San Giacomo Hospital - Monopoli

2.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact San Giacomo Hospital - Monopoli

Address :

Largo S. Veneziani, 21, 70043 Monopoli BA, Italy

Phone : 📞 +989
Postal code : 70043
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City : Monopoli

Largo S. Veneziani, 21, 70043 Monopoli BA, Italy
Anar Makarov on Google

Спасибо большое всем медсестрам и докторам отдела ортопедии. Я упал со скалы в poligniano, был сложный перелом бедра и таза, благодаря команде врачей мне сделали операцию и я могу ходить! Отдельное спасибо доктору Serge Sabalat, который проводил операцию и поддерживал меня до и после операции! Доктор Вы человек с большим серцем, большое спасибо!=)
Thank you very much to all the nurses and doctors of the orthopedics department. I fell off a cliff in poligniano, there was a complex fracture of the hip and pelvis, thanks to the team of doctors I underwent surgery and I can walk! Special thanks to Dr. Serge Sabalat, who performed the operation and supported me before and after the operation! Doctor You are a man with a big heart, thank you very much! =)
Anna on Google

Nulla, ho lasciato una stella 4 anni fa...ed oggi lo rifarei, possibile non ci siano controlli in quest'ospedale? Uno lavoro e due aspettono il fine turno senza far nulla!!! Poveri cittadini! E vogliamo parlare del reparto radiologia in tempo covid? Neppure un rotolo di carta da stendere prima di fare accomodare il paziente lungo il macchinario, su mia richiesta l'operatore dal bagno ha tagliare pezzetti di carta per le mani per tappezzare il macchinario. Povera Italia.
Nothing, I left a star 4 years ago ... and today I would do it again, is it possible there are no controls in this hospital? One job and two wait for the end of the shift without doing anything !!! Poor citizens! And we want to talk about the radiology department in covid time? Not even a roll of paper to hang out before letting the patient sit along the machine, at my request the operator from the bathroom cut pieces of paper for his hands to upholster the machine. Poor Italy.
Lucky The gamer on Google

Ho portato stamattina mio figlio di anni 15 all’ospedale San Giacomo , per una risonanza magnetica all’ encefalico , un esame molto particolare , gli infermieri molto bravi , professionali ma soprattutto gentili , hanno convinto mio figlio molto ansioso a fare questo esame , riuscito benissimo !!! Debbo dire grazie mille ☺️
This morning I took my 15 year old son to the San Giacomo hospital, for an MRI of the brain, a very special exam, the very good, professional but above all kind nurses convinced my very anxious son to take this exam, which was very successful. !!! I have to say thank you very much ☺️
Francesco Svezia on Google

REPARTO OTORINO/LARINGOIATRA Al San giacomo di Monopoli (Ba) il reparto sopra indicato, è uno dei pochi che funziona ad hoc, professionalità, precisione, competenze! L'equipe del dottor. Dalena rappresenta la luce in un ospedale che da tempo, in alcuni aspetti,vaga nel buio! Grazie mille a tutti! Consigliato!
ENT / LARYNGOLOGIST DEPARTMENT At the San giacomo di Monopoli (Ba) the aforementioned department is one of the few that works ad hoc, professionalism, precision, skills! The team of Dr. Dalena represents the light in a hospital that has been wandering in the dark for some time! Thanks a lot to everyone! Recommended!
Francesca Tarantino on Google

Un plauso all'equipe di radiologia di questo ospedale. Ho accompagnato mia madre, di 81 anni, per degli rx. nella mattinata del 14 gennaio scorso. L'orario dell'esame è stato rispettato e mia madre ha mostrato estrema soddisfazione per la pulizia degli ambienti, per la gentilezza mostrata da tutti gli operatori che l'hanno guidata nell'assumere le posizioni richieste dall'esame, senza aggredirla e persino riaccompagnandola nella sala d'attesa a fine esame.
An applause to the radiology team of this hospital. I accompanied my mother, aged 81, for some x-rays. in the morning of January 14th. The exam time was respected and my mother showed extreme satisfaction for the cleanliness of the rooms, for the kindness shown by all the operators who guided her in assuming the positions required by the exam, without attacking her and even accompanying her in the waiting room at the end of the exam.
Stefano Aversa on Google

Sono già stato in questo posto, la prima volta non fu granché ma ho voluto dargli un’altra chance. Posto con arredamento minimalista, cibo di media qualità, poca scelta per chi ama spaziare con i gusti. Età media alta, non adatto ai più giovani, in zona si può trovare di meglio. Personale gentile e disponibile anche se qualche volta si rivolge in maniera impetuosa agli ospiti che ne richiamano ripetutamente l’attenzione. Stanze non insonorizzate. Non ci tornerei.
I've been to this place before, the first time wasn't great but I wanted to give it another chance. Place with minimalist decor, medium quality food, little choice for those who like to range with tastes. High average age, not suitable for younger people, in the area you can find better. Friendly and helpful staff even if sometimes they turn impetuously to guests who repeatedly draw their attention. Non-soundproofed rooms. I would not go there again.
Richard Cocq on Google

Great Pediatrician services. Here from Canada.
Erik Brohmann on Google

Advice as a tourist: Don't go there when you not seriously injured or sick. I couldn't figure out how the queue works, more like "argue the most, comes first". I broke my wrist and other kind Italian patients helped me to get through the process. Orthopedic Doctor M. Adjust my wrist and put it in plaster. Back in Germany the doctors were surprised how well I was treated. They would do a metal plate and 2 operations, but can't do better adjustment then him. Without operation I was also capable to fly home early. Thank you to the kind Italian patients and professional treatment!

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