TuriSport Camping - Dervio

3.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact TuriSport Camping

Address :

5 Via Lungolago Degli Ulivi, Dervio, LC 23824, Italy

Phone : 📞 +98
Postal code : 23824
Website : http://www.turisportdervio.it/
Categories :

5 Via Lungolago Degli Ulivi, Dervio, LC 23824, Italy
Nadia Longhi on Google

Pessima esperienza ? Gestore con poca professionalità, non è quasi mai presente alla reception,il bar è sempre chiuso, l'area giochi bimbi è misero e sporco, il verde non è curato e i bagni non sempre sono igienizzati, Il posto potrebbe esser carino a parte il rumore infernale della Galberti e del depuratore con i suoi odorini... Ora capisco il perché tanta gente vende.... Ci sono tanti buoni motivi!!
Bad experience ? Manager with little professionalism, it is almost never present at the reception, the bar is always closed, the children's play area is poor and dirty, the greenery is uncared for and bathrooms are not always sanitized, The place could be nice apart from the infernal noise of Galberti and the purifier with its smells ... Now I understand why so many people sell .... There are many good reasons!
Matteo Arrigoni on Google

Il campeggio non è male, curato e pulito con piazzole abbastanza grandi. Il problema vero sono i servizi offerti: la reception ha degli orari esposti che non vengono rispettati e spesso (quasi sempre) non vi è nessuno in ufficio. Il ristorante\bar ha lo stesso problema di orari ma in fondo pizza e ristorante sono anche buoni. I bagni sono puliti e ben disposti in tutto il campeggio
The campsite is not bad, well-kept and clean with quite large pitches. The real problem is the services offered: the reception has opening hours that are not respected and often (almost always) there is no one in the office. The restaurant \ bar has the same timing problem but basically pizza and restaurant are also good. The bathrooms are clean and well arranged throughout the campsite
chry025613 on Google

Non hanno sbucciato i gamberi al mio amico . Nonostante le madonne il campo da tennis non c'è. Piscina inagibile . C. non ha voluto dormire con me (cit Mauri) Davide scorreggiava come una locomotiva Ma tutto sommato ci siamo divertiti
They didn't peel the prawns to my friend. Despite the madonnas there is no tennis court. Swimming pool unusable. C. did not want to sleep with me (cit Mauri) Davide was running like a locomotive But all in all we enjoyed ourselves
marco bianchi on Google

Lo conoscevo e frequentato parecchi anni fa, ai tempi amici di famiglia avevano fissa la roulotte... soggiornato nei bungalow...spartani ma puliti....ultimamente con il camper avrei vuto pernottare ma ahimè più volte nessuno alla reception...( sostato in parcheggio comunale.) Peccato ai tempi mi trovavo bene...ora non tento più..
I knew him and frequented him several years ago, at the time family friends had fixed the caravan ... stayed in the bungalows ... spartan but clean .... lately with the camper I wanted to stay overnight but alas many times no one at the reception ... (stopped in the municipal parking lot.) Too bad at the time I was fine ... now I don't try anymore ..
Claudia Ballabio on Google

Camping organizzato, con piscina, piazzole ampie con allacciamento alla fognatura e all'acqua. Posizione fronte lago, con passeggiata lungo lago più lunga di tutto il lago di Lecco
Camping organized, with swimming pool, spacious pitches connected to the sewer and water. Position facing the lake, with a walk along the longest lake in the whole of Lake Lecco
Mirco Winterberg on Google

Schöner Campingplatz mit äußerst sauberem Sanitärbereich. Netter Empfang, die zwar nicht gut Englisch konnte, sich aber sehr bemüht hat, sich mit uns zu verständigen. Der Platz selbst hatte zwar wenig Platz zum Zelten, aber für unsere zwei hat's gereicht. Für 23€ (2 Personen, 2 Zelte, 1 Auto) hatte man einen sehr guten Campingplatz mit direkter Seelage, jedoch ohne Strand. Dennoch sehr zu empfehlen.
Nice campsite with extremely clean sanitary facilities. Nice reception who didn't speak English very well but tried very hard to communicate with us. The place itself had little space for camping, but it was enough for our two. For 23 € (2 people, 2 tents, 1 car) you had a very good campsite with a direct lake location, but without a beach. Still very recommendable.
Susan Fehr on Google

Nice campsite right by the lake. They were building a pool when we were there. You need to speak italian.
Mike Sands on Google

Peace and tranquillity at the side of Lake Como. My favourite place in Italy.

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