Zen Center and Physiotherapy. Sports Medicine

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Zen Center and Physiotherapy. Sports Medicine

Via Niccolò Paganini, 28, 50127 Firenze FI, Italy
giulio benuzzi on Google

il miglior massaggio fisioterapico della mia vita! chiedete di andrea e non vi deludera'! molta competenza e professionalita'
the best physiotherapy massage of my life! ask for andrea and he will not disappoint you! a lot of competence and professionalism
Patrizia Lopez on Google

Ho fatto un ciclo di fisioterapia e mi sono trovata benissimo. Sofia e Giacomo, i fisioterapisti che mi hanno seguito, sono molto preparati, gentili e simpatici. Ottimo ambiente pulito e accogliente. La mia spalla ringrazia il Centro Zen e i suoi ottimi collaboratori.
I did a course of physiotherapy and I had a great time. Sofia and Giacomo, the physiotherapists who followed me, are very prepared, kind and nice. Great clean and friendly environment. My shoulder thanks the Zen Center and its excellent collaborators.
Sultan on Google

NO SOLUTION MINDSET! UNORGANIZED! RISPOSTO CON LA BUGIA;) - Io valuto 5 stelle, perche padrone=proprietario =direttore di Centro Zen avuto bisogno a dire bugia. Venerdi non c'era "PIOVE" alle 17:00 e bicicletta non era bagnata! Mi dispiace per lei tanto... Perche hai bisogno a dire bugia? Se hai bisogno business prova a parlare sempre la VERITÀ! La foto ho fatto domenica ;)Check upload time;) Mi dispiace per lei tanto;( perche per giustificarti, a te serve bugia? C'era signora, anziani;) Fuori aspettava e guardava a te!Non PIOVEVA?Anche lei era fuori per farmi vedere il posto a parcheggiare con T-shirt! Mi hanno spiegato che sei tutto di centro zen. Per favore non fare lezione l'italiano ma concentriamo la verità. Mi dispiace tanto che tu hai detto anche la BUGIA,ma mai risolve la problema. Bici era molto pulito ;) Appena sono entrata con bici pieghevole, e ho MESSO il BICI pieghevole AL INGRESSO come mi hanno detto la secretaria, Proprietario di Centro Andrea ha CORSO il corridoio e stava dicendo "ABBI PAZIENZA" ! Per mettere bici subito fuori!! Per favore guardate la foto di BICI PIEGHEVOLE (BROMPTON). Guardate LA MISURA e si capisce meglio;(Lui non ha cercato soluzione, ma solo tutte 2 mani aperte, ha insistito a mettere bici fuori!HO ALLEGATO IL FOTO dove lui mi ha detto a mettere bici! Professionalità inizia sempre dal primo secondo. Se tu ami tuo lavoro, per favore anche devi essere calmo, e fare ZEN !!! Andrea, deve PENSARE dal capo! COME SEI USCITO DAL TUO UFFICIO? COME HAI INIZIATO URLARE? COME MI HAI DETTO SUBITO PER PORTARE BICI FUORI? Sono ritornato e ho chiesto "Come possibile uno tratti a me cosi male?" Ho chiesto chi e direttore! Mi hanno detto che andrea è tutto per il Centro Zen! Quindi, puoi rispondere tante cose ma io sono venuta in tuo centro con il appuntamento, ero molto contenta! Mi hai trattato subito male senza ragionare! DISTRATTA! Sono molto fortunata che non ho rimasto per trattamento che dopo ho sentito tanti brutti commenti!!! ----------- In english... VILLA DONATELLA, HOSPITALS, QUESTURA all places let me enter with folding bike and they find the best and "Place" to put not to create any risk to anybody.Safety First!! Owner of the place, instead of finding a Solution, "JUST ASKED BICYCLE TO PUT OUTSIDE" and only solution is outside! (See picture) I followed what staff asked me, and I put my FOLDING BIKE next to umbrella box in the entrance! There were no rain! Secretary showed me the place to put! It was not my decision. But OWNER-Director Andrea RAN TO DOOR and asked me very RUDELY to PUT THE BIKE OUTSIDE! (Folding bike #Brompton) by telling a rude words in Italian! Imagine that!! Andrea left his OFFICE and run after me to take out my folding bike OUT!! I AM FRUSTRATED! I tried to tell him I cannot because it is easy to be Stolen! HE DID NOT LOOK AT THE PLACE to find a solution! Just fixed his mindset! Because it is a bike!! And still tried to tell me and insisted to put outsite! And kept telling me that it is not his problem if it is going to be stolen! With BIG anxiety and rude Italian Words! How comes one professional/owner of the place behaves in this way! He run to the entrance by using Italian word "abbi pazienza". Instead of being a role model to others, he started to discuss again and again to put bike outside due to Safety of Others!! He supposed to be gentle and calm and understand the situation!! Team is very unorganized and misinformed! If they were CLEAR ENOUGH they communicate to put outside Immediately instead of telling me to put close to umbrellas in the entrance! It was 5pm. And there was less people around! How one person can manage his business with such a distruction in front of all! I completely find it unprofessional. BECAUSE he also talked to me that "I dont listen" but only solution is to put my BIKE OUT and "He told me that it is not his business if it is going to be robbed"...He repeated again and again it's not his problem! He asked me to lock other side of building, I attached photos". ‐----'
