
3.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Martinsbrunn

Address :

Via Laurin, 70, 39012 Merano BZ, Italy

Phone : 📞 +97
Postal code : 39012
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City : Merano

Via Laurin, 70, 39012 Merano BZ, Italy
Sabine Kaufmann on Google

Der Tag der offenen Tür war einfach super. Gut, dass es in Meran ein Zentrum für Vorsorge & Gesundheit gibt. Sehr sympatische Mitarbeiter.
The open day was just great. Good that there is a center for prevention and health in Merano. Very sympathetic staff.
Livio Tenaglia on Google

Gentili ma abbastanza fredde all'accoglienza All'atto della prenotazione pattuito un prezzo, all'atto del pagamento non rispettato.. Ottimo il dottore alla visita.
Kind but cold enough to welcome At the time of booking, a price is agreed, at the time of payment not respected .. Excellent doctor for the visit.
isabel marini on Google

Mein Vater war zur Reha im Martinsbrunn und ich war sehr entäuscht von der Führung. Die derzeitige Umstrukturierung ist für Patienten untragbar. Wenn man auf die Missstände hinweist wird man vom Personal einfach nur ingnoriert. Wir waren aehr froh, dass unser Vater nach 2 Wochen endlich nach Hause durfte.
My father was in Martinsbrunn for rehab and I was very disappointed with the tour. The current restructuring is intolerable for patients. If you point out the grievances, the staff will simply ignore you. We were very happy that our father was finally allowed to go home after 2 weeks.
Luciano Rebuzzi on Google

Personale quasi interamente straniero (est europa) con pessima preparazione per un impiego in Italia, dove il rapporto con il paziente richiede un approccio totalmente diverso. Incompetenza tecnica e zero passione per il lavoro. Si coprono l' un l' altra quando combinano misfatti; testimone mia madre caduta in bagno perchè l' operatrice "credeva" che si potesse reggere in piedi da sola. Hanno coperto il fatto con la scusa che mia madre parlava a vanvera a causa del suo stato patologico di allora. Cosa non vera verificata con la testimonianza della compagna di camera. Errore nella compilazione di un modulo da parte di una dottoressa che ha fatto perdere una mensilità di assegno di cura. Non ha riconosciuto l' errore e la loro assicurazione semplicemente non ha risposto; sapendo che affrontando un processo civile le cose si sarebbero protratte per almeno due anni....complimenti e mille applausi all' amministrazione che non ha mai avuto nemmeno il coraggio di telefonarmi. Un elogio invece al reparto di fisioterapia che in quella struttura é un punto di luce nel buio più profondo. Sconsigliatissima
Personnel almost entirely foreign (Eastern Europe) with bad preparation for employment in Italy, where the relationship with the patient requires a totally different approach. Technical incompetence and zero passion for the job. They cover one another when they combine misdeeds; witness my mother fell in the bathroom because the operator "believed" that she could stand on her own. They covered the fact with the excuse that my mother was talking in vain because of her pathological state at the time. This is not true verified with the testimony of the roommate. There was an error in filling out a form by a doctor who lost a month's care allowance. He didn't recognize the mistake and their insurance simply didn't respond; knowing that facing a civil trial things would have lasted for at least two years .... congratulations and a thousand applause to the administration that has never even had the courage to call me. A praise to the physiotherapy department which in that structure is a point of light in the deepest darkness. sconsigliatissima
Christine Pertoll on Google

Sconsigliatissima! Prima chiudono fuori l'unica figlia, l'istanza di poter trasferire in luogo più idoneo e in vicinanza di altri parenti la madre 82enne viene rigettata, poi fanno denuncia per Stalking alla figlia e trasferiscono la madre in struttura segreta! Il tutto si è svolto dal 22 dicembre 2016 fino al 11 luglio 2018.
Not recommended! First they shut out the only daughter, the request to be able to transfer to a more suitable place and in the vicinity of other relatives, the 82-year-old mother is rejected, then they make a complaint for Stalking to the daughter and transfer the mother to a secret structure! Everything took place from 22 December 2016 until 11 July 2018.
Maurizio Lorengo on Google

ambiente top, personale flop, visita dematologica durata 5 minuti, cassiere facevano fatica a parlare italiano, poco disponibili a venire incontro alle esigenze, visita superficiale senza di 5 minuti per 32 auro. Mai piú in in questo posto
top environment, personal flop, demathological visit lasting 5 minutes, cashier struggled to speak Italian, not available to meet the needs, superficial visit without 5 minutes for 32 auro. Never again in this place
Pasquale Quercia on Google

Utilizzata questa clinica, convenzionata con l'ASL, per una visita dermatologica. Gli ambienti del piano terra modernissimi e molto funzionali. Accettazione senza problemi anche perchè non vi erano altre persone in attesa. Sanitario straniero ma nessun problema linguistico e visita medica ok. Personale ok. Servizi igienici in perfetto ordine.
Used this clinic, affiliated with the ASL, for a dermatological examination. The very modern and very functional rooms on the ground floor. Acceptance without problems also because there were no other people waiting. Foreign health care but no language problem and medical examination ok. Staff ok. Toilets in perfect order.
Erika Roessler on Google

Visite beim Pneumologen Dr Marseiler: habe mich sehr wohl gefühlt, es war genügend Zeit sein Problem zu erklären und Fragen zu stellen. Eine genaue Visite mit allen nötigen instrumentellen Untersuchungen wurde durchgeführt und die abschließende Erklärung war verständlich und sehr ausführlich. Auch die Krankenschwester war sehr freundlich und kompetent. Ksnn ich nur weiterempfehlen.
Visit to the pulmonologist Dr Marseiler: I felt very comfortable, there was enough time to explain his problem and to ask questions. A detailed visit with all necessary instrumental examinations was carried out and the final explanation was understandable and very detailed. The nurse was also very friendly and competent. I can only recommend it.

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