Tenute Muròla

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Tenute Muròla

Address :

Contrada Villamagna, 9, 62010 Urbisaglia MC, Italy

Phone : 📞 +978
Postal code : 62010
Website : https://www.murola.it/
Categories :
City : Urbisaglia

Contrada Villamagna, 9, 62010 Urbisaglia MC, Italy
Saverio Manzi on Google

Sono stato a una aperitivo con buffet... mi sono trovato malissimo sia come servizio che come qualità del mangiare e del bere (!!!) La cantina per tutta la serata ha proposto un SOLO vino rosè, a mio parere neanche buono. Nient'altra scelta. Tra l'altro noi eravamo "invitati", abbiamo pagato e non abbiamo mangiato e bevuto nulla... Ci siamo ritrovati con gli altri invitati (genitori e figli) al McDonald di Piediripa a mangiare alle 23 per ripiegare... (evidentemente visto che ci siamo ritrovati al Mcdonald non sono stato l'unico ad aver pagato senza aver mangiato e bevuto nulla) DA NON RIPETERE!!!
I have been to an aperitif with buffet ... I found myself very bad both in terms of service and in terms of the quality of food and drink (!!!) The cellar for the whole evening offered ONLY one rosé wine, in my opinion not even good. No other choice. Among other things, we were "invited", we paid and we didn't eat or drink anything ... We found ourselves with the other guests (parents and children) at the McDonald's in Piediripa to eat at 11pm to fold ... (obviously since we met at the McDonald's, I was not the only one who paid without eating and drinking anything) NOT TO REPEAT !!!
bruno bergero on Google

Struttura molto bella. In cima ad una colina con delle viste molto suggestive delle colline circondanti. Degustazione di ottimi vini. Per chi come me è abituato alle degustazioni delle Langhe, la quantità di vino versato in ogni bicchiere così come il cibo che accompagna vi sembrerà quasi esagerato ?.
Very nice facility. On top of a hill with very suggestive views of the surrounding hills. Tasting of excellent wines. For those like me who are used to tasting the Langhe, the amount of wine poured into each glass as well as the accompanying food will seem almost exaggerated ?.
Ois easy on Google

Nachdem wir in einem kleinen Ristorante in der Nähe eine Flasche Ribona getrunken hatten und uns dieser sehr gut geschmeckt hat, sind wir spontan zum Weingut gefahren, um uns Nachschub für daheim zu kaufen. Allein die Zufahrtstraße macht schon was her :-) Und der Verkaufsraum ist sehr geschmackvoll hergerichet. Tja, und dann trafen wir auf eine ausgesprochen unwillige Verkäuferin. Anscheind waren wir ihr als deutlich zu erkennende Touristen sehr lästig, jeder Schriftt war ihr zuviel und Lächeln gehört wohl nicht zu ihrer Stellenbeschreibung :-( Wir hätten sicher mehr gekauft, wenn sie nur ein bißchen Freundlichkeit an den Tag gelegt hätte, hat sie aber nicht.
Ilaria Pesciaioli on Google

Location immersa nelle colline tra Loro piceno e Urbisaglia. Degustazione di 4 tipologie di vino; partendo da un prosecco "jurek"accompagnato da patatine, parmigiano, olive ed altro. Seconda degustazione con vino bianco "Giulia" gradevole al palato e delicato. Terzo vino rosso"antek" molto amabile dal sapore e odore accompagnato da salumi locali e pizzette con bruschetta. Ultimo vino rosso"Bruno Forte" rimane più forte e intenso come chiusura con un costo di 25€ a persona ma più che valido. Bellissima la visita alla cantina con ottima spiegazione della ragazza che ci ha descritto tutta la storia riguardo la famiglia. Inoltre su prenotazione si posso organizzare feste o cerimonie che mettono a disposizione il catering.
Location nestled in the hills between Loro Piceno and Urbisaglia. Tasting of 4 types of wine; starting with a "jurek" prosecco accompanied by chips, parmesan, olives and more. Second tasting with white wine "Giulia" pleasant on the palate and delicate. Third very sweet "antek" red wine with flavor and smell accompanied by local cold cuts and pizzas with bruschetta. Last red wine "Bruno Forte" remains stronger and more intense as a closure with a cost of € 25 per person but more than valid. The visit to the winery was beautiful with an excellent explanation from the girl who described the whole story about the family. Furthermore, upon reservation, parties or ceremonies can be organized that provide catering.
Jeremias Coelho on Google

Very nice pace, a great customer service! Gorgeous wines
Kelda Wallis on Google

An utterly beautiful vineyard with stunning buildings, set in a wonderful location. Book a tour and tasting, and on a warm summer day you can sit under the gazebo, looking at the vines and the mountains in the distance whilst you sample their wine and nibble on salami and cheese. The wine also happens to be excellent, at really competitive prices.
Orr Avni on Google

Murola vineyard in Macerata nello Marche is a beautiful vineyard . In a magical place you can experience taste and learning about wines. You can relax and take your time while tasting great wines . The transparent vineyard revile new concept of producing wines. The barrels of wine are exposed to classical music 24/7 because they believe that it rase the vibrations of the wine , makes him more harmonious and fine. So beautiful to meet that concept that everything that holds the energy of harmony its better for you. They served delicious foods with the wine and its the perfect experience for an afternoon in this magical place. Combining learning and great food . And you can continue with buying some of the great wines in a great price. Simply lovely. The huge barrels and the trees inside the winery keeps the experience ripples long after you leave.
Paco L. on Google

This is my favorite winery around Tolentino as of today. We got a friendly tasting experience including the spectacular “Antek” and a quick cellar tour. Not just great wines but also a good experience. We will return with friends here soon!

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