Parco Avventura Flying Frogs - Via Quader

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Parco Avventura Flying Frogs

Address :

Via Quader, 25080 Prabione BS, Italy

Phone : 📞 +97
Postal code : 25080
Website :
Categories :
City : Prabione

Via Quader, 25080 Prabione BS, Italy
Franck Aubspin on Google

Le parc est mal indiqué pour y arriver. Surplace, un stand mais avec aucune personne pour vous accueillir. En effet, le personnel est en sous effectif en pleine saison! Ils ne sont que 2 et font la caisse, l'équipement, l'accompagnement. Une heure d'attente déjà et les enfants n'ont pas mis un pied sur une échelle. Bref, une mauvaise expérience et un parc à éviter sauf si vous avez du temps à perdre.
The park is poorly signposted to get there. On site, a stand but with no one to welcome you. Indeed, the staff is understaffed in high season! There are only 2 of them and they take care of the cash, the equipment, the support. An hour of waiting already and the children have not set foot on a ladder. In short, a bad experience and a park to be avoided unless you have time to spare.
Jessy182 Monge on Google

La Nostra Sperienza Molto Bellissima, Noi Genitori di un Ragazzo di 15 anni Autistico, posso solo Ringraziare a il Ragazzo che stato Vicino a Lui a spiegare Insegnare come fare, con tanta pazienza è Vivere questa Enorme Emozione, Poi il posto è Bellissimo da Fiaba
Our very beautiful experience, we parents of a 15 year old boy with autism, I can only thank the boy who was close to him to explain how to do it, with so much patience it is living this huge emotion, then the place is beautiful as a fairy tale.
Maxim Stanchu on Google

Parco avventura adrenalinico, per tutte le età, molto bello il veloce "Big zip". Vale piú di quanto si paga (E si ha uno sconto se state a Tignale).
Adrenaline-pumping adventure park, for all ages, the fast "Big zip" is very nice. It is worth more than what you pay (And you have a discount if you stay in Tignale).
Fred Feuerstein on Google

Tolles Erlebnis für die ganze Familie. Unsere Töchter sind 14 und 16. Die Mama ist auch mit geklettert. Sehr nette und hilfsbereite guides. Haben komplette Einführung und viele wertvolle Tipps bekommen. Anfahrt war etwas abenteuerlich, Navi hat uns zuerst zum Freibad gelotst. Fussweg von fort wäre aber auch möglich, kostenloses Baden mit Tignale Karte sowieso. Über die Karte gibt es auch halben Preis auf die erste Runde. Diese dauert ca. 30 Minuten mit einigen "Flügen". Weitläufiges Gelände, kann man auch picknicken dort. Wir hatten Hund dabei, war überhaupt kein Problem. Als Begleitung kann man überall mitlaufen und schauen, was die anderen so anstellen. Sehr empfehlenswert.
Great experience for the whole family. Our daughters are 14 and 16. Mom also climbed with us. Very nice and helpful guides. Got a complete introduction and lots of valuable tips. The journey was a bit adventurous, GPS first guided us to the outdoor pool. But it would also be possible to walk from there, free bathing with the Tignale card anyway. The card also gives you half price on the first round. This takes about 30 minutes with some "flights". Extensive terrain, you can also have a picnic there. We had a dog with us, it wasn't a problem at all. As a companion you can run everywhere and see what the others are up to. Highly recommended.
Francesca Forni on Google

Esperienza assolutamente positiva per questo parco avventura! Personale di una gentilezza unica, molto attenti alla sicurezza. Daniele e Michela sono stati spettacolari con i nostri bimbi. Il parco non è grandissimo, ma i 3 percorsi sono veramente stimolanti, pieni di varie difficoltà. Non abbiamo provato il percorso per gli adulti perché ci siamo concentrati sui pupi, ma se dovessimo tornare in zona ci verremo sicuramente... All'ingresso c'è una super e lunghissima zip line!!!!!
Absolutely positive experience for this adventure park! Staff of a unique kindness, very attentive to safety. Daniele and Michela were spectacular with our children. The park is not huge, but the 3 routes are really stimulating, full of various difficulties. We did not try the route for adults because we focused on the puppets, but if we return to the area we will definitely come ... At the entrance there is a super and very long zip line !!!!!
Anette Rahbek Bøgelund on Google

Friendly staff and nice setting.
Sophie M. on Google

I had lots of fun today, Daniel is a very nice guy!
Henrik Munk Nielsen on Google

Thrilling place to "hang" out. Whether you're an adult, a juvenile or a kid this place has something to offer. Move around in the tree tops high above and enjoy yourself. Highly recommended!!

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