Chiesa di San Marco

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Chiesa di San Marco

Address :

Via Antonio Locatelli, 6, 24121 Bergamo BG, Italy

Categories :
City : Bergamo

Via Antonio Locatelli, 6, 24121 Bergamo BG, Italy
Liviu IAMANDI on Google

Frumoasă, interesantă... Intrarea liberă
Beautiful, interesting ... Free admission
Sergio Fernández Bueno on Google

Destaca por las estatuas de la parte superior de la fachada y por el fresco del techo
It stands out for the statues at the top of the facade and for the ceiling fresco
Veronica Bonura on Google

La chiesa di San marco si trova nella cittá bassa di Bergamo. La struttura risale al XVIII secolo. La facciata é in stile barocco. L'interno é ad unica navata, a pianta a croce latina, in stile barocco. Le caratteristiche che rendono unica questa chiesa sono: - l'uso del colore rosa nella facciata; - l'affresco del soffitto (piccola nota, assomiglia molto allo stile del Tiepolo); - le pareti che sembrano pareti delle ville dei nobili. Purtroppo é una chiesa poco conosciuta, con poche fonti storiche, peccato perché merita molto. Ingresso: libero. Orari: - dal lunedì al venerdì: 7:15-17:30; - sabato e festivi: 7:45-12:00 15:30-17:45.
The church of San Marco is located in the lower city of Bergamo. The structure dates back to the 18th century. The facade is in Baroque style. The interior has a single nave with a Latin cross plan, in Baroque style. The features that make this church unique are: - the use of pink in the facade; - the fresco of the ceiling (small note, very similar to the style of Tiepolo); - the walls that look like the walls of the villas of the nobles. Unfortunately it is a little known church, with few historical sources, too bad because it deserves a lot. Free admission. Timetables: - from Monday to Friday: 7: 15-17: 30; - Saturdays and holidays: 7: 45-12: 00 15: 30-17: 45
Gabry Figliolia on Google

Bella anche se un po' buia. È la chiesa più vicina a casa mia, ci entro sempre ben volentieri
Beautiful even if a little dark. It is the closest church to my home, I always go there with pleasure
Zygmunt Borowski on Google

Kościół San Marco w Bergamo jest częścią dawnego klasztoru, który został rozebrany ze względu na rozbudowę nowoczesnego śródmieścia. Jest to mały, schowany między zabudowaniami kościół. Został zbudowany w XVIII wieku, fasada w stylu barokowym, jednonawowy na planie krzyża łacińskiego. Warto do niego zajrzeć ze względu na ciekawe freski, chociaż ich podziwianie jest ograniczone słabym oświetleniem. - Church of San Marco in Bergamo is part of the former monastery, which was demolished due to the expansion of the modern downtown. It is a small church hidden between buildings. It was built in the eighteenth century, the facade is in the Baroque style, single-nave on a Latin cross plan. It is worth visiting because of the interesting frescoes, although admiring them is limited by poor lighting.
The church of San Marco in Bergamo is part of a former monastery, which was demolished due to the expansion of the modern downtown. It is a small church hidden between buildings. It was built in the eighteenth century, the facade is in the Baroque style, single-nave on a Latin cross plan. It is worth visiting because of the interesting frescoes, although admiring them is limited by poor lighting. - Church of San Marco in Bergamo is part of the former monastery, which was demolished due to the expansion of the modern downtown. It is a small church hidden between buildings. It was built in the eighteenth century, the facade is in the Baroque style, single-nave on a Latin cross plan. It is worth visiting because of the interesting frescoes, although admiring them is limited by poor lighting.
Monika Krzyminska on Google

Kolejny piękny kościół. Kościół Santa Maria i San Marco to katolickie miejsce kultu w Bergamo, znane tylko jako kościół pod wezwaniem Marka Ewangelisty, wziął swoją nazwę od starożytnego szpitala założonego w 1458 roku i znajduje się na placu o tej samej nazwie.
Another beautiful church. The Church of Santa Maria and San Marco is a Catholic place of worship in Bergamo, known only as the Church of Mark the Evangelist, takes its name from an ancient hospital founded in 1458 and is located in the square of the same name.
Vassili Ljahhovets on Google

Good mood! Food is tasty


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