Polizia - Commissariato di Pubblica Sicurezza

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Contact Polizia - Commissariato di Pubblica Sicurezza

Address :

Via Carlo Marx, 150, 41012 Carpi MO, Italy

Phone : 📞 +999
Postal code : 41012
Website : http://www.poliziadistato.it/
Categories :
City : Carpi

Via Carlo Marx, 150, 41012 Carpi MO, Italy
Nik Gordya on Google

Manca l'aria condizionata.
No air conditioning.
nicola gottardi on Google

maleducati ed incompetenti invece di ringraziare dio di avere un lavoro si permettono di fare i maleducati e prepotenti con chi gli paga lo stipendio.
rude and incompetent instead of thanking god for having a job they allow themselves to be rude and overbearing with those who pay their wages.
Soukaina Boufdaila on Google

Ti presenti lì e no ti rivolgono neanche la parola come se fossi una bestia non un essere umana come loro
You present yourself there and no they even speak to you as if you were a beast not a human being like them
da ca on Google

Ho avuto grossi problemi con i documenti per mia figlia che doveva partire per il Brasile per un lutto e devo dire che solo grazie alla prontezza di risposta del ragazzo/Signore che sta all'ufficio passaporti sono riuscito a fare tutto in breve tempo. Penso che persone così dovrebbero stare in tutti gli uffici dove un cittadino si rivolge e ďove invece spesso ai trova gente poco preparata e poco diaponibile. Un senso di rispetto e di umanità che fa di questo commissariato un esempio per tutte le istituzioni. Grazie ancora!
I had big problems with the documents for my daughter who had to leave for Brazil for a mourning and I must say that only thanks to the prompt response of the boy / gentleman who is at the passport office was I able to do everything in a short time. I think people like this should be in all the offices where a citizen turns to and instead often finds people who are poorly prepared and not available. A sense of respect and humanity that makes this commissariat an example for all institutions. Thanks again!
robert jabłoński on Google

Scusate, campo di concentramento di Fossoli sarà riaperto per novax?
Sorry, will Fossoli concentration camp reopen for novax?
Lita do vale on Google

Sono maleducato e prepotente, no ti rispondo i telefono quando rispondono sono di una ignoranza che un Junco e più educato di loro. Cercate di essere più carini con le persone altrimenti cambia lavoro.
I am rude and arrogant, no I answer the phone when they answer I am of an ignorance that a Junco and more polite than them. Try to be nicer to people otherwise change jobs.
Christian Lopez on Google

Quello dello sportello di passaporto e maleducato, ho fatto delle richieste per poter fare il passaporto d’urgenza e mi è stato negato
The one at the passport counter is rude, I made requests to get an emergency passport and I was denied
Richard H on Google

It is near to impossible to get these people to listen, EU cross border laws and internal rights are totaly ignored if these laws favor your human rights for a visa. They give you an incomplete list of requirments, when you complete these they then change what they want. Though it is a police station offferring a visa service to international citizens, they can only communicate in Italian. They are incredibly difficult to deal with and do not understand how thier incompetance can cause so much harm to others. This game they play is none stop. It is nearly impossible to get their central government to investigate them. It is inevitable that somebody will eventually sue them via the EU human rights courts. If the Italian government wont train them to do proper jobs then it will have to be heard by a court so they can be ordered to be more professional and those incompetant staff held accountable via law.

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