Nissan - Resicar s.p.a.

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Nissan - Resicar s.p.a.

Address :

Via Clemente, 64, 15122 Spinetta Marengo AL, Italy

Phone : 📞 +98
Postal code : 15100
Website :
Categories :
City : Spinetta Marengo

Via Clemente, 64, 15122 Spinetta Marengo AL, Italy
Tobbius on Google

Efficienza e cortesia. Prezzi...insomma
Efficiency and courtesy. Prices ... in short
Bogdan Paval on Google

Personale super qualificato e prezzi molto competitivi
Super qualified staff and very competitive prices
Adelina Rusu on Google

Nu recomand de loc Am vrut sa cumpăr o masina farte acrii farte neserioși în a prezenta ce mi-am dorit eu . Am renunțat și am ales alta locație Nu record se joaca pe telefon în loc sa ajute clientul
I do not recommend at all I wanted to buy a car very sour very frivolous in presenting what I wanted. I gave up and chose another location No record is played on the phone instead of helping the customer
Marcella Aste on Google

Molto disponibile il personale e ben fornito il salone
The staff were very helpful and the lounge was well stocked
Valeria Armano on Google

In attesa in concessionaria da 30 minuti, 5 in coda nessuno che si accinge ad interessarsi del cliente. Nessun saluto, nulla di nulla. Inaccettabile!! Il cliente al primo posto non esiste, le mansioni si possono accantonare un attimo per servire i clienti o farli capire il momento di difficoltà e chiedere scusa per l'attesa. Ci vuole poco per creare empatia e comprensione. Valutazione assolutamente negativa per quanto riguarda questo reparto.
Waiting in the dealership for 30 minutes, 5 in the queue, no one is about to take an interest in the customer. No greeting, nothing at all. Unacceptable!! The customer in the first place does not exist, the tasks can be set aside for a moment to serve customers or make them understand the moment of difficulty and apologize for the wait. It takes little to create empathy and understanding. Absolutely negative evaluation regarding this department.
Ivano Scomparin on Google

Tutto OK !! Anche se secondo me i prezzi del tagliando sono un po' alti . ( Opinione mia personale)
Everything OK !! Although in my opinion the coupon prices are a bit high. (My personal opinion)
Christian Di Benedetto on Google

La gentilezza e professionalità è sempre top
Kindness and professionalism is always top
Hanson on Google

They have good customer relations and have various cars to choose from if you want to buy

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