Maglificio Gran Sasso S.P.A. - 2

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Maglificio Gran Sasso S.P.A.

Address :

Via Isaac Newton, 2, 64016 Sant'Egidio alla Vibrata TE, Italy

Phone : 📞 +988
Postal code : 64016
Website :
Categories :
City : Sant'Egidio alla Vibrata

Via Isaac Newton, 2, 64016 Sant'Egidio alla Vibrata TE, Italy
Jonathan Repele on Google

Client depuis une dizaine d’années, j’apprécie beaucoup la marque Gran Sasso pour ses articles qui sont intemporels. Les prix « directs » de la fabrique permettent d’avoir accès à une collection large et variée, avec des tarifs intéressants (comptez au moins 50% à 70% que le prix boutique en France, hors promotion). Par exemple 55€ le polo laine 100% mérinos à la fabrique alors qu’il est proposé au delà des 150€ ici à Metz en boutique. Les cachemire et soies sont exceptionnels, y compris l’éte dans des collections très agréables à porter. Les pulls, polos, vestes traversent les années avec aisance, tout comme le style élégant et bien sûr, à l’italienne. La boutique est très plaisante, le personnel très sympathique et professionnel.
Customer for a decade, I really appreciate the Gran Sasso brand for its timeless items. The "direct" prices of the factory allow to have access to a wide and varied collection, with attractive rates (count at least 50% to 70% than the shop price in France, excluding promotion). For example 55 € the 100% merino wool polo at the factory while it is offered beyond 150 € here in Metz in shop. Cashmere and silk are exceptional, including the summer in collections very pleasant to wear. The sweaters, polos, jackets go through the years with ease, as the elegant style and of course, the Italian style. The shop is very pleasant, the staff very friendly and professional.
Kristijan Aufiero on Google

Als langjähriger Kunde, der die Produkte von Gran Sasso nur aus dem deutschen und dem italienischen Einzelhandel kennt, war ich schon lange daran interessiert, den Hersteller bei passender Gelegenheit zu besuchen. Und es hat sich mehr als gelohnt. Schon der Hinweg durch die Abruzzen ist spektakulär schön. Die Firmenanlage ist ein architektonisches Meisterwerk, das für sich genommen schon sehenswert ist. Der Fabrikverkauf bzw. die Verkaufsräume fallen zwar etwas spartanisch aus, aber die Auswahl ist größer als in jedem anderen Laden, in dem es die Produkte von Gran Sasso gibt. Und die Preise sind so günstig, dass ich der Besuch und der Einkauf wirklich lohnen!
As a long-time customer who only knows Gran Sasso products from German and Italian retail, I have long been interested in visiting the manufacturer when the opportunity arises. And it was more than worth it. The way out through Abruzzo is spectacularly beautiful. The company facility is an architectural masterpiece that is worth seeing in and of itself. The factory outlet or the sales rooms are a bit spartan, but the selection is larger than in any other shop where Gran Sasso products are available. And the prices are so cheap that I really pay a visit and go shopping!
Anna on Google

Ho l'opportunità e la fortuna di poter fare acquisti in questo maglificio da molti anni e sono sempre rimasta soddisfatta di tutti i capi che ho acquistato, sia per la qualità che per la vestibilità. Nel loro spaccio aziendale tutti i capi sono scontati ed è possibile trovare anche delle occasioni tutto l'anno. Il personale è sempre discreto e disponibile. E' un orgoglio per l'Italia avere aziende così.
I have the opportunity and the good fortune to be able to make purchases in this knitwear factory for many years and have always been satisfied with all the garments I purchased, both for the quality and for the fit. In their farm shop all the clothes are discounted and it is also possible to find occasions throughout the year. The staff is always discreet and helpful. It is a pride for Italy to have such companies.
Gaspare Calidonna on Google

Sto seguendo il programma TV- Boss in azienda, credo di aver già avuto dei capi prodotti da questa azienda, ma non sapevo da chi personalmente venissero realizzati e con quale passione e quale attaccamento al proprio lavoro. Il titolare una persona eccezionale che ha voluto capire, toccare con mano gli ambienti e le fasi lavorative dei propri dipendenti decidendo di apportare delle modifiche solo dopo poche ore vissute nei vari reparti. Complimenti al titolare,lei è un grande imprenditore, mi auguro che molti altri suoi colleghi la prendano da esempio. Appena mi sarà possibile vorrei passare a salutarmi in azienda. Buon lavoro a tutti voi "grande famiglia"
I am following the TV-Boss program in the company, I believe I have already had some clothes produced by this company, but I didn't know who they were made from and with what passion and what attachment to their work. The owner is an exceptional person who wanted to understand, touch the environments and work phases of their employees, deciding to make changes only after a few hours lived in the various departments. Congratulations to the owner, you are a great entrepreneur, I hope that many of your colleagues take it as an example. As soon as I can I would like to say goodbye in the company. Good job to all of you "big family"
Rosa Lisa Denicolo on Google

Abbigliamento di qualità. È possibile trovare anche delle buone offerte nelle taglie da campionario. Maglieria uomo donna dal cachemire al lino .
Quality clothing. You can also find good offers in sample sizes. Knitwear for men and women from cashmere to linen.
Patrizia De Benedittis on Google

È veramente una bella azienda, esteticamente molto curata .il personale è molto gentile e siete sull' autostrada consiglio di uscire per fare un giro nello spaccio vale la pena
It is really a beautiful company, aesthetically very accurate. The staff is very kind and competent. If you are on the highway I recommend going out for a ride in the company store.
Timoteo Li Fonti on Google

Perfect dress! About vintage mood of Spring/Summer collection 2016, it has perfect colors, it's the best of the moment!
Ameera France on Google

If I could put no star I would ! Really bad quality products, no customer service ! I don’t recommend this brand at all!!!! The 2 woolen sweaters have shrunk after the first rinse and the company does care at all.

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