Monumental Cemetery and civic Rimini

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Monumental Cemetery and civic Rimini

Address :

Piazzale Umberto Bartolani, 47921 Rimini RN, Italy

Phone : 📞 +9798
Website :
Categories :
City : Rimini

Piazzale Umberto Bartolani, 47921 Rimini RN, Italy
Марк Шумаров on Google

Какая же красотища! Таких склепов не видел даже в Риме, каждый произведение искусства. Однозначно главная достопримечательность Римини. Всем идти, если не страдаете от предрассудков. А какая атмосфера и воздух.
What a beauty! Such crypts have not seen even in Rome, every work of art. Definitely the main attraction of Rimini. Everyone to go, if you do not suffer from prejudice. And what an atmosphere and air.
Luigi Pascale on Google

C'è la tomba di Federico Fellini.
There is the tomb of Federico Fellini.
Ольга Плюшкевич on Google

Красивое, спокойное место. Очень ухоженное. Много семейных могил, очень красивые скульптуры из белого мрамора. Интересная могила Великого сына Римини - Федерико Феллини. Рядом с ним, его жена, актриса Джульетта Мазина и их сын, которому было чуть больше месяца... Культура на кладбище поразила ...
A beautiful, calm place. Very well maintained. Many family graves, very beautiful sculptures in white marble. Interesting tomb of the Great son of Rimini - Federico Fellini. Next to him are his wife, actress Juliet Mazina and their son, who was just over a month old ... The culture in the cemetery amazed ...
Valentina Minnicelli on Google

Nella parte di Rivabella esattamente settore ovest ci sono le croci al contrario e nessuno fa niente
In the part of Rivabella exactly west sector there are crosses on the contrary and nobody does anything
Paola Martinini on Google

Devo segnalare una cosa la mia tomba di famiglia ha un albero di fianco che è cresciuto a dismisura e sovrasta la tomba Tutti gli anni siamo costretti a pulire il tetto e le grondaie che si riempiono delle parti che cadono dall'albero stesso. Chiedo che venga provveduto al più presto di tagliare i rami che sono cresciuti sopra al tetto. La tomba si trova nel settore PONENTE H a nome MARTININI Certi della vostra collaborazione vi porgo distinti saluti
I have to point out one thing my family grave has a tree beside it that has grown out of all proportion and overlooks the grave Every year we are forced to clean the roof and the gutters that fill up with the parts that fall from the tree itself. I ask that the branches that have grown above the roof be cut as soon as possible. The tomb is located in the PONENTE H sector in the name of MARTININI Sure of your cooperation, best regards
Igor Fabjan on Google

cemeteries are always interesting to visit
Panteleimon Sokhadze on Google

Nice to see resting place of the legend himself - Federico Fellini and her wife. Must-see for cinema lovers.
MakeMorePizza on Google

A very clean cemetery not far from town center. It has a lot of surprisingly gorgeous gravestones and crypts. Federico Fellini, Giulietta Masina and their son were buried there, in a tomb marked by sculptor Arnaldo Pomodoro's monument.

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