Capri Bell

2.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Capri Bell

Address :

Via Cristoforo Colombo, 38 Via Cristoforo Colombo, 69 Via Cristoforo Colombo, 5, Via Roma, 65, 80076 Capri NA, Italy

Phone : 📞 +998788
Postal code : 80073
Website :
Categories :
City : Capri

Via Cristoforo Colombo, 38 Via Cristoforo Colombo, 69 Via Cristoforo Colombo, 5, Via Roma, 65, 80076 Capri NA, Italy
堀尾大介 on Google

片言の日本語を話す店員がちょっとウザかった(汗) でも、かわいいベルもあった
A clerk who speaks Japanese in a nutshell was a little bit awkward (sweat) But there was also a pretty bell
Lorena Barea on Google

Peor que mal. Entrar en la gruta cuesta 14€ que cobran en la entrada a la gruta independientemente de lo que te cobre el barco por ir hasta allí. Lo que verdaderamente es una odisea y un TIMO son los barcos. que te ofrecen ir y te cobran por ello. pero en la propia gruta hay que esperar y hacer cola para las lanchas que te llevan de 4 en 4 ó de 2 en 2. Si en el barco coincide que son muchos los que quieren ir, directamente no esperan y te llevan a puerto. tienes que esperar después y a la hora que te digan para poder ir. sin decirte nada de antemano claro. lo que consiguen que mucha gente no vaya ya que después hay que esperar varias horas para poder coger otro barco. Son bastante mal educados y déspotas y no dan soluciones, te hablan fatal. nos cobraron por una ruta de 2h que finalmente no fue ni 1h. La cola en la gruta es de 1 y pico esperando en el barco al sol.. Y solo estás 2-3 min dentro de la gruta
Worse than bad. Entering the grotto costs € 14, which is charged at the entrance to the grotto regardless of what the boat charges you to go there. What is truly an odyssey and a TIMO are the ships. They offer to go and charge you for it. But in the grotto itself you have to wait and queue for the boats that take you 4 by 4 or 2 by 2. If the boat coincides that there are many who want to go, they do not wait directly and take you to port. You have to wait after and at the time they tell you to go. without telling you anything in advance of course. which means that many people do not go since afterwards you have to wait several hours to catch another boat. They are quite rude and despotic and do not give solutions, they speak fatally to you. They charged us for a 2h route that finally wasn't even 1h. The queue in the cave is 1-something waiting on the boat in the sun .. And you are only 2-3 min inside the cave
Graziano C. on Google

Articoli artigianali molto carini. La commessa è stata gentile. Capri bell vende campanelline e non è un'agenzia di barche
Very nice handcrafted items. The saleswoman was kind. Capri bell sells bells and is not a boat agency
Matthias Durand on Google

Horaires de départ approximatifs, on achète pour 11h, attend 40min et finalement depart 11h30...
Approximate departure times, we buy for 11am, wait 40min and finally leave at 11:30am...
Daiane Matos on Google

Una compagnia da evitare. Sono abbastanza scortese giro senza fermata alla grotta azzurra con la scusa che c'era fila ed no si sono praticamente fermato il giro doveva essere di 2 ore ed stato solamente di 45 min . Compagnia da evitare.
A company to avoid. I am quite rude around without stopping at the blue grotto with the excuse that there was a queue and no I practically stopped the tour was supposed to be 2 hours and was only 45 min. Company to avoid.
Sheila Delmenico Lutz on Google

Una compagnia da evitare. Il personale è misogino, offensivo e pure antipatico, a cominciare dalla persona che "accoglie" le persone alla partenza (un ragazzo un po in carne, piuttosto biondo/rosso ma con i capelli cortissimi), non un sorriso e si è divertito a mandarci a destra e sinistra prima di farci salire proprio davanti a lui. Sulla barca, il personale continuava a fare battute sui turisti in napoletano, e addirittura mentre aiutavano delle persone a salire sulle barchette x la grotta azzurra (dove ci avevano annunciato che ci saremmo fermati 30 minuti e x finire siamo restati fermi 1h20) , dicevano a proposito di una coppia di americani un po in carne " adesso facciamo salire la patata, ora facciamo salire la mozzarella" ridendo. Hanno anche avuto il coraggio di chiedere la mancia dopo. Onestamente, se potete permettervelo pagate qualcosa di più e fatevi un giro privato, non è accettabile nel 2021 avere delle persone che si comportano così. Non è semplice mancanza di rispetto, ma vero e proprio bullismo. Non è giusto che a causa di gente così, la reputazione di tutti gli italiani diventa che sono un popolo di cafoni strafottenti e misogini.
A company to avoid. The staff is misogynistic, offensive and also unpleasant, starting with the person who "welcomes" people at the departure (a slightly chubby guy, rather blond / red but with very short hair), not a smile and enjoyed sending us left and right before letting us get on right in front of him. On the boat, the staff kept making jokes about tourists in Neapolitan, and even while they were helping people to get on the boats for the blue grotto (where they announced that we would stop 30 minutes ex finish we stayed still 1h20), they said about it. of a couple of Americans a bit chubby "now let's go up the potato, now let's go up the mozzarella" laughing. They even dared to ask for a tip later. Honestly, if you can afford it pay a little more and take a private tour, it's not acceptable in 2021 to have people doing this. It is not simple disrespect, but outright bullying. It is not fair that because of such people, the reputation of all Italians becomes that they are a people of arrogant and misogynistic peasants.
Valeria Boscolo Chielon on Google

Non prenotate con questa compagnia. È una fregatura atomica. Vi dicono che fanno il giro e che vi portano alla grotta azzurra ma non è vero.
Do not book with this company. It's an atomic rip-off. They tell you that they go around and take you to the blue grotto but that's not true.
Jess Shipley on Google

DON’T SHOP HERE. Store full of breakable items stuffed in. Almost impossible not to break something. Then you get to pay for what breaks and she shows you the bag of broken things she has made people pay for. Terrible customer experience.

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