Volkswagen | Sesto Autoveicoli

3.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Volkswagen | Sesto Autoveicoli

Viale Italia, 226, 20099 Sesto San Giovanni MI, Italy
Rudy Perlesi on Google

Metto una stella, perché non posso mettere zero. Mi ha seguito un venditore giovane, Mattia, palesemente inesperto e alle prime armi. Voleva che comprassi a tutti i costi con il finanziamento, cioè se hai a disposizione la somma da pagare da loro non si può comprare (credono forse di essere una banca, si saran dimenticati che la loro attività principale è vendere auto), ma dopo aver capito che non ero disposto ad aprire un finanziamento ha dovuto darmi un appuntamento per visionarla. Ho dato 500 € di caparra dopo averla visionata ma poi hanno dato l’auto a qualcun altro perché l’aveva bloccata prima, a detta del venditore direttamente dal sito. Quando velatamente l’ho accusato di averla venduta a qualcuno con il finanziamento ha iniziato a balbettare dicendo che era un problema del sito. Pessimi al limite della decenza. Sicuramente ci lavorano anche brave persone ma quest’azienda si merita di fallire per come tratta i clienti!
I put a star, because I can't put zero. A young salesman, Mattia, clearly inexperienced and novice, followed me. He wanted me to buy at all costs with financing, that is, if you have the amount to pay from them, it cannot be bought (they think they are perhaps a bank, they will have forgotten that their main activity is selling cars), but after realized that I was not willing to open a loan, he had to give me an appointment to view it. I gave a € 500 deposit after viewing it but then they gave the car to someone else because he had blocked it before, according to the seller directly from the site. When I covertly accused him of selling it to someone with funding, he started stammering saying it was a problem with the site. Bad to the limit of decency. Of course, good people also work there, but this company deserves to fail because of the way it treats customers!
Yari Testa on Google

Dalla firma del contratto di vendita al pagamento della rata finale c'è sempre stato un problema. 3 anni di prese in giro, comunicazioni non arrivate, scarichi di responsabilità. Se ti chiamano e stai lavorando mica ti lasciano un messaggio o ti inviano una mail, ma va, loro ci hanno provato. Mai più. Se non avete voglia cambiate lavoro.
From the signing of the sales contract to the payment of the final installment there has always been a problem. 3 years of teasing, not arriving communications, discharges of responsibility. If they call you and you're working they won't leave you a message or send you an email, but go, they tried. Never again. If you don't feel like it, change jobs.
Davide V. on Google

Bellezza,simpatia,competenza,disponibilità,gentilezza,pazienza contraddistinguono Catia Mirarchi,già in passato ho acquistato un autovettura con Catia(vw Tiguan)è ancora una volta con l acquisto di vw golf 8,si è rivelata al top della situazione, Attenta a tutti i particolari e pronta a togliermi qualsiasi dubbio alle mie domande. Consiglio vivamente sesto autoveicoli come concessionaria VW/Audi,staff Vendite sempre pronto e officina rapida ed efficiente. Grazie a Catia Mirarchi e complimenti Sestoautoveicoli ? Cordialmente Davide Videri
Beauty, sympathy, competence, availability, kindness, patience distinguish Catia Mirarchi, already in the past I bought a car with Catia (vw Tiguan) and once again with the purchase of vw golf 8, she proved to be at the top of the situation, Beware of all the details and ready to remove any doubt to my questions. I highly recommend sixth motor vehicles as a VW / Audi dealership, staff Always ready sales and quick and efficient workshop. Thanks to Catia Mirarchi and congratulations Sestoautoveicoli ? with regard Davide Videri
Sebastiano Strano on Google

Moderna concessionaria Volkswagen appena fuori Milano, nessun problema di parcheggio e facilmente raggiungibile. Il personale è cordiale e molto disponibile. Unica concessionaria fra le 5 visitate nei dintorni di Milano che mi abbia offerto una prova su strada nonostante ci fossero pochissime autovetture disponibili. La prova su strada è stata completa e soddisfacente. Sono riuscito a provare tutte le funzioni della macchina ed il venditore che mi ha seguito è stato sempre preciso e completo in tutte le risposte alle mie domande. Anche il prezzo niente male rispetto alla media dei preventivi che avevo fatto.
Modern Volkswagen dealership just outside Milan, no parking problems and easily accessible. The staff are friendly and very helpful. The only dealership among the 5 visited around Milan that offered me a road test despite the fact that there were very few cars available. The road test was complete and satisfactory. I was able to try all the functions of the machine and the salesman who followed me was always precise and complete in all the answers to my questions. The price is also not bad compared to the average of the estimates I had made.
Tullio Aloisi on Google

Alessandro Nava on Google

Ubbi goal!

Diana Ciobanu on Google

I was here to get a car service. I had high expectations both first and second time I was here and both times I left disappointed for the way I was treated by the staff. Last year when I got my car serviced here for the first time, I had to wait long because they were filming an ad or whatever, anyway not my business as a client with an appointment. Nobody cared or apologized for that. They were very inconsiderate of my time and this was the case also for my very recent experience here. The staff is not properly organized, I received a mail with the name of the person that was supposed to take care of me, then when I get to his desk he tells me that actually he is not responsible for that, tells me to go his colleague (who was not even at his desk) then he calls me back because he realized there was a “mess” in the system. As I said, inconsiderate of my time. I also don’t find it very convenient that it takes half a day to inspect and change the oil of a VW up!. I also didn’t appreciate that compared to last year, I hadn’t received the video of the inspection because they “forgot” to film it. When you pay for an official service you expect the services and treatment to be of a higher quality compared to the guy across the street who can do the same thing for third the price, but this is not the case here at Sesto Autoveicoli.

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