Umbriano - Ferentillo

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Umbriano

Address :

Ferentillo, 05034 TR, Italy

Phone : 📞 +978
Postal code : 05034
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Ferentillo, 05034 TR, Italy
Andrea Tarasov on Google

Un posto meraviglioso. Silenzioso e abbandonato, bellissima "strada" verso città...
A wonderful place. Silent and abandoned, beautiful "road" to the city ...
Tommaso Mariotti on Google

Il castello venne costruito sul versante nord del monte S. Angelo nell'890 subito dopo le incursioni saracene in Umbria in una posizione dominante e naturalmente imprendibile. Difendeva, assieme alla rocca di Ferentillo, l'importante abbazia di San Pietro in Valle. Durante la sua millenaria storia ebbe vari passaggi di proprietà e seguì sostanzialmente le vicissitudini di Ferentillo che, dopo esser stato riportato al rango di comune, lo ricomprò nel 1860. Privo di collegamenti stradali con la Valnerina e di attrattive economiche ha subito, nel secondo dopoguerra, un progressivo spopolamento, comune a tutti i centri minori umbri, e dal 1950 risulta essere completamente abbandonato.
The castle was built on the north side of Mount S. Angelo in 890 immediately after the Saracen raids in Umbria in a dominant and naturally impregnable position. Together with the fortress of Ferentillo, it defended the important abbey of San Pietro in Valle. During its millenary history it had various changes of ownership and substantially followed the vicissitudes of Ferentillo who, after being brought back to the rank of municipality, bought it back in 1860. Without road connections with the Valnerina and no economic attractions, it suffered, after World War II , a progressive depopulation, common to all Umbrian smaller towns, and since 1950 it has been completely abandoned.
Pierluigi Capotondi on Google

Stupendo paesino abbandonato lungo la val nerina, si sale da un gradevole sentiero che inizia dalla frazioncina di Macenano , lungo il sentiero si ha una stupenda visuale dell'Abbazia di San Pietro in valle che si trova nella vallata di fronte , dopo circa 30 minuti di comodo cammino si arriva alle prime case coi vicoli strettissimi bellissima la chiesina e la torre di controllo da vedere assolutamente
Wonderful abandoned village along the Val Nerina, climb up a pleasant path that starts from the hamlet of Macenano, along the path you have a wonderful view of the Abbey of San Pietro in valle which is located in the opposite valley, after about 30 minutes of easy walk you arrive to the first houses with very narrow alleys, the beautiful church and the control tower to see absolutely
Andre Martin on Google

Gefällt mir persönlich sehr gut. Man muss zunächst einen sehr steilen Anstieg nehmen, wird dann aber über einen alten Viehpflegerweg direkt in den Ort geleitet. Oben angekommen bekommt man einen guten Einblick in die Lebensweises in einem alten Nauerndorf in Umbrien. Sehr schmale Wege und dicht aneinander stehende verlassene Häuser. Die Natur ist gerade dabei diesen Ort wieder für sich zu gewinnen.
I personally like it very much. First you have to take a very steep climb, but then you are led directly into the village via an old cattle grooming path. Once at the top you get a good insight into the way of life in an old Nauer village in Umbria. Very narrow paths and closely spaced abandoned houses. Nature is in the process of winning this place over again.
Nicola Bellini on Google

Dove finisce la storia inizia la leggenda. Alcuni studiosi ritengono che Umbriano fosse la residenza di gruppi di Catari giunti in Valnerina dall’Italia settentrionale e dalla Francia a seguito delle persecuzioni subite dalla Chiesa Cattolica. Questa credenza, unita alle diverse testimonianze di presenza dei Templari nei vicini castelli di San Mamiliano e di Ferentillo, inseriscono di diritto Umbriano tra i luoghi magici e carichi di mistero della Valnerina fiore all’occhiello dell’Umbria per la sua natura incontaminata, ma anche per i segreti e i misteri storici che sembra ancora celare gelosamente.
Where the story ends, the legend begins. Some scholars believe that Umbriano was the residence of groups of Cathars who arrived in Valnerina from northern Italy and France following the persecutions suffered by the Catholic Church. This belief, combined with the various testimonies of the presence of the Templars in the nearby castles of San Mamiliano and Ferentillo, place Umbrian law among the magical and mysterious places of the Valnerina, the pride of Umbria for its uncontaminated nature, but also for the historical secrets and mysteries that it still seems jealously concealed.
Sonia Menconi on Google

Piccolo borgo abbandonato immerso nella montagna, molto particolare da visitare. Resta ancora la torre dell'antico castello. Conviene lasciare l'auto a Colleponte, paesino sottostante, poiché dopo poco inizia il sentiero sterrato da percorrere a piedi. La camminata in mezzo al bosco dura circa mezz'ora.
Small abandoned village nestled in the mountain, very special to visit. The tower of the ancient castle still remains. It is advisable to leave the car in Colleponte, a small village below, as after a while the dirt path begins to be covered on foot. The walk through the woods takes about half an hour.
Matt Cutts on Google

Great hike to an hauntingly wonderful site. Perfect spots all around the ruins to have lunch before heading back to the road.
Taylor Sousa on Google

Very cool place to act like we were on a fantasy quest. Watch out for the evil dragon in the tower. Saw lots of majestic white cows as well.

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