Porziuncola - 1

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Contact Porziuncola

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Phone : 📞 +978
Postal code : 06081
Website : https://www.porziuncola.org/
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Hna. Noelia fsp on Google

La porciuncula es un lugar santo, recomiendo llegar con un corazón preparado. Podes llegar escuchar misa y confesarte (hay confesiones en varios idiomas) para poder recibir la indulgencia plenaria( condiciones para recibirla, asistir a misa, comulgar, confesarse y rezar por las intenciones del Papa) alli encontraras la porciuncula, la capilla del paso donde murio san Fransisco y la cueva donde vivio fransisco. Podes tambien comprar algun recuerdo en la hermosa santeria que hay.
La porciuncula is a holy place, I recommend arriving with a prepared heart. You can come hear mass and confess (there are confessions in several languages) to receive the plenary indulgence (conditions to receive it, attend mass, take communion, confess and pray for the intentions of the Pope) there you will find the portiuncula, the chapel of the step where he died San Fransisco and the cave where Francisco lived. You can also buy some souvenir in the beautiful santeria that there is.
Paola Scarsi on Google

Più ci si avvicina alla Porziuncola più il cuore si apre in un sentimento di serenità e condivisione. Dirigendosi verso il chiostro due colombe bianche vicino alla statua di San Francesco danno il colpo finale alle emozioni
The closer you get to the Porziuncola, the more your heart opens up in a feeling of serenity and sharing. Heading towards the cloister, two white doves near the statue of San Francesco give the final blow to the emotions
luigi fernando gentile on Google

Non bisogna nemmeno commentare! Invito solamente a sostare in questo luogo benedetto e respirare la spiritualità lasciataci dal padre serafico San Francesco in eredità. Un eredità inestimabile, che i frati minori ancora oggi custodiscono e mettono a disposizione di chiunque voglia fare la sua conoscenza. Se di passaggio, fermatevi e ascoltatevi...
Don't even comment! I only invite you to stop in this blessed place and breathe the spirituality left to us by the seraphic father St. Francis in inheritance. An inestimable legacy, which the Friars Minor still preserve and make available to anyone who wants to get to know it. If passing by, stop and listen to yourselves ...
Angelo Palermo on Google

Visita obbligatoria dopo aver visitato Assisi. Preparati anche qui a dover combattere con i frati e preti che vi staranno completamente attaccati impedendovi di scattare foto all’interno della basilica( perché?). Purtroppo ad Assisi e poco sponsorizzata la visita in questo luogo, infatti se qualcuno non lo sa, diventa quasi raro arrivare qui per visitare la chiesa
Compulsory visit after visiting Assisi. Here too, prepare to have to fight with the friars and priests who will be completely attached to you, preventing you from taking pictures inside the basilica (why?). Unfortunately, the visit to this place is not very sponsored in Assisi, in fact if someone does not know it, it becomes almost rare to arrive here to visit the church
Violet Fernandes on Google

Wonderful place of holiness
Vittorio Mazzia on Google

Inside the Basilica. Check the timetable beacuse it opens to pray also at night
Laura Vescovi on Google

Beautiful town and church ❤️
Michael Lightcreature on Google

What a sight this place is to behold. It is a colossal church with a smaller church inside. The small one in it's interior was the first church built by saint francis and is quite a spectacle to see.

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