Salerno Costa d'Amalfi Airport

3.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Salerno Costa d'Amalfi Airport

Address :

Via Olmo, snc, 84092 Bellizzi SA, Italy

Phone : 📞 +988
Postal code : 84092
Website :
Categories :
City : Bellizzi

Via Olmo, snc, 84092 Bellizzi SA, Italy
Antonio Liguori on Google

Chiamarlo Aereoporto è una parola grossa...... peccato averlo e nn poterlo sfruttare.......bhaaaaa
Calling it Airport is a big word ... it's a pity to have it and not be able to exploit it ....... bhaaaaa
Giosi Alois on Google

Un specie di aeroporto dove non c è nulla simbolo dello spreco del denaro della regione Campania made in De Luca. Un posto sperduto logisticamente fatto per servire solo una provincia della regione Campania. Incredibile!!!
A kind of airport where there is nothing symbolizing the waste of the Campania region's money made in De Luca. A lost place logistically made to serve only one province of the Campania region. Incredible!!!
Денис Калашников on Google

Хочется предупредить водителей грузовиков.Ночевать на парковке возле аэропорта,опасно!ЗЛОДЕИ СЛИВАЮТ ТОПЛИВО!Будьте осторожны,ищите другие места для ночлега!!!
I want to warn truck drivers. It's dangerous to spend the night in the parking lot near the airport!

Comodo, arrivati in aerostazione abbiamo aquistato al distributore automatico i tickets per il bus e in pochi minuti abbiamo raggiunto la città di Alghero.
Convenient, when we arrived at the airport we bought the tickets for the bus from the vending machine and in a few minutes we reached the city of Alghero.
Robert on Google

Dovrebbe essere un aeroporto civile adibito al traffico passeggeri per brevi rotte. Di fatto è un aeroporto usato come propaganda politica. Ogni 5 anni viene tirato in ballo e viene manifestato interesse comune con lo scopo di acchiappare voti. La realtà dei fatti è che non cè un interesse popolare a farlo decollare. E' un peccato perchè in giro per l'Europe ci sono aeroporti più piccoli che vedono molto traffico.
It should be a civilian airport for passenger traffic for short routes. In fact it is an airport used for political propaganda. Every 5 years it is brought up and a common interest is expressed with the aim of grabbing votes. The reality is that there is no popular interest in getting it off the ground. It's a shame because around Europe there are smaller airports that see a lot of traffic.
Gaetano Della Rocca on Google

Good airport for General Aviation, AVGAS available, taxes in the average (much cheaper than Naples)
Wes Kilgore on Google

Absolutely the most poorly run airport that I’ve ever experienced! We were operating as a Medevac Flight, and parked overnight at the airport. We were needlessly delayed for over an hour, and our patient forced to remain in an ambulance during this delay. This is despite the fact that we had previously arranged our arrival back tot the terminal to prepare the airplane and patient for departure, and briefed the handler on the services we required.
Amit Kumar on Google

Very good Airport with parking for small aircraft and also near the city. Gives a wonderful views of mountain and is surrounded by lot of small and famous villages. This airport closes at 4 Pm local Italy time.

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