
4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Maurlechnhof

Address :

Via Weißenbach, 8, 39030 Lutago BZ, Italy

Phone : 📞 +9989
Postal code : 39030
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City : Lutago

Via Weißenbach, 8, 39030 Lutago BZ, Italy
Fabian on Google

Coole Aussicht nette Vermieter. Ist super für Familien mit Kindern. Es gibt Tiere von Esel bis zum Huhn. Einen Campingplatz gibt es auch. Netter Spielplatz mit Trampolin. Die Küche könnte besser ausgestattet sein aber sonst ist es Perfekt. Viel Spaß beim Urlaub LG Fabi
Cool view nice landlord. Is great for families with children. There are animals from donkeys to chicken. There is also a campsite. Nice playground with trampoline. The kitchen could be better equipped but otherwise it is perfect. Have fun on holiday LG Fabi
Poinger Wurzelkinder on Google

Schöne Ferienwohnung, (Almhütte), rustikal und recht gemütlich. Die Küche allerdings sehr klein und ohne Geschirrspüler, das Bad auch sehr klein und konnte leider nicht mit dem Rest der Wohnung mithalten. Wer sich fragt, warum auf der Homepage keine Fotos des Bades sind.... tja. Hat seinen Grund. Unser Manko: das ganze hat nix mit „Urlaub auf dem Bauernhof“ zu tun. Der Pferde-Stall ist ein ganzes Stück die Straße hinunter (ja, der Hof liegt direkt an einer Art Hauptstraße), reiten kann man dort auch, wenn man nicht auf dem Hof wohnt. (Herbert ist allerdings klasse mit den Kindern!! Die Sportalm ist für alle Gäste offen (quasi eine Art Familienausflugziel), nicht nur für Fewo- Mieter, da ist teils ziemlich Trubel. Es gibt keine Produkte oder so am Hof (Milch, Eier, Marmelade....) zu kaufen. Fazit: Schöne Wohnung, super nette Vermieter, alles gut gepflegt. Aber: wenig Bauernhof- Feeling und die Fotos täuschen etwas über („allein“-) Lage und vermeintliche Größe der Freiflächen. Ggf. Vorher mal Google- Maps als Satellit benutzen. Alles in allem ein schöner Urlaub, aber halt wenig Bauernhof für die Kinder.
Nice apartment, (alpine hut), rustic and quite cozy. The kitchen, however, was very small and without a dishwasher, the bathroom was also very small and unfortunately couldn't keep up with the rest of the apartment. If you wonder why there are no photos of the bathroom on the homepage ... well. There is a reason. Our shortcoming: the whole thing has nothing to do with “vacation on the farm”. The horse stable is a long way down the street (yes, the farm is right on a kind of main road), you can ride there even if you don't live on the farm. (Herbert is great with the kids though! The Sportalm is open to all guests (kind of a family excursion destination), not just for apartment tenants, there is sometimes quite a hustle and bustle. There are no products or anything like that on the farm (milk, eggs, jam ...) to buy. Conclusion: Nice apartment, super nice landlord, everything well maintained. But: little farm feeling and the photos deceive a little about the (“alone”) location and supposed size of the open spaces. Possibly. Use Google Maps as a satellite beforehand. All in all a nice vacation, but not a farm for the children.
Steffen Moritz on Google

Schöne nett eingerichtet e Unterkunft, super für Pferdefreunde. Unsere Wohnung etwas zu klein, Küche nur karg ausgestattet. Recht laut von der benachbarten Straße her. Aber super freundliche und entspannte Gastgeber!
Nice nice furnished accommodation, great for horse lovers. Our apartment a little too small, kitchen only barely equipped. Quite loud from the neighboring street. But super friendly and relaxed hosts!
Erik Pless on Google

Wir haben eine sehr schöne Herbstwoche auf dem Maurlechnhof verbracht. Der Wohl-Fühl-Effekt war sofort da und wir haben viel erlebt. Besonders hat uns der kleine Holzofen in der Wohnstube gefallen, der den Aufenthalt sehr gemütlich macht. Auch die vielen Tiere wurden jeden Tag besucht. Wir kommen gerne wieder.
We spent a very nice autumn week on the Maurlechnhof. The well-feeling effect was immediately there and we have experienced a lot. Especially we liked the small wood stove in the living room, which makes the stay very comfortable. The many animals were visited every day. We will be back.
Sabine Schlette on Google

Tolle Wohnung, schöne Gegend zum Wandern. Wer Pferde mag, besonders zu empfehlen. Sehr nette Besitzer, die alles gemacht haben, dass es uns trotz des nicht so guten Wetters gut ging. ?Danke ?
Great apartment, nice area for walking. Especially recommended for those who like horses. Very nice owners who did everything to ensure that we were fine despite the not so good weather. ?Thank you ?
Francesco Valentini on Google

