aLevante Restaurant

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact aLevante Restaurant

Address :

Largo della Gancia, 5, 96100 Siracusa SR, Italy

Phone : 📞 +99
Categories :
City : Siracusa

Largo della Gancia, 5, 96100 Siracusa SR, Italy
Harry Milan on Google

Friendly and down-to-earth staff in a non-pretentious environment. The food tastes as good as it looks. The tuna and pistachio pasta blew my mind. Very few seats so cross your fingers or make a reservation. About average prices for Ortigia
Emily Mullé on Google

Best meal I had in Siracusa. Friendly staff, seaside views, great quality ingredients, delicious concoctions and beautiful presentation.
sabry523 on Google

A Levante is a very good restaurant. Far from the crowd and with a beautiful view on the sea of Ortigia. My boyfriend and I ordered a tartare of shrimps and tuna as appetiser plus a Tuna steak and the octopus "al mattone". The tuna in the tartare was divine as well as the stake that my boyfriend had. So fresh that you could taste the sea. The octopus was perfectly cooked and fresh too. Anyone who loves seafood should come here. Price-wise we paid 32.5 euro each with no wine and dessert. Not cheap but we were happy with the quality offered.
Giovanni Tumminelli on Google

Alevante is the best choice if you are looking for great food, friendly staff, professional management. It's been recommended by the best B&B in Siracusa, PhotoGuest, and now I understand why. Forget about all those "touristic" restaurants that don't care about quality, here you find exactly the essence of Sicily, passion. Thank you again for the wonderful experience!
Andrea Troiani on Google

Unmissable in Ortigia: as every year, for a few years now, the appointment in May with the shows at the Greek Theater matches with the visit to ALevante which is confirmed as an obligatory passage in Ortigia for those who love good food and wine. Recently renovated, it boasts a beautiful room in local light stone, from some tables the view of the sea and the Maniace Castle is even better than from the outside terrace. The location is slightly off-the-path with respect to the tourist routes of Ortigia but can be reached in a few minutes on foot from Piazza Duomo, Giudecca and Via della Maestranza, the environment is informal and relaxing, and the staff are particularly kind and attentive, but never intrusive. The style of cooking is "creative up to a point", with the use of highly selected raw materials of the local tradition that make the dishes unique and original but linked to the territory. Particularly careful is the use of aromatic herbs, dried fruits and condiments: each course is a triumph of perfume, as well as color, and a mixture of sweet-savory flavors with highly sought-after combinations. Dishes are well designed and colorful as a Caltagirone pottery, highlighted by the use of soapstone. The servings are correct and intelligently calibrated so to be able to taste a complete meal to dessert; the choice of the cellar is wide and refined, even here the aromas triumph, up to the cinnamon rosolio that comes with the dessert; the price is correct for the quality offered. Overall a perfect fusion of location, kitchen, cellar, service for a memorable experience. And a strong desire to come back. Imperdibile ad Ortigia: come ogni anno, da un po' di anni, l'appuntamento a maggio con gli spettacoli al Teatro Greco coincide con la visita ALevante che si conferma un passaggio obbligato ad Ortigia per chi ama la buona tavola e la buona cantina. Di recente ristrutturato, all'interno c'è una bella sala in pietra chiara locale, da alcuni tavoli la vista sul mare e sul Castello Maniace è addirittura migliore che dall'esterno. La posizione è leggermente decentrata rispetto ai tracciati turistici di Ortigia ma è raggiungibile in pochi minuti a piedi da Piazza Duomo, dalla Giudecca e da Via delle Maestranze, l'ambiente è rilassante e lo staff particolarmente gentile ed attento, mai invadente. Lo stile di cucina è "creativo con criterio", con l'utilizzo di materie prime sceltissime e della tradizione locale che rendono i piatti unici e originali ma legati al territorio. Particolarmente attento è l'utilizzo delle erbe aromatiche, frutta secca e condimenti: ogni portata un trionfo di profumo, oltre che di colore, e una miscela di sapori dolce-salato con combinazioni molto ricercate. L'impiattamento è attento e colorato come una ceramica di Caltagirone, messo ancora più in risalto dall'utilizzo di pietra ollare come stoviglia. Le porzioni sono corrette ed intelligentemente calibrate per poter degustare un pasto completo dall'antipasto al dolce; la scelta della cantina è ampia e ricercata, anche qui trionfano i profumi, fino al rosolio di cannella che accompagna il dolce; il prezzo è corretto per la qualità offerta. Nell'insieme una perfetta fusione di posizione, cucina, cantina, servizio per un'esperienza memorabile. E una gran voglia di tornare.
Erik Westrum on Google

Spend three days in the town. Did not bother to look for another place. Enjoyed the food and the drinks. Highly recommended for lunch and dinner.
Max Harland on Google

Fab place, great view, very friendly and capable staff. And then there is the food, which is also fabulous! Definitely don't miss this place if you want something a little special!
Ruben Visser 't Hooft on Google

Although we had a relaxed evening here, and the friendly staff was helpful and considerate, I can’t give this experience more than two stars. Dining between the cars in fluorescent light should only be acceptable if the food is superb. Unfortunately I realized that my food had been microwaved before it was served. Hotish on the inside but cold on the outside. Apparently the reason was that one of the staff members didn’t get the memo that this is not how they do things normally. But still the question remains: why is microwaving food for customers done here in the first place? (It was freshly made in the morning, but heated up at night is what the first staff member told us.) To end things light, the staff was friendly and they did apologize, but I write this so they can stay sharp for the future. The eventual pasta I got, after noticing it, was tasteful, so credit given here.

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