Ristorante Pizzeria da Francesco

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Ristorante Pizzeria da Francesco

Address :

Via Romana, 17, 00048 Nettuno RM, Italy

Phone : 📞 +9988
Postal code : 00048
Categories :
City : Nettuno

Via Romana, 17, 00048 Nettuno RM, Italy
Katia ******* on Google

Finalmente un un ristorante come si deve a Nettuno. Tutto buonissimo. I primi una esplosione di sapori , la pizza con impasto inimitabile, digeribilissimo, né alta né bassa, e finalmente distanza fra i tavoli e camerieri con mascherine ben indossate (... che qua a Nettuno pare un' eccezione). Tutti gentili, discreti, educati. 10 e lode.
Finally a proper restaurant in Neptune. All very good. The first an explosion of flavors, pizza with inimitable dough, highly digestible, neither high nor low, and finally distance between the tables and waiters with well-worn masks (... which here in Neptune seems an exception). All kind, discreet, polite. 10 and praise.
Simone Di Francesco on Google

Oggi, giorno di San Valentino, sono arrivato a Nettuno in questo ristorante di pesce senza conoscerlo prima. Ristorante piccolo, carino, ben curato nei dettagli, con un ambiente accogliente e ben rifinto. Arrivato al tavolo trovo un semplice decoro per la ricorrenza, con un cioccolatino e una loro creazione, che mi ha fatto capire ancor di più quanto venissero curati i dettagli. Per il pranzo è stata proposta la possibilità di prendere menù fisso o ordinare alla carta. Scelto menù fisso: antipasto con 4 assaggi, primo, secondo e dolce. Tutto per 22€! Ho chiesto se gentilmente potevo avere un primo diverso da quello proposto nel menù, accettato subito e senza indugio dal signore, non me l'aspettavo e non mi aspettavo che non venisse messo un sovrapprezzo nel conto finale. Grazie mille, disponibilissimo e gentilissimo. Avevo paura che, come spesso succede in una ricorrenza, i pasti non fossero il massimo e invece.. pranzo fantastico, tutto buonissimo, pesce super fresco, una grande sorpresa. Anche la cura che hanno avuto verso di noi è stata incredibile, molto premurosi, sempre gentilissimi e con tempi di servizio perfetti. Sono contentissimo di aver scoperto questo ristorante, sicuramente lo consiglierò e ci tornerò il prima possibile. Complimenti a Da Francesco!!
Today, Valentine's Day, I arrived in Nettuno in this fish restaurant without knowing it before. Small, nice restaurant, well cared for in detail, with a welcoming and well-designed environment. Arriving at the table I find a simple decoration for the occasion, with a chocolate and their creation, which made me understand even more how much attention was paid to the details. For lunch it was proposed to take a fixed menu or order a la carte. Choice of fixed menu: appetizer with 4 tastings, first, second and dessert. All for 22 €! I kindly asked if I could have a first course different from the one proposed in the menu, accepted immediately and without delay by the gentleman, I did not expect it and I did not expect that a surcharge would not be put in the final bill. Thank you very much, very helpful and very kind. I was afraid that, as often happens on an anniversary, the meals were not the best and instead .. fantastic lunch, all very good, super fresh fish, a great surprise. The care they had towards us was also incredible, very caring, always very kind and with perfect service times. I am delighted to have discovered this restaurant, I will definitely recommend it and will be back as soon as possible. Congratulations to Da Francesco !!
giorgio salesi on Google

Locale accogliente, personale disponibile e gentile, per non parlare poi delle pizze, una goduria mangiarle. 5 stelle obbligatorie
Cozy place, helpful and kind staff, not to mention the pizzas, a pleasure to eat them. 5 stars mandatory
Mirko Maccio on Google

Conosciuto attraverso un coupon e devo dire che è stata una bella esperienza. Pesce fresco e ben cucinato. Buono i risotto alla crema di scampi e buona anche la pizza.. L'unica nota stonata è stata la lunga attesa tra l'antipasto e i primi (circa 45 minuti). Evidentemente c'è stato qualche problema che poteva essere attenuato magari portando in tavola ad esempio una focaccia.. Tanto per ingannare il tempo. Ma a parte questo (che può capitare) anche il servizio è stato cortese e preciso.. In tempi post lockdown bisogna sostenere chi tenta di risollevarsi quindi 5 stelle
Met through a coupon and I must say it was a good experience. Fresh and well cooked fish. The risotto with scampi cream is good and the pizza is also good .. The only discordant note was the long wait between the starter and the first courses (about 45 minutes). Evidently there was some problem that could have been mitigated perhaps by bringing a focaccia to the table for example .. Just to pass the time. But apart from this (which can happen) the service was also courteous and precise .. In post lockdown times, you have to support those who try to get back up, so 5 stars
Andrea Fabris on Google

Sono stato proprio bene a cena, cibo ottimo sapientemente cucinato ed impiantato, personale sorridente. Menù 18€ tris antipasti, primo e secondo (bevande escluse). Location magnifica e ben curata, e poi è in centro..a due passi dal Borgo.
I was really happy at dinner, excellent food expertly cooked and implanted, smiling staff. Menu 18 € tris appetizers, first and second courses (drinks not included). Magnificent and well maintained location, and then it is in the center .. a stone's throw from the Borgo.
Leonardo Legge on Google

Ottima esperienza, locale non molto grande ma pulito, gestito con attenzione e in sicurezza. Arredo moderno e discretamente elegante. Menù a base di pesce, freschissimo e ben preparato, con piatti classici ma molto curati e ben presentati. Fortemente consigliato.
Excellent experience, not very large but clean, managed with care and safety. Modern and discreetly elegant furnishings. Fish-based menu, very fresh and well prepared, with classic but well-kept and well presented dishes. Strongly recommended.
Emilija Petronijevic on Google

Led by good google reviews, we reserved a dinner there a few days ago. It was by far our worst experience in Nettuno. The place is small and over-crowded, the ventilation is poor. There is one good thing that they made people wear masks when entering, but the owner did this in a very rude way. Once we ordered the food, there was some misunderstanding, and we got a small dish of fish that was fresh, but in no way could be enough even for 1 person. They didn't give us bread, and we noticed that they gave it to other people. In the end, however, they charged for it. There was a misunderstanding for the second dish, so we waited for 40min and they were kind of pressuring us to go away, but we thought they would bring us the second dish. The guy in charge was rude. In the end we didn't want to wait for them to correct the mistake, we took something as a take-away and left asap. Maybe the food is fresh, but the service is too poor and the place is not nice.
Camelia Mihai on Google

The food was good, fresh, quiet and relaxing place

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