Porta Santa Maria

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Contact Porta Santa Maria

Address :

Via S. Maria del Cassero, 446-481, 01022 Bagnoregio VT, Italy

Postal code : 01022
Categories :
City : Bagnoregio

Via S. Maria del Cassero, 446-481, 01022 Bagnoregio VT, Italy
Davide Pizzi on Google

All'antico abitato di Civita si accedeva mediante cinque porte, mentre oggi la porta detta di Santa Maria o della Cava, ne rappresenta quella principale, inoltre è possibile accedere a Civita dalla valle dei calanchi attraverso una suggestiva galleria scavata nella roccia.
The ancient town of Civita was accessed through five doors, while today the door known as Santa Maria or della Cava, represents the main one, moreover it is possible to access Civita from the valley of the badlands through a suggestive tunnel carved into the rock.
Roberto Nuzziello on Google

Civita di Bagnoregio è una città fantastica, tipicamente medievale, unica nel suo genere, in mezzo a una valle meravigliosa! Il ponte pedonale che porta alla città è fantastico, con un belvedere mozza fiato. Una volta arrrivati alle soglie della città è impossibile non notare la grande Porta Santa Maria. La chiamano la città che "Muore", spero si sbagliano. Uno tra i borghi più belli d'italia.
Civita di Bagnoregio is a fantastic city, typically medieval, unique in its kind, in the middle of a wonderful valley! The pedestrian bridge that leads to the city is fantastic, with a breathtaking viewpoint. Once you get to the city limits it is impossible not to notice the great Porta Santa Maria. They call it the city that "dies", I hope they are wrong. One of the most beautiful villages in Italy.
Alessandro Alex Plebani on Google

Porta di ingresso al borgo di Civita di Bagnoregio. Ben tenuta, fino a quando reggerà. Dalla porta si può ammirare Bagnoregio e la campagna circostante.
Entrance door to the village of Civita di Bagnoregio. Well maintained, as long as it will hold. From the door you can admire Bagnoregio and the surrounding countryside.
Carol Costa Oliveira on Google

Civita di Bagnoregio é uma cidade INCRÍVEL na Itália, com um ar medieval único, em meio a um maravilhoso vale! A partir de determinado ponto só é permitido seguir a pé, mediante o pagamento da taxa de entrada. A caminho da ponte de pedra que dá acesso à cidade, pare no mirante pra apreciar a paisagem do vale e veja também a Grotta di San Bonaventura. Suba a ponte de pedra e, para entrar na cidade, é impossível não notar a grandiosa Porta Santa Maria. Seguindo na rua principal você verá a Basílica di San Donato, além do Museu Geológico. Siga até o final da rua principal para a melhor vista do vale e vá explorar todas as ruas, pois cada uma tem uma surpresa diferente e rende fotos de tirar o fôlego. Fique para almoçar, pois há MARAVILHOSOS e DELICIOSOS restaurantes por lá. A cidade tem inúmeras curiosidades, pesquise a respeito e vá até lá, você vai se apaixonar!
Civita di Bagnoregio is an AMAZING city in Italy with a unique medieval air in the middle of a wonderful valley! From a certain point onwards it is only allowed to walk, upon payment of the entrance fee. On the way to the stone bridge that gives access to the city, stop at the lookout to enjoy the valley landscape and also see the Grotta di San Bonaventura. Climb the stone bridge and, to enter the city, it is impossible not to notice the grand Porta Santa Maria. Following the main street you will see the Basilica di San Donato, as well as the Geological Museum. Head to the end of Main Street for the best view of the valley and explore all the streets as each one has a different surprise and yields breathtaking photos. Stay for lunch as there are WONDERFUL and DELICIOUS restaurants there. The city has numerous curiosities, research it and go there, you will fall in love!
Andrew Huang on Google

這是一個很特別的地方, 建議走過橋到城裡走走. 城裡的照片是是2019年10月拍的 壯麗的遠觀照片請參考另一篇 Ponte Panoramico di Civita 貼文
This is a very special place, it is recommended to walk across the bridge to the city. The photo of the city was taken in October 2019 See another Ponte Panoramico di Civita post for the magnificent distance photos
Domi Nika on Google

Civita di Bagnoregio è un luogo magico, surreale, fantastico, situato sulla vetta di un'altura di tufo e raggiungibile solo attraverso uno stretto ponte pedonale dal quale si gode di uno dei panorami più spettacolari di tutto il Lazio. Soprannominata la città che muore, per via della costante erosione delle rocce di tufo su cui si trova, questa cittadella a metà strada tra Orvieto e il lago di Bolsena ha origini etrusche e medioevali. Sospesa nel tempo e nello spazio, Civita di Bagnoregio è senza dubbio uno dei borghi italiani più belli e caratteristici.
Civita di Bagnoregio is a magical, surreal, fantastic place, located on the top of a tuff hill and reachable only through a narrow pedestrian bridge from which you can enjoy one of the most spectacular views in all of Lazio. Nicknamed the city that dies, due to the constant erosion of the tuff rocks on which it is located, this citadel halfway between Orvieto and Lake Bolsena has Etruscan and medieval origins. Suspended in time and space, Civita di Bagnoregio is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful and characteristic Italian villages.
Leon Shi on Google

An ancient village founded 2,500 years ago located on the top of a hill. If you visit it in a foggy day and look up to it from the bottom of the hill, it looks like the town is floating in the sky. And that’s fascinating. The old town has declined hundreds of years ago and now became known in Italian as La città che muore ("The Dying Town"). it may take a few hours to get there by car. But it’s definitely an unique village among all those beautiful small towns scattered across the middle of Italy.
Derek Schott on Google

I don't know what went through the mind of ancient realtors, but it seems every top flight construction had to be built on the top of freaking mountains. This place is amazing! A small village perched on the top of a very tall hill. I will say that heights frighten the hell out of me, and walking up the long narrow path was nerve wracking. Coming back down was worse. But completely worth it! I have never visited a more interesting village and would love to have leased a small apartment that was available here. This truly unique location had very few visitors when I went, and it was simply amazing to see the ancient stone work, the festive cats, and beautiful floral arrangements. Would love to see it at night sometime, as photos simply don't do it justice. This is a must visit when in Italy...

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