Museo delle Catacombe di Generosa

3.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Museo delle Catacombe di Generosa

Address :

Via delle Catacombe di Generosa, 41, 00148 Roma RM, Italy

Categories :
City : Roma

Via delle Catacombe di Generosa, 41, 00148 Roma RM, Italy
elena ferri on Google

Steada troppo stretta.
Steada too tight.
Simone Cosentino on Google

Potrebbe essere pubblicizzato e tenuto meglio.
It could be advertised and kept better.
Tomasz Telma on Google

Peccato che chiuso, aprono solo ogni tanto Sabato.
Too bad that closed, open only occasionally Saturday.
Domenico Carbone on Google

Catacombe molto interessanti anche se molto è stato depredato
Very interesting catacombs even if a lot has been looted
Luigi Bondanelli on Google

Pochi sanno che la zona tra Magliana e Portuense è un sito archeologico. Le catacombe dei martiri portuensi sono ora oggetto di interesse da parte del comune e il luogo è stato recentemente ripulito. Per visitarle contattare il Comitato Catacombe di Generosa e prendere appuntamento.
Few people know that the area between Magliana and Portuense is an archaeological site. The catacombs of the Portuense martyrs are now the object of interest by the municipality and the place has recently been cleaned up. To visit them contact the Generosa Catacombs Committee and make an appointment.
Dama on Google

In passato queste catacombe non sono state protette dai vandalismi. Ora sono chiuse, ma rimane ben poco all'interno da poter ammirare.
In the past these catacombs were not protected from vandalism. They are now closed, but there is very little inside to admire.
vincenzo marsella on Google

La catacomba è posta all'interno di una collina, e si sviluppa su un solo livello. L'antico ingresso della catacomba, come per altre catacombe romane, era chiuso da una basilica. L'attuale ingresso alla catacomba è di recente costruzione, ed è costituito da una piccola struttura in mattoni chiusa da una porta di ferro. La catacomba nacque, secondo la tradizione, per la sepoltura dei martiri Simplicio e Faustino, uccisi nel 303 durante l'impero di Diocleziano. Il cimitero ipogeo fu utilizzato per lo più per la sepoltura dei contadini della zona circostante, e dunque rivela uno stile sobrio e povero. Verso il 382 papa Damaso fece costruire la basilica semipogea e la catacomba smise di essere un cimitero e divenne un luogo di culto dei martiri ivi sepolti. Nel 682 papa Leone II fece traslare le reliquie dei martiri di Generosa nella chiesa di Santa Bibiana all'Esquilino: la catacomba fu così progressivamente abbandonata e la sua ubicazione cadde nell'oblio. La scoperta, nell'Ottocento, di iscrizioni marmoree suscitò l'interesse dell'archeologo Giovanni de Rossi, che nel 1868 scoprì i resti della basilica e poco dopo la catacomba di Generosa. Lavori di restauro della catacomba. Ulteriori campagne di scavo furono eseguite dalla Ecole Française di Roma tra il 1980 ed il 1986, che hanno permesso di stabilire l'esatta dimensione della basilica del sopraterra, che era a tre navate suddivise da pilastri. Sono quattro i martiri ricordati nella catacomba di Generosa, oggi comunemente chiamati i santi martiri portuensi: Simplicio, Faustino, Viatrice (o Beatrice) e Rufiniano.
The catacomb is located inside a hill, and develops on one level only. The ancient entrance of the catacomb, as for other Roman catacombs, was closed by a basilica. The current entrance to the catacomb is of recent construction, and consists of a small brick structure closed by an iron door. The catacomb was born, according to tradition, for the burial of the martyrs Simplicius and Faustino, killed in 303 during the empire of Diocletian. The underground cemetery was mostly used for the burial of the farmers of the surrounding area, and therefore reveals a sober and poor style. Around 382 Pope Damasus had the semi-hypogean basilica built and the catacomb ceased to be a cemetery and became a place of worship for the martyrs buried there. In 682 Pope Leo II had the relics of the martyrs of Generosa transferred to the church of Santa Bibiana all'Esquilino: the catacomb was thus gradually abandoned and its location fell into oblivion. The discovery, in the nineteenth century, of marble inscriptions aroused the interest of the archaeologist Giovanni de Rossi, who in 1868 discovered the remains of the basilica and shortly after the catacomb of Generosa. Restoration work on the catacomb. Further excavation campaigns were carried out by the Ecole Française of Rome between 1980 and 1986, which made it possible to establish the exact size of the basilica of the above ground, which had three naves divided by pillars. There are four martyrs remembered in the catacomb of Generosa, today commonly called the holy martyrs of Portuense: Simplicio, Faustino, Viatrice (or Beatrice) and Rufiniano.
Vasili Timonen on Google

This set of catacombs is historically associated with the martyrs SS Simplicius, Faustinus and Beatrice -the "Portuensian Martyrs". A 4th century church dedicated to them stood here, and scanty ruins of it survive. Mass is celebrated on the altar in the basilica ruins on 29 July, which is the feast-day of the martyrs. It is also occasionally celebrated for pilgrim groups. When suburban development began of the area in the Fifties, a group of parishioners of what is now "Santa Maria del Rosario ai Martiri Portuensi" took an interest. This group became the present "Comitato di Catacombe Generosa". They were able to protest against any development threatening the site, and in 1965 were able to conduct their first guided tour of the catacombs. These continue to the present day, about once a month. The entrance to the catacombs is towards the end of the Via delle Catacombe di Generosa, which is a dead-end street. If you are visiting privately, drive down this until you see a car park on your left. You should be able to find a space here. Just before the car park is a free-standing two-storey house with its frontage very near the street, and next to this is a derelict little building. In between the two is a narrow footpath without a sign, which leads to the grassed area containing the catacomb site. The car park concerned is for the local residents, so it is requested that not more than one vehicle come here at any one time -and no coaches.

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