiesa è grandissima,bel posto, immersa nel verde e nella tranquillità. Consiglio.
Alain Simonin on Google

Magnifique. Pourquoi ce pillier rond au milieu des autres carrés ? Pourquoi cette église perdue dans la nature est ouverte alors que celles du village sont fermées ?
Wonderful. Why this round pillar in the middle of the other squares? Why is this church lost in nature open while those in the village are closed?
Tony Palla on Google

Chiesa di San Tommaso Becket ,edificato nel 1202 ..all'interno ci sono vari affreschi molto belli .La chiesa è ben conservata e ben tenuta, molto bella vale la pena di visitare...
Church of St. Thomas Becket, built in 1202 .. inside there are various very beautiful frescoes. The church is well preserved and well maintained, very beautiful it is worth a visit ...
Piotr Sucholeski on Google

Romański kościół poświęcony św. Tomaszowi Becketowi, zbudowany w XII wieku, ukończony przed rokiem 1202. Koniecznie trzeba zjechać kawałek z głównej szosy, aby obejrzeć tę piękną, surową, kamienną trzynawowa bazylika z wieżą - dzwonnicą oraz, znajdujące się tuż obok pozostałości (fragmenty murów) zabudowań poklasztornych. Wnętrza skromne, ale przez swą prostotę i autentyczność skłaniają do zadumy nad upływem czasu i nas naszą marnością.
Romanesque church dedicated to St. Tomasz Becket, built in the 12th century, completed before 1202. It is necessary to get off the main road to see this beautiful, austere, stone three-nave basilica with a tower - belfry and the remains (fragments of walls) of former monastery buildings located right next to it. The interiors are modest, but due to their simplicity and authenticity, they make us reflect on the passage of time and our vanity.
Angelo Ciotta on Google

Per gli amanti delle chiese, abbazie e luoghi storici religiosi questo è un luogo assolutamente da visitare. Bella chiesa con affreschi e cripta. Molto suggestiva.
For lovers of churches, abbeys and religious historical places this is a must visit place. Beautiful church with frescoes and crypt. Very suggestive.
Emiliano Colella on Google

You can find art and food here.

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