Santa Maria delle Fortezze - Resti

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Contact Santa Maria delle Fortezze - Resti

Address :

Via delle Fortezze, 12, 01100 Viterbo VT, Italy

Categories :
City : Viterbo

Via delle Fortezze, 12, 01100 Viterbo VT, Italy
Amedeo Ferretti on Google

Non curato, spesso ci si trova l' immondizia, peccato...
Untreated, garbage is often found, too bad ...
Anna Tesse on Google

Resti di un'antica Chiesa Ottimo posto X parcheggiare vicino a Porta romana.
Remains of an ancient church Great place X to park near Porta romana.
Pierluigi Capotondi on Google

peccato mortale secondo me perdere degli affreschi cosi' belli , poi manco a dire sia sperduta in campagna li davanti agli occhi di tutti
mortal sin according to me to lose the so beautiful frescoes, then I need not say is lost in the countryside there in front of everyone's eyes

Tre stelle giusto per il restauro che tempo addietro ci ha permesso di rivedere quel che resta della chiesa, ma c'è ancora molta strada da fare per arrivare ad una completa conservazione e tutela... si riuscisse almeno ad evitare che vi si butti la spazzatura sarebbe già un passo avanti.
Three stars just for the restoration that some time ago allowed us to review what remains of the church, but there is still a long way to go to arrive at a complete conservation and protection ... if we could at least prevent it from being thrown junk is already a step forward.
Maurizio Faraone on Google

Visibili i resti di affreschi che raffigurano l'Incoronazione della Vergine, l’Annunciazione e la Natività, Dio assiso in trono, Angeli, Cherubini e le Sibille Cumana ed Eritea: ecco quello che resta della Chiesa di Santa Maria delle Fortezze, edificata nel 1514, e che, rasa quasi al suolo dopo i bombardamenti aerei alleati della Seconda Guerra Mondiale, non fu più ricostruita. Un tempo, almeno sino agli Anni Quaranta del Novecento, quando questa chiesa era ancora in piedi e consacrata, sul suo sagrato si teneva annualmente la Fiera della "Santissima Annunziata" e con questo appellativo della Vergine Maria i Viterbesi erano soliti chiamare questo luogo di culto. Il tutto oggi é nell'abbandono incontrollato, nonostante i segni di un recente restauro ed il tentativo di trasformare e riqualificare l'edificio e l'area antistante in un "teatro all'aperto". Più che i bombardamenti in guerra hanno potuto gli uomini in pace... Si può fare ancora qualcosa, ma va fatto presto: salvare gli affreschi perché non vada perduta per sempre questa preziosa memoria storica e culturale.
Visible are the remains of frescoes depicting the Coronation of the Virgin, the Annunciation and the Nativity, God seated on a throne, Angels, Cherubs and the Sybille Cumana and Eritea: this is what remains of the Church of Santa Maria delle Fortezze, built in 1514 , and that, almost ground to the ground after the Allied aerial bombardments of the Second World War, it was no longer rebuilt. At one time, at least until the 1940s, when this church was still standing and consecrated, the "Santissima Annunziata" Fair was held annually in its churchyard and with this title of the Virgin Mary the Viterbese used to call this place of worship . Everything today is in uncontrolled abandonment, despite the signs of a recent restoration and the attempt to transform and redevelop the building and the area in front of it in an "open-air theater". More than the bombing in war, men could have been at peace ... Something can still be done, but it must be done soon: to save the frescoes so that this precious historical and cultural memory is not lost forever.
Stefano Cozzi on Google

Sono i resti splendidi della elegante chiesa rinascimentale di Santa Maria delle Fortezze, posta davanti alla Porta San Leonardo delle mura mediovali, distrutta purtroppo insieme a buona parte del patrimonio artistico di Viterbo durante i bombardamenti alleati, spesso ingiustificati, del 1943-44 che costarono la vita a più di un migliaio di civili.
They are the splendid remains of the elegant Renaissance church of Santa Maria delle Fortezze, located in front of the Porta San Leonardo of the medieval walls, unfortunately destroyed along with a good part of the artistic heritage of Viterbo during the often unjustified Allied bombing of 1943-44 which cost the life to more than a thousand civilians.
massimo ceci on Google

