Kohl - Succhi di mela di montagna

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Kohl - Succhi di mela di montagna

Address :

Via Principale, 35, 39054 Auna di Sotto BZ, Italy

Phone : 📞 +979
Website : http://www.kohl.bz.it/
Opening hours :
Monday 8AM–5PM
Tuesday 8AM–5PM
Wednesday 8AM–5PM
Thursday 8AM–5PM
Friday 8AM–5PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Categories :
City : Auna di Sotto

Via Principale, 35, 39054 Auna di Sotto BZ, Italy
Bernd Bauer on Google

Qualitativ sehr gute Apfelsäfte. Entweder pur nach Apfelsorte oder mit anderen Früchten gemischt. Schmecken hervorragend. Nur zu empfehlen. Direkteinkauf lohnt auch einen Abstecher von Bozen hoch nach Ritten mit einer traumhaften Aussicht. Ansonsten gibt es auch einen Online-Shop.
Very good quality apple juices. Either pure according to the apple variety or mixed with other fruits. Taste great. I can only recommend it. Direct shopping is also worth making a detour from Bozen up to Renon with a fantastic view. Otherwise there is also an online shop.
paola maragliano on Google

Ho potuto assaggiare i succhi di frutta perché ricevuti in dono, e li ho subito comprati!!Molto particolari, ma soprattutto davvero ottimi. Ce n'è davvero per tutti i gusti!!!!
I was able to taste the fruit juices because they were received as a gift, and I immediately bought them !! Very special, but above all really excellent. There really is something for everyone !!!!
Andrea Müller on Google

Der Shop ist sehr attraktiv gestaltet. Die Säfte schön präsentiert. Aber vorallem schmecken diese Säfte sehr gut und sind eine echte Alternative zu einer alkoholfreien Variante zum Apéro oder zu einem feinen Essen. Auch zum Frühstück eignen sich die Frucht- oder Gemüsesäfte. Wir wurden sehr freundlich und zuvorkommend bedient. Kann ich sehr empfehlen.
The shop is very attractive. The juices presented nicely. But above all, these juices taste very good and are a real alternative to a non-alcoholic version for an aperitif or with a fine meal. The fruit or vegetable juices are also suitable for breakfast. We were served very friendly and courteous. I can highly recommend.
William Sambo on Google

Appena giunti a Bolzano da Udine, dopo 300 e passa km, la prima tappa è stata Kohl, l'azienda agricola monotematica dedicata alle mele. Ottimi tutti gli estratti, da quelli più 'semplici' fino a quelli dai gusti più delicata. Molto gentilmente ci hanno offerto svariati assaggi e dopo un gran pensare finalmente siamo usciti con un po' di borse cariche di gusti!
Live Life Lasting on Google

Solid apple juice
Tom Fluit on Google

The best appel juice in town!
Mariano Maragno on Google

Outstanding!! This company makes such a delicious apple juice that no beverage but this tastes alike!!
merlin guggenheim on Google

Absolutly worth a detour! Wonderful single varietal and blended apple juices, from estate grown fruit, very kind staff that guides tastings.

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