Pescheria La Medusa

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Pescheria La Medusa

Address :

Via Taranto, 38, 73100 Lecce LE, Italy

Phone : 📞 +988
Categories :
City : Lecce

Via Taranto, 38, 73100 Lecce LE, Italy
Angelo Liegi on Google

Gentilezza professionalità e prodotti di ottima qualità b
Kindness, professionalism and high quality products b
Ritanna Quarta on Google

Ottima qualità come sempre
Excellent quality as always
Vincenzo Sparviero on Google

Pesce sempre fresco e frutti di mare ottimi
Always fresh fish and excellent seafood
Matteo Schifa on Google

Qualità Freschezza Cortesia
Quality Freshness Courtesy
paolo buttazzo on Google

Molto fornita, pesce freschissimo e personale gentile e servizievole
Very well stocked, fresh fish and friendly and helpful staff
Federico Castriota Scanderbeg on Google

Ottimo pescato, titolari competenti e molto cortesi.
Excellent fish, competent and very courteous owners.
Gianluca Gallo on Google

Pesce fresco di ottima qualità a prezzi onesti...... accompagnato dalla gentilezza, disponibilità e professionalità di Mimino, Anna e aiutanti di turno, consigliatissima
Fresh fish of excellent quality at fair prices ...... accompanied by the kindness, availability and professionalism of Mimino, Anna and helpers on duty, highly recommended
Olga Koshcheeva on Google

Хороший рыбный магазин. Очень сложно найти достойного качества лосось, но здесь он есть, также по не такой кусачей цене. Только странно, что работник отказался отрезать большой кусок, разрезав напополам. Не понравилось также, что одними и теми же перчатками он оперировался как с морепродуктами, так и с деньгами. В итоге, твои купюры пропитаны жиром от рыбы.
A good fish store. It is very difficult to find a decent quality salmon, but here it is, also for a not so biting price. It's only strange that the employee refused to cut a large piece, cutting in half. It was also not pleasant that he was using the same gloves with both seafood and money. As a result, your banknotes are saturated with fat from the fish.

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