
4.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Shoes

Address :

Via Centrale, 62C, 39031 Brunico BZ, Italy

Phone : 📞 +9777
Postal code : 39031
Website :
Opening hours :
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–7PM
Tuesday 9AM–7PM
Wednesday 9AM–7PM
Thursday 9AM–7PM
Friday 9AM–7PM
Saturday 9AM–6PM
Categories :
City : Brunico

Via Centrale, 62C, 39031 Brunico BZ, Italy
Francesca Calvi on Google

Ho sempre evitato di scrivere recensioni ma questa volta e' d'obbligo. La persona che ha fornito assistenza telefonica sul prodotto e' stata molto gentile e le informazioni utili. i tempi di spedizione velocissimi. Se potessi aggiungere una stella in piu' lo farei, perche' ai prodotti di qualità eccellente che gia' conoscevo (Fiorentini Baker) e' stata aggiunta cortesia e professionalita'. Veramente complimenti e buon lavoro. Francesca
I've always avoided writing reviews but this time it's a must. The person who provided telephone support on the product was very kind and the information was helpful. fast shipping times. If I could add an extra star I would, because courtesy and professionalism have been added to the excellent quality products that I already knew (Fiorentini Baker). Really congratulations and good work. Francesca
Matteo Morini on Google

Ho acquistato online vista l'impossibilità di andare fisicamente in negozio allo stato attuale. Super disponibili ai consigli sulle taglie e celeri nelle risposte. I prodotti trattati sono di qualità come si evince dall'ampia scelta sul loro sito internet. Il concept di trattare solo handmade in Italy è senz'altro un plus. Spedizione che è arrivata il giorno successivo all'ordine. Sicuramente acquisterò di nuovo in futuro, magari di persona ;)
I bought online due to the impossibility of physically going to the store at present. Super available to advice on sizes and quick in answers. The products treated are of quality as evidenced by the wide choice on their website. The concept of dealing only handmade in Italy is certainly a plus. Shipment that arrived the day after the order. I will definitely buy again in the future, maybe in person;)
Jakob Kirchebner on Google

Die Auswahl der angebotenen Schuhe ist sicherlich sehr gut getroffen und die Qualität im Verhältnis zu den Preisen stimmt mit Sicherheit auch. Das ist jedoch leider auch alles Gute, das das Geschäft zu bieten hat. Wir waren am selben Tag zweimal im Geschäft, wobei wir beim ersten Mal trotz Nachfrage nicht bedient worden sind (ich habe um die passende Größe eines Modelles gebeten, dabei wurde mir gesagt ich müsste warten bis der andere Kunde fertig sei - das dauerte allerdings, ohne dass ein anderer Verkäufer sich Zeit genommen hätte) Beim zweiten Anlauf wurden wir prompt beraten, allerdings wollte der Verkäufer mir ein Modell offensichtlich aufdrängen, da ich ihn gebeten hatte mir ein zweites Modell zum vergleich zu bringen, er antwortete nur ‚nein’ er gäbe mir nur dieses eine, weil dieses ohnehin das schönere sei. Auch auf die Frage, mir das Modell eine Größe kleiner zu bringen, erklärte er mir in unhöflichem Ton, dass er seit 22 Jahren Schuhe verkaufe und versicherte, dass dies die richtige Größe sei (ohne überhaupt nachgesehen bzw getastet zu haben). Als ich mich entschieden hatte die Schuhe nicht zu kaufen, da sie mir an mir nicht so gefallen haben, reagierte der Verkäufer sehr aufbrausend und meinte, ich solle ihm die Schuhe wieder geben wenn ich diese nicht kaufen möchte. Eingeschnappt und mit Frust knallte er die Schuhe wieder in den Karton. Wir verließen das Geschäft, wurden weder verabschiedet, geschweige denn sah er uns beim vorbeigehen noch einmal an. Fazit: tolle und schöne Schuhe aber definitiv der letzte Besuch aufgrund der launischen und aufbrausenden Bedienung!
The selection of shoes on offer is certainly very good and the quality in relation to the prices is certainly also right. Unfortunately, that's also all the good things the business has to offer. We were in the shop twice on the same day, but the first time we were not served despite the request (I asked for the right size of a model and was told I would have to wait until the other customer was ready - but that took without that another seller would have taken his time) At the second attempt, we were promptly advised, but the seller obviously wanted to impose a model on me, since I had asked him to bring me a second model for comparison, he just replied 'no' he would give me only this one, because this is the nicer one anyway. When asked to bring the model one size smaller, he explained to me in a rude tone that he had been selling shoes for 22 years and assured me that this was the right size (without even looking or touching it). When I decided not to buy the shoes because I didn't like them so much, the seller reacted very angry and said I should give them back to him if I didn't want to buy them. Snapping and frustrated, he slammed the shoes back into the box. We left the shop, were neither said goodbye nor did he look at us again as we passed. Conclusion: great and beautiful shoes but definitely the last visit due to the moody and quick-tempered service!
Martina Bonadio on Google

La proprietaria del negozio si è rivolta a me e mia madre in modo alquanto scortese e arrogante. Ci ha rimproverato, ad alta voce (il negozio era pieno di gente), dicendo che le scarpe non potevano essere provate in modalità ‘self-service’ causa COVID. Condivido il principio ma non il modo. Ero pronta a spendere ma ha perso una cliente.
The owner of the shop approached my mother and me in a rather rude and arrogant way. He scolded us out loud (the shop was full of people), saying that the shoes could not be tried on in 'self-service' mode due to COVID. I share the principle but not the way. I was ready to spend but lost a customer.
Gilda Iannuzzi on Google

