Jausenstation Sonnenhof

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Jausenstation Sonnenhof

Address :

Tscharser Waalweg, 39020 Castelbello-ciardes BZ, Italy

Phone : 📞 +97789
Postal code : 39020
Categories :
City : Castelbello Ciardes

Tscharser Waalweg, 39020 Castelbello-ciardes BZ, Italy
Gabi Epp on Google

Rustikal und handgemacht! Hier passt alles zusammen: das Speckbrett, der Wein, der Kuchen und die Wirtsleute. Wenn wir im Vinschgau sind, kommen wir vorbei.
Rustic and handmade! Everything fits together here: the bacon board, the wine, the cake and the hosts. When we are in Vinschgau, we come by.
Bernadette Angerer on Google

Wer eine gute Jause und einen netten Platz zum Sitzen will ist hier goldrichtig. Die Platte war sehr reichlich und lecker. Das Personal ist auch sehr freundlich.
If you want a good snack and a nice place to sit, this is the place for you. The platter was very plentiful and tasty. The staff is very friendly too.
Stephan König on Google

Charmanter und rustikaler Hof mit sehr netter Bedienung. Der Apfelstrudel und die Nudelsuppe waren super lecker. Den Krug Wasser gibt es gratis. Sehr zu empfehlen.
Charming and rustic courtyard with very nice service. The apple strudel and the noodle soup were delicious. The jug of water is free. We recommend.
Herbert Kraft on Google

Seit Jahren ein muss, wenn wir in Südtirol sind. Ein liebenswerter Famielienbetrib, fast alle servierten Produkte aus eigener Bewirtschaftung und Herstellung, Suppen Kuchen Speck Käse Vintschgerl extra. Alles lecker. Für den Sportlichen über den Waalweg oder von der Talstation mit einem Shuttelbus zu errichten. Auch interessant die Burg Juval von Reinhold Messner zu besuchen und dann zur Jausen beim Sonnenhof. Nicht zu vergessen auch ein kleines Tierparadies für Jung und Alt , Enten Hühner Pfau . Einfach liebenswerter Famielienbetrib ?
A must for years when we are in South Tyrol. A lovable family business, almost all of the products served are farmed and made in-house, soups, cakes, bacon, cheese, Vintschgerl extra. Everything delicious. For the sporty, it can be set up via the Waalweg or from the valley station with a shuttle bus. Also interesting to visit Reinhold Messner's Juval Castle and then for a snack at the Sonnenhof. Not to forget a small animal paradise for young and old, ducks, chickens, peacocks. Simply lovable family business ?
Annabel Laura on Google

Der Gasthof hat seinen Namen mehr als verdient, es gibt einen tollen Biergarten mit vielen Sitzgelegenheiten. Leider verdeckt eine Hecke die Sicht ins Tal. Die Toiletten waren nicht die saubersten, aber OK. Wir haben Brotzeit Brettl gegessen, der Speck und das Vinschgerle waren sehr lecker, der Käse hingegen hat uns überhaupt nicht geschmeckt, leider gab es weder eine Essiggurken oder Tomate dazu, nicht Mal ein Stück Butter trotz Nachfrage, das fanden wir sehr schade! Der Kuchen war hervorragend.
The inn has more than earned its name, there is a great beer garden with plenty of seating. Unfortunately, a hedge obscures the view of the valley. The toilets weren't the cleanest, but OK. We ate Brotzeit Brettl, the bacon and the Vinschgerle were very tasty, but we didn't like the cheese at all, unfortunately there was neither a pickle or tomato, not even a piece of butter despite demand, we thought that was a shame! The cake was superb.
markus matt on Google

Ein Besuch auf dem Sonnenhof bereichert seit vielen Jahren unser Ferienprogramm. Verpflegung sehr gut und preiswert. Bedienung schnell und freundlich. Eine Portion hausgeräucherter Speck gehört qualitativ zum Besten in ganz Südtirol. Die feine Erdbeer-Roullade im Frühling und der excellente Apfelstrudel im Herbst sind hausgemacht und entschädigen für die Anreise aus der Schweiz.
A visit to the Sonnenhof has enriched our holiday program for many years. Food very good and inexpensive. Service fast and friendly. A portion of home-smoked bacon is one of the best in South Tyrol in terms of quality. The fine strawberry roll in spring and the excellent apple strudel in autumn are homemade and make up for the journey from Switzerland.
Flavia Bianchini on Google

E' un caratteristico locale, semplice, con un grande terrazzo soleggiato molto accogliente. È circondato da un contesto contadino suggestivo e rilassante: un bellissimo vigneto, le pecore, tanti animali da cortile un po' appartati e una natura da urlo. Vengono proposti piatti del territorio ben preparati e abbondanti. In particolare mi è piaciuta la straordinaria spremuta di mele dal sapore unico. A seguire ci sono i tipici prodotti della Valle di gran gusto : l'impareggiabile speck e il genuino formaggio . Nella grande tradizione della bellissima Val Venosta ci sono i piatti contadini sempre molto apprezzati come la "frittaten suppe" e i famosi knodel. I prezzi sono contenuti e la gentilezza sempre al top. Nel periodo autunnale di solito preparano anche le caldarroste nel pomeriggio. Si tratta di una sosta prelibata a cui non rinuncio mai, ogni volta che passo da queste parti. Un meta irrinunciabile: respirare profumi della natura e vivere un contesto di gran valore come questo fa la differenza.
It is a quaint, simple place with a large and very welcoming sunny terrace. It is surrounded by an evocative and relaxing rural setting: a beautiful vineyard, sheep, many somewhat secluded farmyard animals and a screaming nature. Well prepared and abundant local dishes are offered. I especially liked the amazing apple juice with a unique flavor. Then there are the typical products of the Valley of great taste: the incomparable speck and genuine cheese. In the great tradition of the beautiful Val Venosta there are always very popular peasant dishes such as the "frittaten suppe" and the famous knodel. Prices are low and kindness is always at the top. In the autumn period they usually also prepare roasted chestnuts in the afternoon. It is a delicious stop that I never give up, every time I pass by these parts. An unmissable destination: breathing in the scents of nature and experiencing a context of great value like this makes the difference.
Axel Mayer on Google


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