Piazza Del Leone Napoli

3.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Piazza Del Leone Napoli

Address :

Via Mergellina, 53/53/bis, 80122 Napoli NA, Italy

Categories :
City : Napoli

Via Mergellina, 53/53/bis, 80122 Napoli NA, Italy
Enzo Sollazzo on Google

Peccato che la fontana del leone sia alquanto nascosta, visto che è posizionata sotto il livello stradale.
Too bad that the lion fountain is somewhat hidden, as it is positioned below street level.
GENNARO 45 Palomba on Google

Ce la fontana del Leone e un degrado e una vergogna.
There is the fountain of the Lion and a decay and a shame.
alessandro russo on Google

Un tempo era buonissima, peggiorata negli anni, ma adesso non c'è più fagocitata dai coloniali che vendono merce scaduta a quattro soldi senza fare lo scontrino.
At one time it was very good, worse over the years, but now there is no longer swallowed up by the colonials who sell expired goods for a penny without making a receipt.
Francesco Anastasio on Google

Buonissssimo....ingredienti di qualità....consigliato il gateau di patate ..il sartou di riso eccezionale...e poi ottimo servizio...personale gentile e disponibile. Prezzi molto convenienti... soluzione da asporto per una cena diversa a casa o per passeggiare sul lungo mare....e che panino napoletano...
Very good .... quality ingredients .... recommended the potato gateau .. the exceptional rice sartou ... and then great service ... kind and helpful staff. Very affordable prices ... take-away solution for a different dinner at home or to stroll along the seafront ... and what a Neapolitan sandwich ...
Luca di Meo on Google

Storica pizzetteria di Mergellina era qui quando andavo a scuola è qui tutte le mattine quando vado a lavoro. Tutto è venduto a peso, dalla pizza al piatto di pasta al dolce quindi paghi esattamente quello che mangi. Gentilissimo lo storico proprietario Pino e gentilissimo il figlio Stefano. Pino, se avrete la fortuna di incontrarlo vi racconterà aneddoti della vecchia Mergellina e sull'origine del suo nome. Se ci andate fategli il mio nome, vi tratteranno con un occhio di riguardo. Dimenticavo, ad oggi il cuoco vi sembrerà straniero e dopotutto si chiama Alex ma è napoletanissimo e cucina piatti tipici come pochi!
Mergellina's historic pizza shop was here when I went to school and is here every morning when I go to work. Everything is sold by weight, from pizza to pasta dish to dessert so you pay exactly what you eat. The historical owner Pino is very kind and his son Stefano is very kind. Pino, if you are lucky enough to meet him, he will tell you anecdotes of old Mergellina and the origin of his name. If you go, give him my name, they will treat you with an eye. I forgot, to date the cook will seem foreign to you and after all his name is Alex but he is very Neapolitan and cooks typical dishes like few others!
Antonio Piacente (Totonno) on Google

Prezzi modici,cibo d asporto saporiti,personale cortese
Moderately priced, tasty takeaway, friendly staff
MARLING on Google

lo ricordavo come un punto di riferimento e devo ammettere che quanto assaggiato non era male ma se da sempre l'igiene è stata una norma importante oggi lo è in maniera particolare. Vige l'obbligo della mascherina in questi giorni e il proprietario o chi lo gestisce ne era sprovvisto. La collaboratrice invece è munita di guanti con i quali tocca cibo e soldi. Fatto notare la risposta ha destato ilarità, che ci sarà da ridere questo non l'ho capito ma capisco sempre di più i locali dove andare e quelli da evitare !
I remembered it as a point of reference and I must admit that what I tasted was not bad but if hygiene has always been an important rule, today it is particularly so. The mask is mandatory in these days and the owner or whoever manages it did not have one. The collaborator instead is equipped with gloves with which she touches food and money. Pointing out the answer aroused hilarity, that there will be laughter I did not understand this but I understand more and more the places to go and those to avoid!
Sameh Salama on Google

مكان رائع وجميل للزيارة في قلب نابولي، وبالتحديد في أشهر ساحة، يوجد أيضاً في هذا المكان العَديد من المحلات والماركات العالمية والمَشهورة، للملابس والأحذية والإكسسوارات والمصنوعات الجلدية، لكن يجب أخذ الحيطة والحذر لأن كثير من هذه المُنتجات، غير أصلية . كما يجب عليكم دائماً الفصال في الأسعار وخاصة إذا كنتم تشترون من المحلات، وهو عكس أي مكان آخر في إيطاليا عامة . لا تنسوا أكل البيتزا بالموزَريلا الجاموسي وليس البَقري، وإيمها موتزرلا دي بوفلا .
A wonderful and beautiful place to visit in the heart of Naples, specifically in the most famous square, there are also many international and famous shops and brands in this place, for clothes, shoes, accessories and leather goods, but caution must be taken because many of these products are not original. You should also always separate in prices, especially if you are buying from stores, which is unlike anywhere else in Italy in general. Do not forget to eat pizza with buffalo mozzarella, not the beef, and ema mozzarella de bufla.

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