Einmal – und nie wieder! Aufgrund der großen Auswahl an hochwertigen Lederschuhen und einiger -Taschen (die es sicher nicht überall exklusiv zu erwerben gibt) habe ich dieses Geschäft betreten …und relativ zügig wieder verlassen. Warum? Abgesehen davon, dass man normalerweise Kunden beim Kommen kurz begrüßt (auch wenn anderweitig besetzt, was ja vollkommen ok ist und – es sei ausdrücklich unterstrichen bei der Dame/?Angestellte? vor Ort der Fall war - unabhängig davon ob diese leger/sportlich oder mit Designerkleidung unterwegs ist)….finde ich es ein ABSOLUTES NO-GO dass der italienischsprachige Herr (Besitzer? Verkäufer?)  vor Kundschaft (anwesend waren außer mir noch 3 weitere Personen) die Mitarbeiterin in einem extrem scharfen Ton regelrecht zurechtweist, dass „…die Ordnung sei ihm  schxxxxegal, er wolle: verkaufen, verkaufen verkaufen!“ Wenn ich mir so einige Rezensionen aus der Vergangenheit durchlese, komme ich zum Fazit, dass dieses „feine Benehmen“ nicht eine Ausnahme, sondern wohl leider Alltag ist: null Respekt und Manieren im Umgang mit Anderen – von Professionalität ganz zu  schweigen, denn auch das gehört dazu. Oder, anders ausgedrückt: Schuster, bleib bei deinen Leisten – oder lass es unter solchen Umständen doch lieber sein! 03.12.2021 riscontro alla risposta di poco fa da parte del proprietario: Buonasera a Lei - grazie per quanto sottolineato. Da parte mia desidero precisare - che la mia recensione l'ho basata su mia ESPERIENZA PERSONALE avuta; - vero che vi sono varie recensioni positive, ma se uno si prende la briga di leggerle tutte, ve ne sono anche di diciamo...meno simpatiche. Infine: il modo come avete risposto ALLA MIA PERSONALE ESPERIENZA parla per sè, non aggiungo altro. Grazie comunque dell'attenzione riservatami.
Once and never again! Due to the large selection of high-quality leather shoes and some bags (which are certainly not exclusively available for purchase everywhere) I entered this shop ... and left it again relatively quickly. Why? Apart from the fact that customers are usually greeted briefly when they come (even if they are occupied elsewhere, which is perfectly fine and - it should be expressly underlined with the lady /? Employee? - was the case - regardless of whether she was casual / sporty or with Designer clothing is on the way) .... I find it an ABSOLUTE NO-GO that the Italian-speaking gentleman (owner? Seller?) In front of customers (there were 3 other people present besides me) reproves the employee in an extremely sharp tone that “... the He doesn't care about order, he wants to: sell, sell, sell! " If I read through a few reviews from the past, I come to the conclusion that this "fine behavior" is not an exception, but unfortunately everyday life: zero respect and manners in dealing with others - not to mention professionalism, because that too belongs to it. Or, to put it another way: Shoemaker, stick to your last - or, under such circumstances, give it up! 03.12.2021 riscontro alla risposta di poco fa da parte del proprietario: Buonasera a Lei - grazie per quanto sottolineato. Da parte mia desidero precisare - che la mia recensione l'ho basata su mia ESPERIENZA PERSONALE avuta; - vero che vi sono varie recensioni positive, ma se uno si prende la briga di leggerle tutte, ve ne sono anche di diciamo ... meno sympatiche. Infine: il modo come avete risposto ALLA MIA PERSONALE ESPERIENZA parla per sè, non aggiungo altro. Grazie comunque dell'attenzione riservatami.
enzo loreti on Google

Ottimo venditore, prodotti di qualità e vasta scelta. Consegna veloce. Alessandro è veramente in gamba. Lo consiglio a tutti, nessun dubbio.
Great seller, quality products and a large selection. Fast delivery. Alessandro is really smart. I recommend it to everyone, no doubt.
Massimo Cabrini on Google

Negozio con i brand più belli... Calzature molto belle sia uomo che donna. La professionalità e capacità di consigliare il cliente di Alessandro e Gino sono di livello top. La cortesia e disponibilità sono delle costanti in questo negozio. Ho avuto la sostituzione di un paio di calzature per errata scelta di misura anche dopo giorni senza alcun problema anzi mi è stata riservata la massima disponibilità. Massimo
Shop with the most beautiful brands ... Very beautiful shoes for both men and women. Alessandro and Gino's professionalism and ability to advise clients are top-notch. Courtesy and helpfulness are constant in this shop. I had the replacement of a pair of shoes for wrong size choice even after days without any problem indeed I was given maximum availability. Maximum
Mattia Grudina on Google

Che dire ..Qualità pura. Credo siano le scarpe migliori che abbia mai comprato. Ho comperato un paio di stivaletti della Moma, la calzata è talmente comoda che non sembra nemmeno di averceli indossati. Titolare competente, disponibile e che sa cosa consigliare, il ché non è più da tutti; Ritornerò sicuramente per fururi acquisti.
What can I say .. Pure quality. I think they are the best shoes I've ever bought. I bought a pair of Moma ankle boots, the fit is so comfortable that it doesn't even seem to have them worn. Competent owner, available and who knows what to advise, which is no longer for everyone; I will definitely be back for furious purchases.

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