Osteria del Cardinale

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Osteria del Cardinale

Address :

Via Umberto I, 12, 61030 Cartoceto PU, Italy

Phone : 📞 +989
Postal code : 61030
Website : http://www.osteriadelcardinale.com/
Categories :
City : Cartoceto

Via Umberto I, 12, 61030 Cartoceto PU, Italy
Andrea Gaudenzi on Google

Posto molto accogliente, ci si sente fin da subito coccolati. Il cibo è ottimo, porzioni giuste, e sono tutti piatti accompagnati da ottimi vini. Subito arrivati, pane e scelta di oli del posto a km zero sale dell'Himalaya. Poi antipasti prime e secondo semplici ma ben curati e presentati divinamente dal personale sempre mto attento e preparato. Prezzi nella media. Da ritornarci per un pranzo o una cena conviviale tra amici o una cena romantica.
Very welcoming place, you immediately feel pampered. The food is excellent, portions are right, and they are all dishes accompanied by excellent wines. Immediately arrived, bread and a choice of local oils at zero km salt from the Himalayas. Then appetizers first and second simple but well cared for and divinely presented by the always attentive and prepared staff. Average prices. To come back for a convivial lunch or dinner with friends or a romantic dinner.
Fla “Lalla336” B on Google

ottima accoglienza cameriera molto professionale cucina particolarmente ricercata con sfumature piacevoli e accostamenti audaci, ma sicuramente molto piacevoli prezzi poco superiori alla media ma la qualita e la professionalita vanno pagate bravi un saluto da senigallia
very good welcome very professional waitress particularly refined cuisine with pleasant nuances and daring combinations, but certainly very pleasant prices slightly above average but the quality and professionalism must be paid well a greeting from senigallia
Carsten M. Steffen on Google

Was kommt dabei raus, wenn eine Sommelière in der Küche steht und regionale Produkte mit viel Feingefühl, Sachverständnis, Können und Kreativität verarbeitet? Geschmackserlebnisse, die herausragend sind und in Erinnerung bleiben. Und ein perfekter, unaufdringlich freundlicher Service rundet das Bild ab. Die Weine sind erlesen und zum Menü mit Weinbegleitung wurden Weine serviert, die selten und ungewöhnlich (im besten Sinne) waren. Es schmeckt nicht nur hervorragend, man lernt auch dazu!
What do you get when a sommelier stands in the kitchen and processes regional products with great sensitivity, expertise, skill and creativity? Taste experiences that are outstanding and will be remembered. And perfect, unobtrusively friendly service rounds off the picture. The wines are exquisite and wines that were rare and unusual (in the best sense of the word) were served with the accompanying wine menu. Not only does it taste great, you also learn from it!
silvia zabai on Google

Molto più fumo che arrosto…. Letteralmente…porzioni fin troppo gourmet con prezzi eccessivi per qualità e quantità. Vino buono ma un “calice” a 6 € per vedere un dito solo sul fondo del bicchiere è veramente un furto. Pollo “croccante” ai peperoni scomposto in cialde croccanti della pelle e un fuso semi in umido con tre pezzettini di peperoni in giro ( 17€ ). Fin “troppo” gentili nel servizio. Nell’ insieme deludente
Much more smoke than roast…. Literally… too gourmet portions with excessive prices for quality and quantity. Good wine but a "goblet" for € 6 to see only one finger on the bottom of the glass is truly a steal. "Crispy" chicken with peppers decomposed into crispy wafers of the skin and a melted semi-stew with three pieces of peppers around (€ 17). Even "too" kind in the service. Overall disappointing
Annalisa Angelone on Google

Dopo aver visitato il Museo del Balì, abbiamo avuto la fortuna di cenare in questa caratteristica osteria, situata nel centro storico di Cartoceto. Location curata nei minimi dettagli, dalla mise en place al servizio, impeccabile!! Che dire poi dei servizio igienico, ineccepibile!! Menù eccellente, poche proposte, segno di genuinità e freschezza. Complimenti alla chef!! Location consigliata anche per una bella cena romantica... merita davvero!!!
After visiting the Museo del Balì, we were lucky enough to have dinner in this characteristic osteria, located in the historic center of Cartoceto. Location with attention to the smallest details, from the mise en place to the service, impeccable !! What about the toilet, flawless !! Excellent menu, few proposals, a sign of authenticity and freshness. Congratulations to the chef !! Location also recommended for a nice romantic dinner ... it really deserves !!!
Andreas Heck on Google

Die feine Osteria, gelegen in einem pittoresken Gässchen im nicht weniger charmanten Dörfchen, hat uns über alle Maße positiv überrascht! Hier erhält man als Gast exzeptionelle Speisen auf Sterne-Niveau – jedoch ohne den nervigen Kladderadatsch, dem man sonst ausgeliefert ist, wenn man die Spitzengastronomie besucht. Im Gegenteil: Man trifft hier auf eine engagierte Köchin mit einer Idee von gutem Essen in entschleunigtem Ambiente und mit einem klugen und vor allem nachhaltigen Konzept. Dazu einen angenehmen und wenig aufdringlichen Service, der den Gästen mit einer Leichtigkeit zu vermitteln versteht, was hier auf den Tellern und in den Gläsern angeboten werden soll: Nämlich, dass im Zusammenspiel der Liebe zu hochwertigen Produkten und dem Willen, ausschließlich Regionales zum Zuge kommen zu lassen, eine universale Kochkunst entwickelt wird, die man nie und nimmer an solch einem abgelegenen Flecken vermuten würde. Dabei fühlt sich die Chefin scheinbar keiner "Schule" oder keinem Stil verpflichtet, sondern es gelingt ihr etwas ganz Eigenes, das ihre Handschrift deutlich trägt. Wir waren wirklich vollauf begeistert, rundum glücklich und freuen uns schon auf unseren nächsten Besuch in der Osteria del Cardinale!
The fine osteria, located in a picturesque alley in the no less charming village, surprised us positively across the board! As a guest, you can get exceptional star-quality food - but without the annoying Kladderadatsch that you are otherwise at the mercy of when you visit top gastronomy. On the contrary: Here you meet a committed cook with an idea of ​​good food in a relaxed atmosphere and with a clever and, above all, sustainable concept. In addition, a pleasant and unobtrusive service, which understands with ease to convey to the guests what is to be offered here on the plates and in the glasses: namely, that in the interplay of the love for high-quality products and the will, only regional products come into play to allow a universal culinary art to be developed that one would never suspect in such a remote place. The boss does not seem to feel obliged to any "school" or any style, but rather succeeds in doing something very special that clearly bears her signature. We were really enthusiastic, completely happy and are looking forward to our next visit to the Osteria del Cardinale!
Simone Piredda on Google

Ci si sente coccolati da subito con un servizio impeccabile che accompagna per tutta la durata della cena. Piatti e prodotti di qualità superiore, perlopiù a km 0. Vini e oli eccellenti. Un incredibile e meravigliosa scoperta!
You feel pampered immediately with an impeccable service that accompanies you for the duration of the dinner. Superior quality dishes and products, mostly at km 0. Excellent wines and oils. An amazing and wonderful discovery!
Gino Amendolara on Google


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