Quel che resta di una bella chiesa cinquecentesca dopo i bombardamenti del 1944, praticamente un terzo o forse meno. Pianta a croce greca ( questa ancora si può vedere), notevoli gli affreschi nelle cappelle, in parte rovinati e le absidi, anche queste con alcune parti mancanti. Sono stati eseguiti lavori di ripristino ed è stato rifatto il tetto nel 2002, tuttavia nel complesso non versa in buone condizioni, soprattutto gli affreschi.
What remains of a beautiful sixteenth-century church after the bombings of 1944, practically a third or perhaps less. Greek cross plan (this can still be seen), the frescoes in the chapels, partly ruined and the apses, also with some missing parts, are remarkable. Restoration works have been carried out and the roof was redone in 2002, however overall it is not in good condition, especially the frescoes.
Simone Porrelli on Google

Vicino porta san Leonardo (riaperta nel 1993, come passaggio pedonale, dopo oltre 300 anni che era rimasta chiusa) vi sono i resti della Chiesa di Santa Maria delle Fortezze (che fa riferimento alle fortificazioni di Viterbo), conosciuta anche con il nome di san Francesco di Paola. La prima pietra risale al 1514, nel sito dove vi era una cappella in cui veniva venerata l'immagine della Madonna. Ha subito numerose trasformazioni e restauri, fino al 1944, anno in cui la chiese venne bombardata dagli Alleati: rimasero pochi resti (la parete dietro l'altare) e altre poche parti, che vennero poi ristrutturate e restaurate. Il vero peccato è che questi resti non sono segnalati attraverso appositi pannelli; non vi è neanche un cartello che indichi il nome della chiesa, tant'è che agli occhi del turista non si percepisce l'importanza storica del sito; gli affreschi non sono protetti, come d'altronde tutta l'area, la quale diventa soprattutto verso sera molto degradata. E' un vero peccato. ENGLISH: Near Porta San Leonardo (reopened in 1993, as a pedestrian passage, after more than 300 years that it had remained closed) there are the remains of the Church of Santa Maria delle Fortezze (which refers to the fortifications of Viterbo), also known by the name of San Francesco di Paola. The first stone dates back to 1514, on the site where there was a chapel where the image of the Madonna was venerated. It underwent numerous transformations and restorations, until 1944, the year in which the church was bombed by the Allies: few remains remained (the wall behind the altar) and a few other parts, which were then restructured and restored. The real pity is that these remains are not marked through special panels; there is not even a sign indicating the name of the church, so much so that the historical importance of the site is not perceived in the eyes of the tourist; the frescoes are not protected, as indeed the whole area, which becomes very degraded especially in the evening. It is a pity.
Near Porta San Leonardo (reopened in 1993, as a pedestrian passage, after more than 300 years that it had been closed) there are the remains of the Church of Santa Maria delle Fortezze (which refers to the fortifications of Viterbo), also known by the name of San Francesco di Paola. The first stone dates back to 1514, on the site where there was a chapel where the image of the Madonna was venerated. It underwent numerous transformations and restorations, until 1944, the year in which the church was bombed by the Allies: few remains remained (the wall behind the altar) and a few other parts, which were then restructured and restored. The real pity is that these remains are not marked through special panels; there is not even a sign indicating the name of the church, so much so that the historical importance of the site is not perceived in the eyes of the tourist; the frescoes are not protected, as indeed the whole area, which becomes very degraded especially in the evening. It is a pity. ENGLISH: Near Porta San Leonardo (reopened in 1993, as a pedestrian passage, after more than 300 years that it had remained closed) there are the remains of the Church of Santa Maria delle Fortezze (which refers to the fortifications of Viterbo), also known by the name of San Francesco di Paola. The first stone dates back to 1514, on the site where there was a chapel where the image of the Madonna was venerated. It underwent numerous transformations and restorations, until 1944, the year in which the church was bombed by the Allies: few remains remained (the wall behind the altar) and a few other parts, which were then restructured and restored. The real pity is that these remains are not marked through special panels; there is not even a sign indicating the name of the church, so much so that the historical importance of the site is not perceived in the eyes of the tourist; the frescoes are not protected, as indeed the whole area, which becomes very degraded especially in the evening. It is a pity.

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