
4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Castrovalva

Address :

67030 Castrovalva AQ, Italy

Postal code : 67030
Categories :
City : Castrovalva

67030 Castrovalva AQ, Italy
Alain Simonin on Google

Impressionnant ce village perché sur sa falaise. Il y a deux ou trois voitures garées à l'entrée mais on a vraiment l'impression d'un village fantôme. Il faut du courage pour habiter la haut l'hiver dans la neige mais d'un autre côté on est pas emmerdés par ses voisins...
Impressive this village perched on its cliff. There are two or three cars parked at the entrance but it really feels like a ghost town. It takes courage to live up there in the winter in the snow but on the other hand we are not bothered by our neighbors...
Michela on Google

Stavamo tornando a casa da roccaraso quando siamo stati colpiti dalla lunga strada arroccata sulla roccia che portava a questo gioiello in mezzo alla montagna. Non c'era quasi nessuno mentre passeggiavamo per le stradine, ci sono degli scorci che danno su un panorama meraviglioso. È davvero una bomboniera
We were returning home from roccaraso when we were struck by the long road perched on the rock that led to this jewel in the middle of the mountain. There was hardly anyone while we were walking through the streets, there are glimpses that give on a wonderful panorama. It really is a wedding favor
Sz Katalin on Google

Elképesztően szép! Felejthetetlen látványt! Barátságos emberek. Egyszerűen nincsenek szavak, ide el kell jönni mert a képek nem adják vissza azt a csodát amit a szemeddel látsz.
Amazingly beautiful! Unforgettable sight! Friendly people. There are simply no words, you have to come here because the pictures don’t give back the miracle you see with your eyes.
Federico Violante on Google

Piccolo paese collocato in cima ad una montagna, raggiungibile a piedi da Anversa. Panorami molto belli, soprattutto in autunno.
Small village located on top of a mountain, reachable on foot from Antwerp. Very beautiful views, especially in autumn.
Marco Campari (Aeronide) on Google

Borgo bellissimo, sembra di vivere in altri tempi. Scorci panoramici splendidi, se seguite il sentiero che scende verso il traliccio vorrete di una vista dall'alto su Anversa degli Abruzzi.
Beautiful village, it seems to live in other times. Splendid panoramic views, if you follow the path that descends towards the pylon you will want a view from above on Anversa degli Abruzzi.
Linda Franciosa on Google

Piccolo paesino arroccato sulla montagna. Poco conosciuto, ma molto carino e dal paesino ci sta il sentiero che porta ad una chiesetta e poi alla croce. Tutto molto panoramico. A picco sulle gole del sagittario. Spettacolare!!!
Small village perched on the mountain. Little known, but very nice and from the village there is the path that leads to a small church and then to the cross. All very scenic. Overlooking the gorges of sagittarius. Spectacular!!!
Sea Baron on Google

Judith Mann on Google

Small village very high up with beautiful views.. Nice bar and pleasant people.

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