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Contact Pasta

Address : Andrea Costa, 6, 48121 Ravenna RA, Italy

Categories :
City : Ravenna Andrea Costa, 6, 48121 Ravenna RA, Italy
Marco Colizzi on Google

Oggi ho sperimentato i cappellacci con ripieno a base di řicotta e pasta verde a base di spinaci. Comprati crudi e a casa cotti nel brodo, ma conditi con burro e salvia. Ottimi, prezzo adeguato. Da provare. É anche possibiļe sedersi al tavolo e farseli servire cotti. Buon appetito.
Today I experimented with cappellacci with stuffing made from řicotta and green pasta made from spinach. Buy yourself raw and home cooked in broth, but seasoned with butter and sage. Excellent, adequate price. To try. It is also possible to sit at the table and have them served cooked. Enjoy your meal.

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