Schmieder - Servizio Chiavi

3.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Schmieder - Servizio Chiavi

Address :

Via Cavour, 59, 39012 Merano BZ, Italy

Phone : 📞 +97
Postal code : 39012
Website :
Categories :
City : Merano

Via Cavour, 59, 39012 Merano BZ, Italy
Alessio De Santis on Google

Per me servizio top, competente ed è venuto incontro alle mie esigenze, prezzo adeguato, sono perfettamente soddisfatto.
For me top service, competent and met my needs, adequate price, I am perfectly satisfied.
Giuseppe Recchia on Google

Personale paziente e competente. Fornitissimo per quanto riguarda cilindretti serrature e chiavi.
Patient and competent staff. Fully stocked with regards to cylinders, locks and keys.
Savino Tupputi on Google

Ich kann nur sagen, dass die Tiere sind besser als diese Leute. Das sind Personen für den Schlachthof.... Sie kennen kein Respekt Posso dire che gli animali sono meglio di queste persone. Sono persone da macello.... Nn conoscono il rispetto verso il cliente
All I can say is that animals are better than these people. These are people for the slaughterhouse .... They know no respect Posso dire che gli animali sono meglio di queste persone. Sono persone da macello .... Nn conoscono il rispetto verso il cliente
Georg Lerchner on Google

Top Service und super schnell
Top service and super fast
Beatrix Götzer on Google

Habe schon mehrmals Schlüssel nachmachen lassen, die Arbeit ist gut, deshalb ein Stern. Das letzte Mal wurde ich so unfreundlich und herablassend behandelt, dass ich das Geschäft so schnell nicht wieder besuchen werde. Mein Problem wurde bei einem anderen Schlüsseldienst unkompliziert und freundlich erledigt.
I have had keys imitated several times, the work is good, therefore a star. The last time I was treated so rudely and condescendingly that I will not visit the business so quickly. My problem was done uncomplicated and friendly with another locksmith.
erwo79 on Google

Nachdem mir der Schlüssel im Zylinder abgebrochen war und ich Ihn anrufte gab er ganz unfreundlich zur Antwort "wegen sowas rentiert es sich nicht zu kommen, sollte selber versuchen zu machen", würde ich null Sterne geben. Ein Benimm dich Kurs würde ihm auch nicht schaden, sehr unfreundlich am Telefon. Ein anderer Schlüsseldienst war dann zum Glück sehr hilfreich und freundlich.
After the key broke off in the cylinder and I called him he was very unfriendly to the answer "because of something it is not profitable to come, should try to do it yourself", I would give zero stars. A behavior course wouldn't hurt him either, very rude on the phone. Fortunately, another locksmith was very helpful and friendly.
Silvia Ven on Google

Ha il monopolio per un certo tipo di chiavi di Merano. Indisponente come pochi, il signore che immagino sia il titolare, dopo che ho fatto presente che non avessi 10€ (per la copia di una chiave singola!) in contanti mi restituisce la mia chiave originale (non aveva fatto la copia) dopo che la signora (gentilissima) mi aveva detto che potevo pagare con il bancomat. Sostenendo che il minimo di pagamento con il bancomat è 30€ nel suo negozio, con una bella bestemmia mi ha effettuato la copia della chiave (che DOVEVO copiare da lui sennò non me la potevano fare altrove). Sbalordita.
It has a monopoly on a certain type of Merano keys. Indispensable like few others, the gentleman who I imagine is the owner, after I pointed out that I did not have 10 € (for the copy of a single key!) In cash, returns my original key (he had not made the copy) after the lady (very kind) told me that I could pay with the ATM. Claiming that the minimum payment with the ATM is 30 € in his shop, with a nice curse he made me a copy of the key (which I HAD to copy from him otherwise they could not do it elsewhere). Dumbfounded.
Nadja Frei on Google

War innerhalb 2 min vor Ort und nach wenigen Minuten war die Tür offen und nach kurzer war auch das neue Schloss montiert!

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