NO SOLUTION MINDSET! UNORGANIZED! ANSWER WITH THE LIE;) - I rate 5 stars, because master = owner = Zen Center manager needed to tell lie. On Friday there was no "RAIN" at 17:00 and the bicycle was not wet! I'm so sorry for her ... Why do you need to tell a lie? If you need business, always try to speak the TRUTH! The photo I took on Sunday;) Check upload time;) I'm sorry for her so much; (because to justify you, do you need a lie? There was a lady, old people;) Outside she was waiting and looking at you! Wasn't it RAINING? She too was outside to show me the place to park with T-shirt! They explained to me that you are all Zen center. Please don't teach Italian but let's concentrate the truth. I'm so sorry that you also told the LIE, but it never solves the problem. Bike was very clean;) As soon as I entered with a folding bike, and I PUT the folding BIKE TO THE ENTRANCE as the secretary told me, Centro owner Andrea ran down the hall and was saying "HAVE PATIENCE"! To put the bike out immediately !! Please see the photo of FOLDING BIKE (BROMPTON). Look at the MEASUREMENT and you understand better; (He did not look for a solution, but only all 2 hands open, he insisted on putting the bike out! I ATTACHED THE PHOTO where he told me to put the bike! Professionalism always starts from the first second. If you love your job, please also have to be calm, and do ZEN !!! Andrea, you have to THINK from the boss! HOW DID YOU LEAVE YOUR OFFICE? HOW DID YOU START YELLING? HOW DID YOU TELL ME IMMEDIATELY TO TAKE A BIKE OUTSIDE? I went back and asked "How can someone treat me so badly?" I asked who is manager! They told me Andrea is everything for the Zen Center! So, you can answer many things but I came to your center with the appointment, I was very happy! You treated me badly right away without thinking! DISTRACTED! I am very lucky that I did not stay for treatment that after I heard so many bad comments !!! ----------- In english ... VILLA DONATELLA, HOSPITALS, QUESTURA all places let me enter with folding bike and they find the best and "Place" to put not to create any risk to anybody.Safety First !! Owner of the place, instead of finding a Solution, "JUST ASKED BICYCLE TO PUT OUTSIDE" and only solution is outside! (See picture) I followed what staff asked me, and I put my FOLDING BIKE next to umbrella box in the entrance! There were no rain! Secretary showed me the place to put! It was not my decision. But OWNER-Director Andrea RAN TO DOOR and asked me very RUDELY to PUT THE BIKE OUTSIDE! (Folding bike #Brompton) by telling a rude words in Italian! Imagine that !! Andrea left his OFFICE and run after me to take out my folding bike OUT !! I AM FRUSTRATED! I tried to tell him I cannot because it is easy to be Stolen! HE DID NOT LOOK AT THE PLACE to find a solution! Just fixed his mindset! Because it is a bike !! And still tried to tell me and insisted to put outsite! And kept telling me that it is not his problem if it is going to be stolen! With BIG anxiety and rude Italian Words! How comes one professional / owner of the place behaves in this way! He run to the entrance by using Italian word "be patient". Instead of being a role model to others, he started to discuss again and again to put bike outside due to Safety of Others !! He supposed to be gentle and calm and understand the situation !! Team is very unorganized and misinformed! If they were CLEAR ENOUGH they communicate to put outside Immediately instead of telling me to put close to umbrellas in the entrance! It was 5pm. And there was less people around! How one person can manage his business with such a distruction in front of all! I completely find it unprofessional. BECAUSE he also talked to me that "I dont listen" but only solution is to put my BIKE OUT and "He told me that it is not his business if it is going to be robbed" ... He repeated again and again it's not his problem! He asked me to lock other side of building, I attached photos ". ‐---- '
maria giulia mangini on Google

Sin dalla prima valutazione ho percepito professionalità e preparazione, dalle prime sedute ho percepito la diminuzione del dolore. Inutile dire l’ambiente. Professionale, pulito e accogliente. Un Centro di Fisioterapia a 360 gradi. Grazie ragazzi. P.S la Tecar con Massaggio rientrerà tra le migliori fatte.
آموزش بورس on Google

Axel Briere on Google

Great physiotherapia center. Professional.
John Frank on Google

Not really good!! Very unorganized!! Very crowded!! For 5-6 people there’s just a student that is not professional!! They are really kind but it’s not enough!!
Mimmo ITALY on Google

Unfortunately it was not useful at all for me! I did gym, tecar there! The staff, the first time told me for my iliopsoas, I have to do also laser but it was wrong! However the place is too crowded, just 2 staff for more than 12 people!! Very unscheduled because I had tecar program at 17:00 but the Andrea, started at 17:15 and during my time he was answering the cellphone !!!! In the gym the staff are really friendly and polite but not perfect! I am sorry but I don’t recommend at all!

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