Ristorante Il Lago

3.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Ristorante Il Lago

Address :

Via Serroncelli, 83043 Bagnoli Irpino AV, Italy

Phone : 📞 +9878
Postal code : 83043
Categories :
City : Bagnoli Irpino

Via Serroncelli, 83043 Bagnoli Irpino AV, Italy
mariagrazia marcantuono on Google

ottimo pranzo,personale gentile e attento ... l unica pecca è che faceva abbastanza freddo e non avevano acceso i riscaldamenti
excellent lunch, polite and attentive staff ... the only flaw is that it was quite cold and they hadn't turned on the heaters
Steven Ricci on Google

Male... A dirla tutta il locale è sfizioso ma il servizio molto lento 2 ore e mezza per mangiare... Alcune pietanze non sono state di mio gradimento o dei miei commensali. Una pasta condita con olio di semi non è il massimo, alcuni hanno avuto la pasta un po' cruda e sciapita problemi nelle comande... Da rivedere al più presto.. I miei voti Location 7 Menù 2 Servizio 2 Conto 5
Bad ... To say the whole place it's delicious but the service is very slow 2 and a half hours to eat ... Some dishes have not been to my liking or to my diners. A pasta seasoned with seed oil is not the best, some have had the pasta a little raw and disrupted problems in the orders ... To be reviewed as soon as possible .. My grades Location 7 Menu 2 Service 2 Account 5
francesco pesapane on Google

Da incubo! Locale sporco, freddo (fossi in loro chiuderei). Ho preso un piatto di pasta che galleggiava nell’olio di semi,secondo piatto vitello alla griglia ed insalata , la carne era durissima e dubito che era di vitello, l’unica cosa che ho mangiato è stata l’insalata , perché sia la pasta che la carne erano immangiabili! Sono rimasto digiuno in poche parole!
Nightmare! Dirty, cold room (if I were in them I would close). I took a plate of pasta floating in seed oil, second course grilled veal and salad, the meat was very hard and I doubt it was veal, the only thing I ate was the salad, because it is the pasta that the meat was inedible! I was fasting in a nutshell!
Marco on Google

Carino, si mangia abbastanza bene, prezzi modici.
Nice, the food is pretty good, the prices are reasonable.
Rosario Piccolo on Google

Locale pessimo, riscaldato con una piccola stufa a gas che ad un certo punto è stata spenta. Il foglio del menù passava da tavolo a tavolo senza essere disinfettato, piatti già preparati che arrivavano al tavolo tiepidi o freddi, la pasta era scotta e questo ci ha dimostrato che i piatti non erano preparati al momento. Personale senza esperienza e male organizzato. I prezzi sono normali rispetto alla media, ma alti per la qualità della cucina. Una pessima esperienza!!! Da scartare.
Bad place, heated with a small gas stove which at one point was turned off. The menu sheet passed from table to table without being disinfected, dishes already prepared arriving at the table lukewarm or cold, the pasta was overcooked and this showed us that the dishes were not prepared at the moment. Inexperienced and poorly organized staff. Prices are normal compared to average, but high for the quality of the cuisine. A very bad experience !!! To be discarded.
Giuseppina Sisillo on Google

Servizio lento e poco professionale. Prodotti di bassa qualità. 2 ore per avere un primo. Ci hanno portato pasta con i funghi nonostante avessimo esplicitamente fatto presente che non li potevamo mangiare. Sedie bagnate e tavoli adagiati nel fango.
Slow and unprofessional service. Low quality products. 2 hours to have a first course. They brought us pasta with mushrooms even though we explicitly pointed out that we could not eat them. Wet chairs and tables set in the mud.
Vittorio Caputo on Google

Joseph Aulisa on Google

Hit this place for pizza. They make a nice pizza, true Napolitan style, with the puffy crust and all. I only had the fries and pizza, but both hit the spot. Their house red was actually decent, and that's saying something as my experience with house reds in these pizzerias means I wont even taste them. My cousin is the brave one who keeps giving them a shot, so I'll try them with the result being I have to spit it out, but not last night. Actually ate outside, so it was nice and cool for a change, a welcome respi6ftom the unbearable heat the last couple of weeks. I would have been happy with just the cool air, having pretty damned good pizza was a plus for me. Definitely worth hitting if you're up on Laceno.

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