
3.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Piola

Address :

20131 Milano MI, Italy

Categories :
City : Milano

20131 Milano MI, Italy
Maria Lauricella on Google

La stazione sotterranea della metropolitana Piola, unaugurata nel 1969, si trova sulla Linea verde M2 e permette di raggiungere il Politecnico di Milano, il teatro Leonardo e il piazzale Gabrio Piola, intitolato al matematico e fisico, da cui trae origine il suo nome. Si trova in corrispondenza di via Pacini, all' incrocio con via Bazzini e via d' Ovidio. Il colore verde contraddistingue le banchine e i treni. La stazione presenta 2 binari in due canne distinte. Purtroppo quando piove è possibile che si allaghi, poiché la falda acquifera adesso si è innalzata rispetto al periodo in cui fu costruita la prima tratta della metropolitana. In caso di allagamento entrano in funzione delle idrovore. È possibile l' accesso con la sedia a rotelle. All' interno sono presenti un' edicola e un bar.
The underground station Piola Metro, unaugurata in 1969, is located on the green line M2 and you can reach the Politecnico di Milano, the theater and the square Leonardo Gabrio Piola, named after the mathematician and physicist at the origin of its name. It is located in Via Pacini correspondence, to 'cross via Bazzini and Via d' Ovidio. The green color characterizes the platforms and trains. The station has two rails in two separate bores. Unfortunately when it rains it may from flooding because the water table has risen now compared to when it was built the first section of the metro. In the event of flooding come into operation of the pumps. You can l 'access with a wheelchair. All 'inside there are a' newspaper stand and a bar.
Antonio Divirgiglio on Google

Milos Stojiljkovic on Google

Single platform station
Ricardo Desequeira on Google

Clean stop, one common platform. Not too busy.
Amir Mahdi Karampour on Google

U gonna Love this view..
Alessio Ganci on Google

Quiet M2 subway stop, not much busy. Well maintained.
Pancasatya Agastra on Google

Students' super highway. Tickets can be bought at the newspaper stand or at the ticket vending machine.
Melissa Adkins on Google

From most stations in Milan, this one is one of the safest and nicest. Piola may only be important for the universities near the site but I feel pretty much safe in this station. It also has a newspaper stand that sales magazines, comic and manga. Near the station, there are 2 supermarkets and many cafes.

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