Ci siamo trovati benissimo. Luogo fantastico immerso nel verde delle Dolomiti che pur mantenendo la tipica e gradita "rusticità" tirolese è capace di offrire le migliori comodità e modernità grazie ad una cura attenta e minuziosa per i dettagli e i piccoli particolari, rendendo l'ospite capace di sentirsi facilmente a casa propria o comunque in un posto che lo accoglie a braccia aperte.
We had a great time. Fantastic place immersed in the green of the Dolomites which while maintaining the typical and welcome Tyrolean "rusticity" is able to offer the best comforts and modernity thanks to careful and meticulous care for details and small details, making the guest able to feel easily at home. their own home or in any case in a place that welcomes them with open arms.
Laura Coan on Google

Ottima area camper con tutti i servizi necessari. Vicino maneggio con cavalli e pony, vari giochi per bambini e mini laghetto dove i bimbi si divertono a navigare con piccole zattere. Ottimo servizio, molto cordiali. Torneremo senz'altro.
Excellent camper area with all the necessary services. Nearby riding stables with horses and ponies, various games for children and a mini pond where children have fun navigating with small rafts. Great service, very friendly. We will definitely be back.
Andrea Colombo on Google

Premetto che mi sono riservato di attendere 8 giorni prima di scrivere queta recensione, proprio perchè sono sempre stato obiettivo nel farle, e volevo mantenere il mio standard, senza farmi coinvolgere dallo stato emotivo del momento. Ma dopo 15 anni che giriamo il Trentino in ogni sua valle, questa volta ci siamo trovati un pò lasciati da soli, di fronte a varie perplessità. Abbiamo prenotato lo Chalet da 120 mq, composto da 4 stanze con 4 bagni, cucina e sala. Veramente molto bello, su questo non si discute,e a onore della cronaca, inserisco poi delle foto degli interni. QUELLO CHE NON VI DICONO 1- Lo chalet si trova sopra un bar , e non ci sarebbero problemi se non per il fatto che la sera, fino a tarda notte, la gente si sofferma a cantare e urlare senza il minimo contegno. Per carità siamo tutti in vacanza, e nessuno può immaginare che sopra ci sia gente con la necessità di dormire dopo una giornata di cammino, difatti non vi è alcun cartello che AVVISI della presenza di un appartemento sopra le loro teste. 2 -Lo chelet in oggetto,a differenza di quelli citati sul sito,si trova nel bel mezzo di un area camper. Anche qui nessun problema con i camperisti, lo sono stato anche io. Ma quando la sera si torna stanchi con la voglia di una doccia calda, e si scopre che di acqua non ce nè più perchè totalmente utilizzata dai vari camperisti che usufruiscono delle doccie del bar ,non ci siamo proprio. Una sistemazione da 2000 euro la settimana non deve avere di queste problematiche. Su 7 sere, mai fatto una doccia calda. Se la volevo calda, dovevo aspettare dopo le 20.00, come gentilmente suggerito dalla proprietaria , che neanche a dirlo, non si è mai fatta vedere durante tutta la vacanza, se non appunto all'ultimo giorno, chiamata dal figlio a seguito delle nostre rimostranze- peraltro esposte anche in settimana, senza avere riscontro da alcuno. La poca cordialità della proprietaria ci ha veramente lasciato di stucco, atipica da quella trentina a noi conosciuta da sempre. Invitandoci a trovare altra sistemazione per la prossima volta, mi permetto di suggerirle di sottolineare bene le specifiche della sistemazione sul sito web,onde evitare che altri in futuro, affittino uno chalet da mille e una notte,trovandosi poi con le limitazioni e gli obblighi forzati di una vita da camper.
I state that I reserved myself to wait 8 days before writing this review, precisely because I have always been objective in doing them, and I wanted to maintain my standard, without getting involved in the emotional state of the moment. But after 15 years of touring Trentino in each of its valleys, this time we found ourselves a little left alone, faced with various perplexities. We booked the 120 sqm Chalet, consisting of 4 rooms with 4 bathrooms, kitchen and living room. Really very nice, there is no arguing about this, and to honor the record, I then insert photos of the interiors. WHAT THEY DON'T TELL YOU 1- The chalet is located above a bar, and there would be no problems except for the fact that in the evening, until late at night, people stop to sing and scream without the slightest demeanor. For heaven's sake we are all on vacation, and no one can imagine that there are people on it with the need to sleep after a day of walking, in fact there is no sign that NOTICES the presence of an apartment above their heads. 2 -The chelet in question, unlike those mentioned on the site, is located in the middle of a camper area. Here, too, no problem with campers, I was too. But when in the evening you return tired with the desire for a hot shower, and you discover that there is no more water because it is totally used by the various campers who use the showers in the bar, we are not there. An accommodation from 2000 euros a week must not have these problems. On 7 evenings, never took a hot shower. If I wanted it hot, I had to wait after 8.00 pm, as kindly suggested by the owner, who, needless to say, never showed up during the whole holiday, except on the last day, called by her son following our grievances- however, they are also exhibited during the week, without receiving feedback from anyone. The lack of friendliness of the owner has really left us stunned, atypical from the thirty one we have always known. In inviting us to find other accommodation for the next time, I would like to suggest that you underline the specifics of the accommodation on the website, in order to prevent others in the future, renting a chalet for a thousand and one nights, then finding themselves with the limitations and forced obligations. of a life as a camper.

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