Noleggio Auto e Furgoni Maggiore Amico Blu Taranto

3.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Noleggio Auto e Furgoni Maggiore Amico Blu Taranto

Address :

Via d'Aquino, 52, 74100 Taranto TA, Italy

Phone : 📞 +9998
Website :
Categories :
City : Taranto

Via d'Aquino, 52, 74100 Taranto TA, Italy
Fabio De luca on Google

veramente cordiali disponibili e prezzi convenienti, per me il top a Taranto .
really friendly available and affordable prices, for me the top in Taranto.
Sara Petruzzi on Google

Abbiamo noleggiato una macchina per la settimana di ferragosto e siamo pienamente soddisfatti. Servizio impeccabile sono molto professionali e attenti alla cura del cliente. Lo consiglio vivamente
We hired a car for the week of August and we are fully satisfied. Impeccable service are very professional and attentive to customer care. I highly recommend it
Fabio Arsuffi on Google

Non posso che confermare le recensioni negative lette nei post precedenti. Purtroppo il personale non fornisce informazioni adeguate ai clienti soprattutto se questi hanno già fatto una precedente prenotazione sul sito internet. Poco disponibili a chiarimenti, scortesi e superficiali. Sono troppo educato per giudicarli oppure per definirli , ma in un ufficio che tratta con il pubblico e necessaria una maggiore gentilezza , disponibilità ed umiltà nei confronti dei clienti che pagano. Personalmente ho avuto grossi problemi nel noleggio di un furgone, e altrettanto alla riconsegna del mezzo, occasione che ha scaturito un vivace litigio con l'addetto dell'ufficio di Taranto che, fra le altre cose, risultava assente in pieno orario lavorativo e non rispondeva nemmeno al telefono. Mi chiedo come possano continuare a lavorare in queste condizioni.
I can only confirm the negative reviews read in previous posts. Unfortunately, the staff does not provide adequate information to customers, especially if they have already made a previous booking on the website. Little available for clarification, rude and superficial. I am too polite to judge them or to define them, but in an office that deals with the public, more kindness, helpfulness and humility towards paying customers are needed. Personally, I had big problems in renting a van, and also in returning the vehicle, an occasion that led to a lively quarrel with the employee of the Taranto office who, among other things, was absent during full working hours and did not respond. not even on the phone. I wonder how they can continue to work in these conditions.
Giorgio Darius on Google

Personale arrogante, poco rispettabile. Ho fatto una prenotazione online di un furgone con 200 km inclusi. Vado alle ore 11:00 come da prenotazione a prendere il furgone, e mi metto in fila. Una volta arrivato al bancone, mi viene detto che i chilometri sono 100 perché sono andato a ritirare il furgone alle 11:36. Successivamente devi spostarti da lì perché il furgone lo tengo in un’altra parte, perdendo ancora altro tempo. Mi è stato chiesto un deposito cauzionale di 200 € ma nonostante io abbia consegnato il furgone tre giorni fa ancora non ho ricevuto la restituzione del deposito.
Arrogant, not very respectable staff. I made an online reservation for a van with 200km included. I go at 11:00 as per booking to take the van, and I get in line. Once I get to the counter, I am told that the kilometers are 100 because I went to collect the van at 11:36 am. Then you have to move from there because I keep the van in another part, wasting even more time. I was asked for a security deposit of € 200 but despite having delivered the van three days ago I still haven't received the deposit back.
Salvatore Bruno on Google

Professionalità e cortesia fanno la differenza di questa agenzia adi noleggio. Prendono in carico le esigenze dell'utente e consigliano il mezzo migliore con il miglior prezzo. Personalmente ho usufruito di un furgone cassonato che era praticamente perfetto e con prestazioni eccezionali. Per tutte le esigenze ASSOLUTAMENTE CONSIGLIATO. Grazie Maggiore Amico Blù Taranto Salvatore Bruno
Professionalism and courtesy make the difference of this rental agency. They take charge of the user's needs and recommend the best vehicle with the best price. Personally, I used a flatbed van that was practically perfect and with exceptional performance. For all needs ABSOLUTELY RECOMMENDED. Thanks Major Friend Blue Taranto Salvatore Bruno
nicola zossolo on Google

Giuseppe il titolare è sempre disponibile e cordiale. (Se il cliente e' educato e non fa perdere tempo ). Coadiuvato dal pimpante genitore è una squadra vincente di un grande Brand "La Maggiore" che si pone davvero ai vertici nazionale per convenienza, parco automezzi, capillarità delle agenzie. È la mia agenzia di fiducia e la consiglio. Con un atteggiamento positivo verrete serviti a puntino! ???‍☠️
Giuseppe the owner is always available and friendly. (If the customer is polite and doesn't waste time). Assisted by his perky parent, he is a winning team of a great "La Maggiore" brand that really places itself at the national top for convenience, fleet of vehicles, capillarity of agencies. It is my trusted agency and I recommend it. With a positive attitude you will be served to perfection! ???‍☠️
Emanuele Putorti on Google

Extreme care, professional and kind. I was late, they waited for me. Thank you Maggiore!!!
martins zalitis on Google

I would give minus 5 if it would be possible. If you can avoid this company-do it! It is terrible! Very long story to tell, but now I have time. Main bad things starts at start of service. They try to give car without marking scratches, just gave a key and strange agreement and said that car is on the street, I went back to office and only then they ticked scratches. First attempt of cheating. I agreed for certain price for first month (hired car for 3 months totally), paid in advance lower price than agreed, okey, I thought, will pay at the end. Next month the same. Last month price went up. At the end they tried to charge me as for one month more, I refused, guy at the desk started to shout and swithed to italian language! Nice. I have to pay more, but they charged less. For me okey, but they didnt give the final bill, just took from my card amount in tripple amount, so I had to call to my bank and cancel 2 of them! Very rude attitude, unpolite, all the time changing rules and conditions. As they want. Was the situation that manager said that he must close the car for maintenance, but after 20 minutes he said that we can prolong it... Situation changes all the time! Not in good side for a client, of course! The car itself was okey. Cant be sure for nothing there, uncertainty all the time! Dest manager barely speaks English, do not understand what you say. Arrogant! Trying to rise price basing on high season! But Taranto is not turistical place! Trick! So, my advice is to avoid this place, you will spend a lot of nervs and money with them. Minus 10 is from me!

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