ReLive Coffee and Lounge Bar Reggio Emilia

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact ReLive Coffee and Lounge Bar Reggio Emilia

Address :

Italia, Piazza della Vittoria, 1/F, 42121 Reggio Emilia RE, Italy

Phone : 📞 +988
Postal code : 42100
Opening hours :
Monday 6:30AM–8PM
Tuesday 6:30AM–8PM
Wednesday 6:30AM–8PM
Thursday 6:30AM–8PM
Friday 6:30AM–8PM
Saturday 6:30AM–8PM
Sunday Closed
Categories :
City : Reggio Emilia

Italia, Piazza della Vittoria, 1/F, 42121 Reggio Emilia RE, Italy
Thomas Baraldi on Google

Bel posto, vista sulla piazza, personale simpatico e caloroso, servizio al tavolo, le uniche 2 pecche sono il numero esagerato di persone al mattino e il caffe che non è il migliote
Nice place, view on the square, nice and warm staff, table service, the only 2 flaws are the exaggerated number of people in the morning and the coffee which is not the best.
Nicolò Grammatico on Google

Paste ottime ?? caffè decisamente da rivedere ☕ ? 1.50€ per un caffè servizio al tavolo mi sembra un po' troppo ? Distesa all'aperto sulla piazza molto carina.
Excellent pastas ?? coffee definitely worth reviewing ☕ ? € 1.50 for a coffee table service seems a bit too much ? Spread out on the very pretty square.
Enrico Fratti on Google

Tutto quello che ci si aspetta da un Coffee Lounge Bar; centralissimo nel cuore della Città
Everything you would expect from a Coffee Lounge Bar; very central in the heart of City
Simone Pecoraro on Google

erbazzone abbastanza strinato, ALMENO IN DOTAZIONE AVEVANO ESTA THE E NON THE BIO. la ragazza al bancone ha capito gli ordini in quanto non straniera ed è stata molto carina con me. I tavolini sono in legno ben levigato e abbastanza grandi da poter soddisfare le esigenze di 5 ragazzi. piatti ben puliti. posacenere per ogni tavolo. IN VETRO.
erbazzone quite strinato, AT LEAST IN EQUIPMENT HAD ESTA THE AND NOT THE BIO. the girl at the counter understood orders as a non-foreigner and was very nice to me. The tables are made of well-polished wood and large enough to meet the needs of 5 boys. dishes well cleaned. ashtray for each table. IN GLASS.
Claudio H. Marsilli on Google

Velocità, cortesia, pulizia. Ogni volta che vengo a Reggio, apprezzo la pulizia del bagno di questo locale. Quando stai in giro, il locale dove rimani a mangiare, anche solo per un caffè, e per andare al bagno, diventa un po' "casa tua" per il tempo che vi trascorri. Ringrazio di vero cuore tutto il personale anche e espressamente per la pulizia del servizio igienico. Non sto scherzando. Il resto è OK: io prendo sempre una qualche insalata, e mi sono piaciute tutte -- fresche, e con ingredienti buoni. Grazie, ragazzi! A presto.
Speed, courtesy, cleanliness. Every time I come to Reggio, I appreciate the cleanliness of the bathroom in this place. When you are out and about, the place where you stay to eat, even just for a coffee, and to go to the bathroom, becomes a bit "your home" for the time you spend there. I sincerely thank all the staff also and expressly for the cleaning of the toilet. I'm not kidding. The rest is OK: I always have some salad, and I liked them all - fresh, and with good ingredients. Thank you guys! See you soon.
Rosario Stancati on Google

Da Sempre il Mio Bar Preferito al centro storico di Reggio nell'Emilia....... Ottimi dolcetti e brioches della Premiata Pasticceria Boni......Bevande Calde e Fredde servite al tavolo con professionalità e passione..... e poi SONO TUTTI MILANISTI!!!!!
Always My Favorite Bar in the historic center of Reggio nell'Emilia ....... Excellent sweets and brioches from the Premiata Pasticceria Boni ...... Hot and Cold Drinks served at the table with professionalism and passion ..... and then THEY ARE ALL MILANISTI !!!!!
Manu on Google

Splendido Bar situato in piazza della Vittoria nella Magnifica e Storica Reggio Emilia, con ambiente Raffinato e Moderno al tempo stesso; Grazie a Jasmine e Daniela il servizio é di classe e amichevole al tempo stesso, complimenti anche a tutto il resto dello Staff che si premura nei minimi dettagli della cura al cliente non solo nel lavoro in sé ma anche scambiando piacevoli conversazioni tra un' ordine e un' altro. Ottimo assortimento di dolci e salati in Vetrina preparati personalmente dalla splendida e gentilissima madre del proprietario, che mette letteralmente Amore nelle sue creazioni che sono piccole opere d' arte commestibili. Eccellente locale ormai storico, consigliato per chi si vuole godere un' ottimo caffé in una delle città più famose D'Italia. ????? Splendid Bar located in Piazza della Vittoria in the Magnificent and Historic Reggio Emilia, with a refined and modern atmosphere at the same time; Thanks to Jasmine and Daniela the service is classy and friendly at the same time, congratulations also to all the rest of the Staff who take care of the smallest details of customer care not only in the work itself but also exchanging pleasant conversations between an order and another. Excellent assortment of sweet and savory in the Showcase prepared personally by the splendid and kind mother of the owner, who literally puts Love in her creations which are small edible works of art. An excellent historic place, recommended for those who want to enjoy an excellent Italian coffee in one of the most famous cities in Italy. ?????
Splendid Bar located in Piazza della Vittoria in the Magnificent and Historic Reggio Emilia, with a refined and modern atmosphere at the same time; Thanks to Jasmine and Daniela the service is classy and friendly at the same time, congratulations also to all the rest of the staff who take care of the smallest details of customer care not only in the work itself but also exchanging pleasant conversations between an order and another. Excellent assortment of sweet and savory in the Showcase prepared personally by the splendid and very kind mother of the owner, who literally puts Love in her creations which are small edible works of art. An excellent historic place, recommended for those who want to enjoy an excellent coffee in one of the most famous cities in Italy. ????? Splendid Bar located in Piazza della Vittoria in the Magnificent and Historic Reggio Emilia, with a refined and modern atmosphere at the same time; Thanks to Jasmine and Daniela the service is classy and friendly at the same time, congratulations also to all the rest of the Staff who take care of the smallest details of customer care not only in the work itself but also exchanging pleasant conversations between an order and another. Excellent assortment of sweet and savory in the Showcase prepared personally by the splendid and kind mother of the owner, who literally puts Love in her creations which are small edible works of art. An excellent historic place, recommended for those who want to enjoy an excellent Italian coffee in one of the most famous cities in Italy. ?????
Mohamed Saad comics on Google

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