Pension Knappenhof Der Notdurfter Edith

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Pension Knappenhof Der Notdurfter Edith

Address :

Kirchdorf, 80, 39030 Predoi BZ, Italy

Phone : 📞 +97
Postal code : 39030
Website :
Categories :
City : Predoi

Kirchdorf, 80, 39030 Predoi BZ, Italy
Raffaele Martina on Google

Posto gradevole con stanze carine. La camera che ho avuto aveva un bel balcone da cui c'era un bel panorama. Quando il cuoco era disponibile si mangiava anche la sera, piatti semplici ma buoni. Cameriera strepitosa.
Pleasant place with nice rooms. The room I had had a nice balcony from which there was a beautiful view. When the cook was available, even simple but good dishes were eaten in the evening. Awesome waitress.
Elisabetta Pezzato on Google

Grande casa. Proprietaro sorridente e disponibile. Rapporto qualità/prezzo giusto. Un paio di accortezze in più renderebbero il soggiorno ancora più gradevole: come le lenzuola per il letto, senza dover dormire sul ruvido coprimaterasso.
Big house. Owner smiling and helpful. Fair quality / price ratio. A couple of extra precautions would make the stay even more pleasant: like the sheets for the bed, without having to sleep on the rough mattress cover.
Marika Macchi on Google

Peccato che ci siamo fermati solo una notte, ma camera bella e pulitissima. Il titolare poi è super, molto gentile e simpatico. Consigliatissimo
Too bad we only stayed one night, but the room was nice and spotless. The owner is super, very kind and nice. Highly recommended
Paul Horvat on Google

Klein aber fein. Familiäre gemütliche und preiswerte Pension in zauberhafter Umgebung. Gute bürgerliche Küche und Ausgangspunkt für herrliche Wanderungen. Sehr empfehlenswert
Small but nice. Familiar, cozy and inexpensive guesthouse in a magical setting. Good home-style cooking and a starting point for wonderful hikes. Highly recommended
Oana Miron on Google

Albergo molto pulito, ambiente gradevole, con i proprietari sempre disponibili e sorridenti. La Valle Aurina offre tante attrazioni per gli amanti della montagna. Sicuramente un soggiorno molto piacevole e rilassante.
Very clean hotel, pleasant environment, with the owners always available and smiling. The Ahrntal Valley offers many attractions for mountain lovers. Definitely a very pleasant and relaxing stay.
Federico Groppelli on Google

Pulito ed ordinato, proprietari sempre cortesi e disponibili. Ci torneremo!! Gruppo di 20 persone
Clean and tidy, owners always courteous and helpful. We will be back!! Group of 20 people
Marie Stella “VAGABONDA 1958” Alata on Google

Cozy place.Very respectful and friendly staff.
Martine Guigue on Google

Excellent! We were 6 hikers, we had 3 small apartments with 2 bedrooms in each. The food is good and the staff very friendly.

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