Café Unter Den Lauben

2.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Café Unter Den Lauben

Address :

Via dei Portici, 33a, 39100 Bolzano BZ, Italy

Phone : 📞 +97979
Postal code : 39100
Opening hours :
Sunday Closed
Monday 7:30AM–7PM
Tuesday 7:30AM–7PM
Wednesday 7:30AM–7PM
Thursday 7:30AM–7PM
Friday 7:30AM–7PM
Saturday 8:30AM–6PM
Categories :
City : Bolzano

Via dei Portici, 33a, 39100 Bolzano BZ, Italy
Katia Arturo on Google

Dovrebbero imparare come stare al pubblico! A parte la maleducazione, io e mio marito abbiamo preso due caffè e chiesto le chiavi del bagno per la nostra bambina cosa che ci è stata negata in quanto eravamo stati noi a consumare il caffè e la bimba aveva bisogno di uno scontrino "suo" ... ma ce la fate? Ma come si fa a negare il bagno ad una bambina dopo che noi avevamo consumato? Che si vergognassero! Meritate di restare chiusi per sempre!
They should learn how to be in the audience! Aside from the rudeness, my husband and I had two coffees and asked for the keys to the bathroom for our little girl, which we were denied because we had been the one who consumed the coffee and the little girl needed her own receipt. .. but can you do it? But how do you deny a child a bath after we have consumed? May they be ashamed! You deserve to be closed forever!
Matthias Langer on Google

Ich wollte in diesem Cafe aufs Klo gehen. Die freundliche Frage ob das möglich wäre, würde verneint. Als ich daraufhin angeboten habe 50 Cent zu bezahlen, so wie das in der Region gemeinhin üblich ist, hat der Kellner doch tatsächlich geantwortet, dass auch 5 € nicht ausreichend wären. Mag sein dass der Kaffee hier köstlich ist, aber das Personal ist definitiv ungenießbar.
I wanted to go to the bathroom in this cafe. The friendly question if that would be possible would be negative. When I then offered to pay 50 cents, as is common in the region, the waiter has actually replied that even 5 € would not be enough. It may be that the coffee here is delicious, but the staff is definitely inedible.
Andrea Lucidi on Google

Proprietari maleducati è a dir poco. Sono entrato con mia moglie e mia figlia, abbiamo ordinato due caffè e chiesto la chiave del bagno per la bambina. Ci è stato risposto che visto che la bambina non aveva ordinato nulla di conseguenza non poteva usufruire del bagno. ALLUCINANTE. Sembravano divertiti ostentando un atteggiamento di superiorità nei confronti di tutti. Mi chiedo perché ancora siano aperti. Ho dato una stella perché era il minimo . DA EVITARE ASSOLUTAMENTE
Rude owners is to say the least. I went in with my wife and daughter, we ordered two coffees and asked for the bathroom key for the little girl. We were told that since the girl hadn't ordered anything, she couldn't use the bathroom as a result. Hallucinating. They seemed amused by flaunting an attitude of superiority towards everyone. I wonder why they are still open. I gave it a star because it was the minimum. ABSOLUTELY AVOID
LG Cantoneros on Google

I love this place because its comfortable not so much crowded, they know me. They are gentle and friendly. Very clean
Eric HELOUIN on Google

Cosy and pristine café with attentive and passionate owners. As notified in the name, this elegant place proposes excellent and expert coffees, fruit juices, qualitative yet tasty snacks. It can’t possibly be confused with public toilets as some would be inclined to think.
T S on Google

Horrible waitress lied about the cafe not having a bathroom when I asked for my 3 year old daughter in clear, urgent need. When I pointed out a sign that specified the customers can use the bathroom, she reluctantly let us use it AFTER ordering a coffee. Turns out after using the bathroom that as good taxevaders they only take cash (who doesn't take contactless in a pandemic), she violently demanded my wallet and immediately threatened me to call the cops when I asked for the closest ATM (while my wife and kid were waiting as pawns). It shocked me as someone who grew up in this town and emigrated that people to this day have not learned that children are your customer of the future. Coffee sucked. There are plenty of nicer, respectful options around you.
Sofía Perera Martínez on Google

I find it incredible that they do not accept payment by card (regardless of the amount). They didn't even make the receipt so I assume they do not declare anything
Bia Milheiro on Google

Total Unethical behavior! It seems that prices are strangely "updated" at the moment to pay. 2,50 euros for a cappuccino (as mentioned in the menu card), and the supposedly 3 euros for a torta (please, notice there was no patisserie above that price in the entire menu card) suddenly costs 4,5 euros!! I was surprised, and then asked why? The owner explained that the different pastas have different prices. Additionally, pointing to a mini-krapfen (50 cents coin size) are the ones costing 3 euros!! Not even in the best patisseries in Bz a normal size krapfen reaches 2 euros. It's ok, I have, and many of you have seen this happening before too. At end of the day your unethical and unprofessional behavior towards a foreigner did cost me an additional 1,5 euros, but to you it costs you a future regular costumer. Yes, I am a foreigner, but I live and work in Bz and I am always looking for cozy and respectful cafés to go frequently, unfortunately yours won't be the case. So, good luck with your business ethics and take a moment to update your menu card prices, if I am not wrong it is irregular to practice prices different from the ones exposed to the costumers! Not recommended at all! ??‍♀️

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