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Via Gombito, 13, 24129 Bergamo BG, Italy

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City : Bergamo

Via Gombito, 13, 24129 Bergamo BG, Italy
mrKrzychos on Google

Bergamo to niewielkie miasteczko położone niedaleko Mediolanu. Jeżeli masz wylot z lotniska Mediolan-Bergamo warto poświęcić trochę czasu i udać się na spacer po mieście. Miasteczko można podzielić na dwie części, pierwsza część to zwykłe miasto, do tego punktu można dojechać autobusem z lotniska. Druga część jest dużo ciekawsza, dojeżdża się do niej za pomocą kolejki. Gdy wyjdziesz ze stacji pojawiasz się w starej części miasta, po której można spacerować wąskimi uliczkami, zjeść pyszne lody i kupić pamiątki.
Bergamo is a small town near Milan. If you have a flight from Milan-Bergamo airport, take some time and take a walk around the city. The town can be divided into two parts, the first part is an ordinary city, to this point you can take a bus from the airport. The second part is much more interesting, you get to it using the queue. When you leave the station you appear in the old part of the city, after which you can walk through the narrow streets, eat delicious ice cream and buy souvenirs.
Pasquino Taiocchi on Google

Il visitatore, quando arriva a Bergamo, appena scende dalla Funicolare che porta nella Città Alta non può sbagliare, percorre il "decumano", strada principale tracciata dagli antichi romani e dopo aver percorso 300 metri arriva alla torre, chiara "Gombito" = "Cubitum" in lingua latina vi trova l'Ufficio delle Informazioni turistiche.
The visitor, when he arrives in Bergamo, as soon as he gets off the Funicular that leads to the Upper Town he can't go wrong, he goes along the "decuman", the main road traced by the ancient Romans and after having traveled 300 meters he arrives at the tower, clear "Gombito" = "Cubitum "in Latin there is the Tourist Information Office.
Fausto Dellapiana on Google

Posto in via Gombito passaggio obbligato per chi visita città alta offre un servizio ottimale per tutti i turisti. La gentilezza e la professionalità del personale sono il valore aggiunto. Obbligatoria una visita anche per i bergamaschi... di sicuro vi consigleranno un angolo di Bergamo che vi era sfuggito.
Located in via Gombito, an obligatory passage for those who visit the upper town offers an optimal service for all tourists. The kindness and professionalism of the staff are the added value. A visit is also mandatory for the people of Bergamo ... for sure they will recommend a corner of Bergamo that had escaped.
Riccardo Bertola on Google

Un discreto ufficio dove poter ottenere tutte le informazioni utili per la città e non solo. Personale disponibile e competente. Integrerei il materiale a disposizione del pubblico con poster, adesivi, disegni per bambini da colorare e altro ancora, così da promuovere e diffondere ulteriormente il turismo in città e provincia. Predisporrei altresì un angolo per la vendita di libri e dvd di Bergamo.
A discreet office where you can get all the useful information for the city and beyond. Helpful and competent staff. I would integrate the material available to the public with posters, stickers, drawings for children to color and more, so as to further promote and spread tourism in the city and province. I would also set up a corner for the sale of books and DVDs in Bergamo.
Francesco Donia on Google

Soni entrato in info point Bergamo all'uscita della stazione e l'addetta è stata più du 10 minuti al telefono senza darci alcun conto.
I entered the Bergamo info point at the exit of the station and the clerk was more than 10 minutes on the phone without giving us any account.
Flea Ponce on Google

Lovely City
Werner F. on Google

Michael R. on Google

friendly stuff with lots of useful informations regarding Bergamo. A good start point to discover Bergamo

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